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Everything posted by Gone

  1. But I was honestly interested in container prices to Moscow and how to rent a car in Hanoi!
  2. I suspect there might be one of three issues going on here. First, my.scouting.org may not have the feature activated despite the menu option being there. That means that you can click and click all day long but it is not linked to update to anything. OR My.scouting.org may be a read-only copy of the BSA authentication system. That means that while you can log in to both sites, you can only change your PW at one of them: myscouting.org. OR The my.scouting.org site's user authentication system is a copy of the myscouting.org system BUT it only updates at night (or some other frequency). To test this theory you can try this: Try to log in to myscouting.org and change your password there. If it is issue #2 you should be able to get in to both sites right away. If it is issue #1 or #3 it might take a few hours for my.scouting.org to replicate the changes made at myscouting.org. If you are not an IT person this may not make much sense. Frankly, as an IT person this whole process does not make sense because no IT person worth their daily pay would do such a thing. PM me if you still have issues.
  3. The latter bit, @@Stosh, means that your YPT expires in 2 years, 91 days.
  4. If his tax liability exceeds the minimum allowed, he files. Happened last year. If he raises money for a project that is a pass through, then I don't have to claim it. If he gets a gift of money he's taught to declare it as income.
  5. If you have contact with our scouts you need YPT. Given it is a 30 min or less online commitment our folks don't blink. They have to do something similar in the schools just to visit campus so doing an online training course for scouts is no big deal.
  6. Had a similar issue. Scout said he planned to be involved for "a long time". Quit right after his paperwork came back. Made it a point to drop by his house and remind him of his promise in front of his parents. Did not good, but called him out right there. We still think of that kid as the least "Eagle-like" of any of the Eagles we've honored. On the latter point, this year alone we have 12 guys turn 18, all but two made Eagle. They stayed in all the way. Had coffee with one yesterday who is leaving for college. Great JASM. Two are seniors and are taking IOLS to become ASMs their senior year. Not sure if it is the food we eat as SMs or for bragging rights as being the first two scouts to officially cross over directly from youth-to-adult status, but who care. It took a LONG time to build that level of participation. We have 12 juniors and 10 sophomores still in. About 14 freshman. I'd say about 80% or more will stick around through senior year. Not bad.
  7. I do. It happened to me. Welcome to the club. You are now one of a growing group of 5,000+ people who had your existing wiped out by BSA IT. Call the contact number on the myscouting.org website. You will spend about 15 mins waiting. When you get someone they will take down your info and try to help. They will be unsuccessful. They will then kindly tell you that you are "one of a few" people who inadvertently had your account wiped out. You will need to create a new one. When you do you will use your BSA ID and they will swear your account is linked back to your original profile. This is where you reach in to your pocket and throw this... You need to do the following: Make sure they flag your account as having been lost and give them your old UID and BSA ID. This will "escalate" the issue to the engineering team which will keep it highly visible until they fix the problem. In the IT industry we call this an L3 issue and it usually gets higher attention then other issues. Create a new account with your BSA ID. Confirm it works. Log in to my.scouting.org (NOT myscouting.org) and verify that ALL of your training is on your dashboard. They were rolling out that feature when I called so much of my data did not show. Your account will NOT work on myscouting.org's dashboard anymore. While you can still log in there you will not see your status or anything. PM me if you have any issues. The BSA guy I got was nice enough, but did not fess up to the whole data loss issue nor the botched roll out of their application. A few guys I know in Dallas gave me the back story. Was not pretty. Make sure you don't get off the phone until your account on my.scouting.org shows all your training. Keep that trouble ticket open until your account is totally back.
  8. Just to illustrate where BSA is on the issue of "crowd funding", here's a good link. They don't address asking for money for personal use per se, but they do discuss it for general fund raising and specifically for Eagle projects.
  9. This happens every weekend with teams making billions on such appropriations. Other than the obvious contentious "appropriations" you don't see too many people complaining about stereotyping Cowboys or Raiders or Rangers or Giants. If the OA was performing their ceremonies like some bad B western Indians then I could see the indignation. I just don't see the fuss here.
  10. I don't agree with @@CalicoPenn much ( ) but we agree on this. I cannot find anything that says this is not allowed, but as a parent I would not be thrilled about it. Why? Because this is the virtual equivalent of pan-handling. I *could* see it for an Eagle project, especially if the project is benefiting someone other than the scout. What this scout is doing is asking for "passersby" to give him money so he can do something with it for personal gain. He might as well be buying an Xbox with the money. I hope the family is claiming this as other income on their annual taxes. My kid washed cars, mowed lawns, took care of pets, etc., to raise money for him to go to Philmont AND to buy his gear. This scout is taking the easy way out. Cannot believe the parents sanction this. We could not afford to send our sons to Philmont either, so they worked. Why can't this kid?
  11. ...or Ole Miss Not unless the namesRice, Meissner and Edlemann are Cherokee and part of that lost tribe.
  12. So one can be 5'4", 300 lbs, have high cholesterol and still be "personally fit" and get the MB? Last time I checked that MB requirements you had to show progress over a period of time. That requires effort and progress. It's the same with requiring guys to know their core skills. The rest of my reply above still stands.
  13. Password is found in that same area.
  14. It is not required nationally. I should have been more specific, it is required in my council.
  15. There great books out there written about how the Civil War's historical perspective was being white-washed as early as 1882, with the biggest push being in the 1920-40s. The current round of historical editing is not the first....nor will it be the last.
  16. The US military has it too. Just sayin'. Always has.
  17. I think you meant registration and not YPT. The latter is currently required for all adults coming in contact with scouts on events. First, all adults would be screened by BSA as part of membership registration. People that might otherwise slip through the cracks will not be precluded from going on events. Second, unit leaders would no longer solely bear the risk of deciding who can/can't go on camp outs. This is the very reason our unit requires membership. Our leaders don't want to be personally liable if some unregistered adult turns out to be a convicted felon. The risk reduction would be in having the membership requirement sort of pre-screen anyone who is allowed around the kids and put the BSA approval on them. Right now the pool of people coming in to contact with scouts is not filtered. By filtering that group the risk is substantially reduced.
  18. We do this now. To attend any event adults need to be registered and YPT-trained. Never had a single person complain. The recent membership policy change puts BSA in a real predicament. They will need to 1) decrease their operational risk, and 2) find new revenue resources to make up for those going away. Requiring all adults to be registered will kill two birds with one stone. I would not be so sure that this is just opinion from his district or council. I heard the exact same thing while in Dallas last week attending a council discussion with several national representatives present. This very issue came up with the reply above being the statement from one of the national people in attendance and fielding questions.
  19. Well, they've already deleted my myscouting data. Not sure they can do more than that. The fun part is that if the PLAN to do IT harm to me it will take several years and they will get it wrong. If they DON'T plan to do IT harm to me, it will happen today and wipe out my existence.
  20. My kids wonder why I'm "not like other parents" who constantly remind them to "do this" or "do that". I told them simply, "It's your responsibility, not mine." I *will* shut down cable so that the TV and Internet don't work. What they do after that is their prerogative. I'll remind them but I won't force them. Not my job. They'll learn.
  21. Unit level. Used to be able to have a Training Chair edit training. Don't think that exists anymore.
  22. Let's face it, one person's "test" is another person's discussion. How can you evaluate if a scout is learning ANYTHING without "testing" them in some way. If you ask him about tying knots, you are in essence testing his recall of how he was taught. So what's the difference if you ask him to tie a knot? The spirit behind the "you can't re-test" idea is that the BOR is not intending to fail or not pass a scout if they cannot tie that knot. It DOESN'T mean you can't ask him to tie the know, it just means you can't fail him if he doesn't remember how. As for training your BOR members might I suggest: Include BOR preparation as part of your annual parent training. We use this site as a great way to get them up to speed. Each quarter get a pool of folks to volunteer to be on BORs. Rotate this pool. Had a former county clerk (who managed jury pools) come up with this idea. Worked great!!). Have someone from this pool be your trainer for future pools. Train the trainer so to speak.
  23. Sign in. Go to the upper right hand corner and select from the littler person icon My Account. Change the fields and save. Getting your training update is a bit different. One of your Key 3 with edit rights in to the membership data are the only ones who can change training data. If you are one of those people you can change or update any training EXCEPT for yourself.
  24. Meh....and H2 ran a series this week on it where they had a whole section dedicated to the topic of why the rebel soldiers fought and died, and not one of the experts noted "not preserve slavery". In fact Ben Stein said outright, "Many think e war was about slavery, but that's the tip of the iceberg. It's the easy answer everyone gives. It was so much more than that."
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