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Everything posted by Gone

  1. $10/month? Overall? How much labor/materials goes in to getting that $10?
  2. Thread here http://scouter.com/index.php/topic/27338-sad-day-at-philmont/ Edit by Packsaddle: See my edit comment in the previous post by TAHAWK. I left this one intact with this explanation...in case it doesn't make sense sometime when someone is reading these two posts in the future. Both posts were 'merged' from a later thread that duplicated this one.
  3. Had the same issue. Sat down with Scout and parents and asked him to walk us through his cooking. There was no way given the number of times he said he cooked that he could have completed the TF, SC and FC cooking requirements AND the cooking MB requirements. Got signed off at an MB college and the MBC never confirmed he did the work. Worked with the scout and parents to correct the problem and move forward. Folks who want the "fast track" know not to join our unit. Those few who do and don't like it know where the door is.
  4. @@Stosh not sure what you mean by "once and done" unless you mean that you want the scout to demonstrate proficiency with a skill. I agree. But how many times does a scout have to tie a bowline before he's considered to have learned it well?
  5. ...and more heavy rain today too. Appears the flood swept the canyon early in the AM. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/abq/
  6. If not signed off at camp by the first year program lead then we do it in the troop. Instructors sit down and ask them to demonstrate each requirement completed. EDGE and then signed off.
  7. We've never had an issue doing it this way. Boy signs up for camp with other troop. That troop provides blue cards to camp. Camp MBC signs off on blue card as completed (or partial) MB. Blue card given to scout to come back to our troop for SM to sign off on completed card. Card given to advancement chair, processes and awarded at post-summer camp COH. Done and dusted.
  8. Soccer and other sports cost WAY more than $24...but do THEY have national databases on predators? Nope. They do the same background checks as BSA...if you're lucky. So the relationship of cost to security from abusers is not there. More money spent does not equal greater security from predators.
  9. White and green one is obviously Greek. ΕΣΟ ΕΤΟΙΜΟΣ or Eso Etoimos means Be Prepared. I think the trident is merely the Greek version of the fluer de lis and don't think it is associated with sea scouts, but on that count I am not sure. My college Greek could be off but I am pretty sure that's an accurate translation. I'm better with Russian and Czech.
  10. TX had nearly 4' of water since Feb! Some lakes were 20+' below stage and are now above their normal level. Amazing!!
  11. Many libraries have scanners and will allow you to use them. Some librarians will not allow you to scan documents wholesale as it may be a violation of copyright...depending on what you are scanning. Pretty sure that's copyrighted.
  12. You can set most accounts to notify you for any transactions over a certain amount. Simply select that amount and you get your notification....to up to five email accounts. Bank of America.
  13. Makes you wonder what the Girl Scouts and Y-guides do there.
  14. Montana Council merged four councils as I recall. Membership has stayed constant as I recall.
  15. We used to have more than two councils. The biggest covers 12,000+ scouts across the state not including those in the NE part of the state part of Northern Lights.
  16. This is interesting. http://scoutingwire.org/one-thing-you-may-not-know-about-earning-eagle-scout-before-1965/
  17. http://www.wktv.com/news/Two_local_Boy_Scout_Councils_consider_consolidation.html
  18. What is in it for him is clear: Money. So no one is questioning why he's in it. That's pretty darn obvious. I would also suspect some closure is in it for him; perhaps even some retribution for him at BSA if he's at all bitter about any potential BSA mishandling of of the situation. Again, many are just questioning the timing. Maybe it take this long to put together his case. Maybe it doesn't, hence the question. It just seems odd that since many victims want closure -- and justice for themselves and punishment for their abusers -- that he'd wait until after his abuser is dead. Perhaps that is explained by it taking a while to build the case. Perhaps it doesn't. We simply don't know. But no one is questioning his motives, in fact many are acknowledging and even supporting them. Good for him! Get the money. If he has a case then he deserves to get whatever the law allows.
  19. So non-white people don't want any of those things? One visit to China for anyone who had been there pre-1999 would wipe that thought right out. One would thing most people would want those things, apart from small pockets of people (e.g. the Aboriginal people) that don't want to own BMWs and live in LA. Though I suspect if they ever drove the 850i they'd change their mind in a heartbeat.
  20. I see people questioning the TIMING, not the motivation.
  21. @@NJCubScouter I don't think anyone I've read is faulting the guy for coming forward. However why after the abuser died? Wouldn't he get more closure facing him? Why wait a few years after the statute is in effect? Ok, maybe it took that long to get the case together, but it looks suspicious. Also, why not come forward earlier after the attack? Again, the victim might have had problems coming to terms with the issue and the statute of limitations passed when he finally did. It's not the motives for coming forward folks are questioning, it's the timing.
  22. Odd because I used two different computers to post those. I could understand if it was the same computer. Also was on two different networks.
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