Hello fellow scouters.I thought I should introduce myself before I surf the different topics and share my thoughts and questions concerning scouting.
I have been in scouting off an on since 1976 when I was a CubScout all the way to recieveing my Eagle w/silver palms in 1983.I became I Pack leader in 2001 when my son wanted to be a Cub Scout and have been in it since.I am currently a Assisitant Scoutmaster and District Program/Activity Chair.Attending most all training except any Venturing.Completed SR-764(antelope) and have recieved the District Award of Merit& Sliver Beaver in my Council.
I know it might be hard to believe but I dont like "totting" my horn but I feel I should share a little back ground in experience to who this is typing and sharing his thoughts.
I live for the Scouting movement and do all I can to continue the vision Scouting was in 1910 in America.I have to be honest(as a Scout should) and say I am not a big fan of the WSM and the direction I have noticed it seems to be going.But I am respectful to the WSM as we are brothers and sisters in Scouting.
Well thats it
Mike P
Arrowhead District