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Everything posted by Gone

  1. No. I am saying that some of those that support the BSA policy change, and gay rights as a whole, are being intolerant of religious conservatives (or simply anyone who is using their religious beliefs as a basis for opposing gay rights) in the exercising of their Constitutional righ to apply their religious beliefs to who can/can't join their unit.
  2. I'm tapping out on this one. We don't see eye to eye on this. I do see your point, I just think it's exaggerated.
  3. The Fargo report says they can pick their leaders. The Bismarck report says that the disaffiliation is now in effect. I was responding to the inference that the Fargo comments might allow the "local option", whereas the Bismarck comments are very clear that they will not be associated with BSA anymore. The point being that the Fargo comments did not seem as clear a directive as the Bismarck comments. We agree the Bismarck comments say flat out scouts are gone there.
  4. We plan in June and July. Our Scout Year runs from September-August. We start with the a meeting run by the PLC where the patrols have their members show up with 12 monthly themes, 3 service project ideas, 2 fund-raising ideas and 7-10 camping locations. If they have a summer camp idea (location) they come with 1-2 of those too. This gets rolled up in to a master list. The PLC then meets to put themes with months, identify key dates on the annual calendar, pick locations, put the service projects et.al. on the calendar and then when it is all done, sends to the TC for implementation and confirmation the plan meets the annual troop budget. This is all boy-led but advised by the adults. We also include high adventure in the planning, especially planning 18 and 24 months in advance for things like Seabase, Philmont, Kandersteig, etc. Next year we have a tour of Alaska, glacier climbing, kayaking, many backpacking treks, mountain biking, ziplines, and a few other special events planned. Themes are cooking, camping, wilderness survival, climbing, eprep, pioneering, orienteering, citizenship and robotics. Service projects are too many to count, but roughly ten. Fund-raisers are several but pancake breakfast for the CO is the big hit.
  5. This is amusing. Why? Because I don't care what other people do, I just don't want to have it forced down my throat. I've never denigrated anyone for who they are, I just don't believe it in reasons of faith. Let's not lump people who disagree with you with murders, gay bashers, etc. That's the sort of hyperbole that the left uses to shut down real discussion. No one here that I have seen have taken such a radical position. To equate us with people like that is as if we were to identify you radical left-wing activists. Most normal folks here haven't done that...I don't think anyone has, so let's stay grounded, shall we?
  6. All that says is that they can pick leaders consistent with "religious principles". That's the same thing they said in Bismark but they went further to define what the principle was. I doubt Fargo is going to go another direction from Bismark. We shall see watch the Archdiocese says.
  7. From the current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, page 4.While not a requirement for Eagle (Requirement #5), it seems to be a suggested part of the project results for the Eagle candidate to track the hours worked as well as the number of people who helped.This has always been one of my arguments in BSA's lack of clarity around what is/isn't "required" as part of the project. If BSA wants the data, put it in the deliverables (the Final Report) for the project. I have seen district folks interpret this passage as a required output from the Eagle Project report. We counsel all of our candidates to include FTE data and hour in their final report. @@lepzid we track and input ALL service hours for each Scout, including Eagle Project hours. If an Eagle candidate spent 200 hours working his project he should get credit for them.
  8. To be more accurate, this is the model I have. Average I would say. Expected better. Was one of the better ones on the market at the time for light weight chargers. Best to charge from an outlet before you leave. Then recharge (takes all day) after first charge. Gave only about a 30% boost. I hear the latest ones are better but I would advise you to try before you buy if you can.
  9. You think there will be funding for DEs after this? Our district is already looking for alternate places to hold district events. The current location is a very nice LDS church. When that goes away it will be hard to find another CO willing to let the district meet there as often as it does.
  10. @@Merlyn_LeRoy I know the two issues are not similar. I was (poorly) trying to tie multiple possibilities of ideas BSA does not (currently) consider scout-like to address the statement "we will not discriminate". I suspect at some point his CO does discriminate. They'd have to to adhere to BSA policy on atheists.
  11. Well said. However I think the key flaw in the analogies drawn between soccer teams (or other activities) is that the Diocese is being asked to sponsor BSA units. Unless the diocese is huge they usually don't have their own soccer leagues. I coach my daughters' soccer teams, which are sponsored by the church but play in an outside league, and I must adhere to Catholic beliefs and the diocese dictates. I suspect the decision comes down to a combination of religious convictions and, I hate to say this, liability. The diocese cannot expose themselves (pun not intended) to any further liability.
  12. The dads I know in both GS and BS joke frequently that we should file a lawsuit against GSUSA to force them to open up and be more accepting/tolerant as BS is being asked to be. Could you imagine the clamor if we treated gay adults like that (escorting out)? Don't see much outrage by straight dads in GSUSA do you? Why? We've accepted that it's a private organization and part of their mission is to protect girls, even though dads are openly discriminated against and all are assumed to be pedophiles in the making.
  13. Rick you're still missing the point, from her BIBLICAL perspective, she's spot on. In other words, from her religious views what GSUSA is doing has nothing to do with Biblcal teachings and is not a role for GSUSA. You are looking at this from YOUR perspective. Look at it from HER perspective and through the filter of the mission of her organization. When you do that and account for,her religious beliefs, she's right. That's where the argument lies. GSUSA does not belong talking to girls about such issues according to that organization. That's their opinion and position.
  14. I hear rumors that our diocese will do the same. Looks like we are gonna be looking for a new CO. I wonder how many diocese will do the same.
  15. I have a Solio from 2010. It's okay but does take all day to provide a modest 30% charge on a new iPhone.
  16. But what if they practice it visibly? What if they don't say the pledge or really believe in citizenship? What then?
  17. If you think the left's management of this issue with regard to the right's exercise of their religious beliefs is tolerant then I can't help you. Religious protection is expressly called out in the constitution. Need I say more?
  18. My point remains, the country is split on the gay rights issue. It not like those against are some small minority. The liberals are merely demonizibg those who don't agree with them and belittling the religious beliefs behind the conservative's reasoning. If that's no intolerance I don't know what is. Let's not sugar coat it.
  19. Again, you filter what is said through your head and make it out what you want it to be, rather than reading what she said and looking at the programs GSUSA implements. If you look at what they talk about about with girls, and try to look at it from that organization's point of view, then YES it *IS* true. You completely ignore the organizations focus and beliefs.
  20. So they will allow atheists? That's a reasonable question for them.
  21. TM Mobile should be a companion to TM desktop. It is not really meant to be a stand-alone product. It is for when you need a lite version of the application so you can record attendance or requirement completion while on the road.
  22. That's $15 million in just dues. Add in the FOS loss and the losses within supply (scout stuff) and I would wager that number is a great deal higher. Can BSA survive? Sure....but what will it look like? How will they make up the loss in revenue? What programs or camps will have to close? Losing that many members and their wallets will hurt. Who knows what other losses BSA will take?
  23. More "tolerant"? At some point those supporting the inclusion of gay leaders need to realize -- or should I say, be more tolerant -- of the religious beliefs of those against it. It's pretty hypocritical to call the conservative religious folks intolerant when doing so is being intolerant of their freedom of religion. If, as you say, BSA has been mulling this over for "decades", then their mishandling of the timing of this announcement and lack of a back-up plan to fill the gap of funding about to go out the door is even more silly. BSA is demonstrating no head for business here, and that's not good for an organization hemorrhaging membership and sponsorship dollars.
  24. Nicely taken out of context. Given the mission of the speaker's organization is to "apply biblical principles to public policy in areas of 'the family, the sanctity of human life, religious liberty, education, pornography and national sovereignty,'" and then look at how the GSUSA works to work in sexual and reproductive health issues in to their program, you can see how the statement would make sense from the speaker's perspective. It's hardly untrue now, is it? If BSA were to have similar relations and similar discussions from a conservative perspective, you could time the amount of time it would take for a liberal group to file a lawsuit with an egg timer.
  25. The LDS church seems to be a bit miffed at 1) BSA moving faster than they said in May, and 2) the timing of the change coming without and any discussion with who amounts to be the largest share-holder in the organization. No business worth their stock would make a decision about future direction without first having in-depth conversations with their largest member. This may just be the straw that breaks the came's back as far as LDS is concerned. The bigger question is, why does there have to be a "fight" in the first place? BSA seems to be trying to bend over backwards to please one group while not considering the repercussions of their actions. They are hardly prepared for what they (BSA) have done.
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