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Everything posted by Gone

  1. @@blw2, the best you can do it prepare all the materials you will transition, have someone under study you if possible, document anything you need the next person to know and, if possible, have a transition meeting. That's in a prefect world. You are right to pick a deadline and stick to it, and once you leave, leave. Cub units will NEVER function without you unless your rip the band-aid off. They will sit there and sit there until it's too late. Giving them notice was nice. More you cannot do. Have a Tiger or Wolf parent step up, get trained and take the reigns. Not your problem after you leave. Not your problem to find your replacement. There's being nice and then there's being overly nice. People will take advantage of both.
  2. Source? I have heard the complete opposite...and from someone on the group working on SB at national.
  3. We have 3-4 a year. January is usually 45 mins or less. We usually have about 10-15 rank advancements, a few special awards and about 20-30 MBs. May we recognize the new scouts and their earning Scout. This is about 30 mins. We usually do this in place of a regular meeting. August is the big one. That is post summer camp and usually have 25+ ranks and nearly 200 MBs. November (if needed) get the stragglers from summer camp who did not complete rank or MBs. Usually less than an hour, also usually held on meeting night. ECOHs that are added on to existing COHs are usually pretty short, about 30 mins depending on speakers. The stand alone ones tend to be pretty grandiose and long. An hour plus. Dread those unless they are fun. Most go for fun or funny with a solemn moment for the award. The tear-jerker ones tend to go on and on and on and on.
  4. With our unit, we work with the families to pick a date. It must work with the unit calendar and cannot cannibalize any unit events. If they go "rogue" and decide to do their own thing, that's fine, but I cannot guarantee unit participation or leader availability. Thankfully 99% of ECOHs are either after regular COHs or stand alone. Since we do less than 9 Eagles a year the break down is about 50/50 stand alone versus add-on COHs.
  5. This was also introduced in to a current discussion here.
  6. Yes if parents send edit their data in SOAR/mytroop instead of sending it in for someone to edit in TM you will get out of sync. We have an adult and scout webmaster who keep that data current. Ideally SOAR and TM would sync bidirectional.
  7. We've requested council not send them. Told them to save the money and apply to our troop FOS donation. No one uses them. Waste of time and money better spent elsewhere.
  8. So BSA does this out of the blue? No dialog? Imagine how that kid feels. How "feeling" of BSA. Where's the tolerance here, Mr. Gates?
  9. ...or some scout that needs the COH emcee job for the Communications MB.
  10. Nope. I am talking about air born, food born, water born, etc. Even assuming hands are clean, using your method and not sanitizing you run the risk of not fully killing something. Again, assuming hands are clean, adding sanitizing to the process goes that extra step to kill what might be left hanging around. I agree clean hands, good hygiene and proper storage techniques are also important, but sanitizing is not a frivolous step.
  11. You says it's unnecessary but experts say otherwise. There are bacteria and viruses that live on surfaces despite using your method. Sanitizing introduces oxidation which breaks down those organisms. I would not call that unnecessary.
  12. Viruses aren't killed by soap and water and sometimes not by heat, hence sanitizing.
  13. Have them run a program to fix the other broken councils please. You've reached nirvana.
  14. The roster we submit is updated by our unit quarterly. We make sure when we submit our charter we de-dupe our roster from council and make sure old members are gone and new members are on. What we get back nearly six months later bears little resemblance to what we submitted. Neither roster nor cards are accurate. Most years the roster does not match the cards sent. Go figure. My thoughts too. We make sure council has a complete list from us. The error is in their data input. We've already resent out paperwork to council. They know they've screwed up. This is an annual thing they do and not just with us. Takes them most of the year to get it right....yet they want $$$ for FOS. Since the paperwork is considered submitted when it arrives at council, we have copies of everyone's applications. We are covered. It just takes council 2-3 whacks at the paperwork to get it right. Now, if BSA simply assumed people were members UNLESS they were removed by units, that would solve our problem.
  15. Why? If the water is clean and the process well-run, you should be good.
  16. Sorry @@fred johnson I think Eagle mills have made that vision a thing of the past...
  17. I should be clearer @@fred johnson, we *DO* use cards just not blue cards. We use a computerized print out similar to the blue card, it is just not the official blue card stock. Most camps we've been to in the last 5 years do not use blue cards. When our scouts get back they get a completed or partial card for their record...it's just not a blue card. We *do* use blue stock though. Much cheaper, same look and feel. Easier to manage. Less process and fewer trips to the scout shop.
  18. Two types: Stand Alone ECOH: Family schedules through the COR. Responsible for everything: set up, clean up, script, props, A/V, etc. We have a script library they can use. We have unit props they can use. All is in a troop storage locker. COR works with the family to make sure they have what they need from the unit. The scout and the family coordinate all other stuff. Unit will help with mailing lists, etc. "Piggy-Back" ECOH: When this follows a regular COH. We close the standard COH and then convene the ECOH. If there are special things the ECOH family wants done they work with the COR and scout running the COH to coordinate, otherwise, the Eagle family is responsible for anything else (see stand alone ECOH) they may need.
  19. The sanitizing step will keep you from having to do that extra step at home.
  20. Our unit is going that route too. Most camps we attend do not use blue cards anymore, rather they use the computerized cards. Much cheaper.
  21. No. But doing what these people did does make them bad people. Since when is working with kids with disabilities "therapy"? Really? Pretty lame comment.
  22. If this happened at a scouting event then shouldn't it be a scouting issue? If two scouts were involved, and not parents, would you have the same position?
  23. Did you miss the part where these pervs were violating their restraining orders? That's a violation of the law. Of the cases reported, nearly 70% in that area turned out to be violations of the law. That's a pretty damn good ratio of stops to crime. You think those guys were just lost? Please! So the 30% that were stopped for probable cause were clean. One guy was peaking in the locker room. Turned out to be a parent looking for their kid, but who in their right mind does that? He created suspicion and was stopped and questioned. Big deal. Don't act like a perv and you won't raise suspicion.
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