I would like to have some ideas on different ways to run the Father/son Cake bake and auction
We judge cakes for catagories such as tallest , longest, best theme, best spirit. Those cakes are awarded ribbons and the Remaining cakes are judged for best tasting. Those are the cakes that are acutioned off. Lastyear there were 3 best tasting and they all went for over $100. With a lot of pressure put on the parents of the scout to buy their cake back. This year we tried something different . A silent auction which kept the cost of the cakes down. But we found a lot of resistance to the change. You know if you have done something one way for a while it shouldn't change. We are concerned about the cost and would like to include everyone not just the scout family that baked the cake (who may not be able to afford to buy back their cake).