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Winter campouts and boredom... any ideas?
Gone replied to SpEdScouter's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Cards, dessert contest, skits, astronomy, night hike, backgammon, chess, etc. Never electronics. -
Nope...too much hassle to track and award.
@@SSScout is it cost versus value. High adventure bases are usually pricey but the value is usually there. Some HA bases are a bit steep and you could likely do better building your own package through a reputable outfitter. Jambo and World Jambo are just way too expensive for what amounts to a giant coffee klatsch. Over $5500 for me and my scout to go to Jambo? Even if I staff it I have to pay? There's little value there. Local camporee is hit or miss but our costs are low, so even if the value is low the boys still get to camp and cook. NOAC I don't see value in unless you are REALLY in to OA.
It has been by experience that troops that are this unwelcoming of other adults are usually VERY adult-run, not boy-run. If that's the case, find another unit. If that's not the case, sit down with the TC chair and the SM and ask what you can do to help. If they are still cold but the boys are getting what they should out of the program then that will be a tough call.
We have a letter from the IRS validating our approach to this issue. That's the get out of jail free card. IRS will give those, but you have to ask.
I think you missed the part where I said we had a former IRS tax auditor (and our legal counsel) look at this issue and our set up meets the IRS directives. Too many lay people read "no private benefit" and stop there. They don't bother to get direction directly from IRS as to what does and does not convey private benefit.
And it is such a simple thing to create....and yet they don't. Sad.
But how heavily should you weight loyalty? From my perspective it would be the deciding factor if things are even. If not, I would not feel compelled to go to my pack's CO troop if they were not a better fit than the others. Also, one thing to consider not yet mentioned: How open are units to change? Those that are not usually have both good and bad "traditions" that might not fit with you or your son. Change is needed...especially when the old guard moves on and the new folks become those who rule.
So from the exploitation of those of Greek decent to those exploiting tigers, the corn-husking industry or people who exploited the westward expansion. I hear the University of North Texas has 36,000 students and a big campus. Their msacot is a green eagle and they are called "Mean Green". Even the left wing tree huggers would have a tough time finding something to picket there. They even have Mable Peabody's downtown.
Encouraging Volunteering And Participation
Gone replied to ShutterbugMom's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Yup. MBC or ASM or committee member. All adults are required to help with at least one service project a year too. No free lunch in MT...but when we do, it's BBQ. -
Don't have that problem. We have a memo of understanding on all fund raising what the scope of the funds is for. This is part of making sure we document how the money was raised, by who and for what purpose. Required to insulated against the "personal benefit" IRS stipulation.
They can't even get it out of PDF. The one on the App Store is a non-searchable pdf-style doc. I have the last edition on a searchable pdf. Much easier. You can find them on the Internet if you look hard enough.
I would add: How do you handle disciplinary issues? Have you ever had a serious accident or problem in the troop? How was it handled? Are your adult leaders trained? What training do they have? Are your youth leaders trained? What training do they have? What leadership positions are scouts allowed to have in the first year? Second year? What are the requirements for these leadership positions? (Hint: they should have a document they can email to you) What % of your boys are 11-13? 14-16? Over 16? How active are each of these age groups (e.g., how often do the older scouts show up and help at meetings or camp outs?) I could go on. I was one of those guys who had 400 questions. Basically my questions fell in to a few categories. First, how vibrant was the troop? How active were they? Did they have a good supply of young leaders or were they all 16 and never really around? I wanted to make sure that super-scout 16 year old SPL was not just window dressing and that these super scouts would be around. Second, I wanted to know about the training of the leaders. Leaders who have a lot of BSA training are usually very BSA oriented and usually are more patient with kids....not always, but usually. Also, I wanted to know that when my kid is in the wild he will have folks who know when to take shelter and when to head home. Did they know first aid or wilderness first aid? Were their shotgun range folks certified. Did they have the proper ratio of RSOs/Instructors to shooters. Third, I wanted to know how the unit ran their leadership for youth. Was there training? Did younger scouts get leadership opportunities or were they reserved for older scouts? How did they develop their leaders? My last issue was their outdoor program and their troop meetings. If they didn't camp a lot or go on high adventure the likely were not a good fit. If their troop meetings were boring talkfests, then they'd likely bore my scout and he'd quit. To find out ask to attend several meetings. You will see if it is boy-run or adult-run. You will find out if it is boring or not. I am sure others will post a ton of other questions. These were my chief concerns.
Misrepresentation During A Board Of Review
Gone replied to Jodie's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Correct. But one would think that if a district exec gets p.o.'d about a patrol going to play laser tag (on their own time and not in uniform) he'd be more upset about a unit-sponsored event where violent video games that are expressly created for killing human analogs are being played. This is the same guy that did not like our archery range that had 3D animal targets on it...said it simulated hunting. Yet he has no problem with Billy taking out Tommy with a head shot playing GTA? We are way off topic. My apologies. -
Boy raises troop funds for a specific purpose, he gets to use those funds for that. If extenuating circumstances arise where he cannot use those funds, the troop has a policy that he can use them next year OR use those funds to defray other camping costs. They are earmarked from the fund raiser for "camping" and noted as such in our accounting. If he does not use them for camping they go back in the general fund, which is usually used to benefit one of our many service projects. The troop derives no income. Our books balance year on year, though there are carry-over funds which are allocated to long-term deposits for activities. Helps to have a CPA and former IRS employee running the books.
Misrepresentation During A Board Of Review
Gone replied to Jodie's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Oddly enough, one of our kids went to a lock in with another unit. Dad went too. Was a video game lock in. One of the district pooh-bahs was there...the one always quoting chapter and verse about BSA policies. Guess what the most popular games being played were? Call of Duty, Halo and GTA. District guy didn't flinch once so I am told. Makes you want to host a Super-Soaker event and invite him. -
If Bobby's share is $250 and then he gets sick and cannot go to summer camp, the money can be allocated for next summer.
Encouraging Volunteering And Participation
Gone replied to ShutterbugMom's topic in Open Discussion - Program
We tried the "you work or you pay" approach a while back and half the folks opened their check books. Didn't help. While you had the money you were still burning out the parents who volunteered. So a long while back we made this simple change: Your kid joins, you join, you sign up to work something or hold some role. Period. If you don't, we're not the unit for you. We lost a few (a handful really) but we GAINED so many more. There are people out there dying to help, but they usually like to join groups of like-minded folks. That way they know that if they need a break someone will fill in for them. Checkbook parents are not worth the trouble. Their kids usually have the same mentality. -
@@Hedgehog is right. Same with hydration. It's not a request, it's an order. The consequences of not obeying can affect the whole crew. Sunscreen or water or anything, if asked to,do it you do it.
You can raise money as a unit for summer camp. Those who participate each have an equal share put aside for them (scout account). Those who do not get nothing. This is okay. And we've run this past our tax attorney (and former IRS employee).
In a word, deposits. These are needed in many cases 12-18 months in advance of a trip. Some families don't have that money right away and need to fund raise for it. Unless your unit plans 18-24 months in advance and fund raises for those events, deposits will be needed.
Es gab keine Umlaute da zu benutzen. Technically if you're using Bavarian (g'suffa) it would be "Eis, Zwoa, Drei". But few self-respecting Bavarians would be caught dead on the Wies'n.
Misrepresentation During A Board Of Review
Gone replied to Jodie's topic in Open Discussion - Program
It may be in Texas but it ain't run by Texans. That's obvious. Btw, had a parent meetin last night. Have a trip to the state fair planned. Some brought up, tongue in cheek, that to comply with BSA policy we'd have to watch what carnival games our scouts played. If we follow BSA policy around the whole squirt gun issue, now our scouts can't hit the midway and play the water guns. I wasn't aware but innocent ceramic clowns are being injured leading to aggravated abuse of real clowns with handguns nationwide by former scouts. -
I wonder if German Anericans will put an end to people wearing silly hats and leather pants this Oktober. How racist is that? I'll be throngs of Germans will protest THAT exploitation.