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Everything posted by Morasch

  1. Great posts & responses to my question and concern. Thank You! Just to go on record about our Treasurer - there are no major problems here. This is simply a situation where our current Treasurer has been in the same role for about 6 years plus, and there are many on the Committee (my troop has 35 registered adults) who would like to do that task. Plus, since his son got his Eagle and aged out at 18, he has missed a number of Committee meetings, and rarely ever attends a troop meeting or outing anymore. He has no other younger sons coming in from Cubs. In general, he is rarely visible, where a regular presence would be needed - such as being able to ask for a check cut in person, hand deposits too, etc.. Most work now is conveyed via US Mail, or through our Asst. Treasurer (who is authorized to make deposits only, but not write checks). A year ago, he indicated a desire to step down, but then suddenly, and for no reason given, changed his mind and said he wishes to continue to be the Troop Treasurer. I'm reluctant to give this fellow the boot, as he served for many years very well. However, I'm now getting complaints from other Troop Committee members that it's more difficult when the Treasurer is rarely around anymore. Some have recommended to me that I simply re-assign him to another task, which I've given some serious thought to. That way, he is not being kicked out, or "fired", but then again, from his perspective, yanking the treasurer's job away from him would be perceived by him as being fired, no matter what other position I assigned him too. It's now time again for me to sit down with him and have a heart to heart talk about having better attendance and being more visible / available. In other words: - do your thing, or get off the pot...! Ahh - life at the top as Committee Chair is never easy!!
  2. The BSA official Troop Committee Guidebook is not clear on this. The most direct statement is on page 7, which states: (Under the title of Chartered Organization)- "Each chartered organization using the Scouting Program provides a meeting place, selects a Scoutmaster, appoints a troop committee of at least three adults, and chooses a chartered organization representative". Then down under the Chartered Organization Representative's job description is stated: "Secures a troop committee chair and encourages training". On page 14 of the job description of Committee Chair, is stated: " Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated and completed". Exactly how are the committee positions like Secretary, Treasurer, etc. decided on? It is clear that the Chartered Organization Rep decides on who is the Committee Chair. But it is not clear on the other positions. From reading other forums, it is implied that the Committee Chair appoints all the other committee positions. There is no election. Is this true, and where is it stated in official BSA literature? I have one committee member who has been in the same position for a long time, and refuses to step down. There are many other qualified committee members who want and deserve to step up and fill that position. Can I as the Committee Chair force him to step down, and then simply appoint another committee member to fill that position?
  3. Thanks for all your excellent responses! FYI - Here is the "official", in writing response that I just received from our Council District Executive: "If the Troop raised the $ for the equipment, then the Troop has ownership and can determine it's use until that time that the Troop fails to re-charter. After that point the Chartering Organization owns all funds and assets associated with Troop XXX. The Council owns nothing including the funds in the unit's account at Council."
  4. The document is called: "Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America", #57-492. There is another seperate document called; "Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America", #57-491. I have never seen these posted on the Internet. I got my copies from the local Council Executive for free. You can also purchase these direct from National (they are no longer available from Supply Division). Copies are $1.50 each, including shipping & handling. Mail your request & paymet to: Boy Scouts of America, Mail/Purchasing S10, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079 Make check payable to "Boy Scouts of America Account 79005-0260".
  5. Who owns Troop equipment - the troop, or the chartered organization? This question has come up as my troop is in a situation where both the Troop and a seperately chartered Venture Crew (NOT a Venture Patrol) are both chartered by the SAME chartered organization. The troop is very strong, and has had many successful fundraisers, enabling the troop to purchase both a trailer and top notch camping gear. The Venture Crew has had very little fundraisers, and has hardly any equipment of it's own. Up to recently, the Troop has allowed the Venture Crew to borrow it's gear for the Venture Crews activities. Unfortunately, damage has occured with no repairs or compensation paid to the troop. Therefore, the Troop Committee voted to NOT allow use of it's equipment to any other unit (which includes of course, the Venture Crew). Two *stories* have been heard. 1.) That the Troop retains ownership and clear title to all equipment it purchases, unless it fails to recharter. If that occurs, ownership reverts to either the chartered organization, or local Council. 2.) The troop does not own anything. The chartered organization retains title to everything, as in effect, they "own" the units they charter. So therefore, the chartered organization owns the equipment, and since the Venture Crew is charted by the SAME orgnization as the Troop in my case, they can petition and demand from the Chartered Organization the use of the Troop equipment. In addition, if the Chartered Organization say, wanted to go camping (such as a church youth group), that they could demand use of "their" equipment for that non-Troop activity. The bottom line - who owns Troop equipment, and which one of the two above answers is correct? Or is there another answer?? FYI - Our Council District Exec. didn't know the answer. He is now checking with National, but I have no idea how long it will take to get a response! This forum might be quicker, I hope!
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