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Everything posted by MooseUseted

  1. Pat Boyed was Northeast Reagion Chief once.
  2. Advisor ~ Scout Master Associate Advisor ~ ASM I just call them all Advisors in general. I would say "My Advisor told me to..." for the Advisor and "One of my Advisors told me to..." for the Associates. This is just due to the fact that there is one "Advisor" and many "Associates", just like how there is only one SM and many ASM in a troop. I would just say that they are advisors as soon as they are over 21. Just my $0.02
  3. There seems to be a lack of interest in my chapter, Nipmuck Chapter of the Tschitani Lodge. This come in many forms including low attendance for chapter meetings, low brotherhood conversions, and low Ordeal attendance by both members and new candidates. This is of great concern to me as my chapter was once a Super Power in the realm of the Order, as we are the chapter of the great Patrick Boyd. Now that I am the Chapter Chief, Pat has bestowed upon me the responsibility of making the Nipmuck Chapter thrive once more. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem. If you have solutions, please divulge them to the world. If you too are having these problems, maybe we can put our heads together and come up with something. Thanks In Advance, ~Jeremy Moose Useted Nipmuck Chapter Chief
  4. I think it would take some getting used to, but i would rather have a male Director or Program Director. I mean, i don't have a problem with women being in charge, but it just wouldn't seem right for a Boy Scout Camp's figurehead. It works well in the Cub Scouting Relm. Just based on the actual units, women in scouting are usually the "Den Mothers" while the fathers take over when their son crosses over. I have only seen one troop work well with female scoutmasters. I came from a unit with a horrible female ASM that took over an ruined the troop. The Director and Progeam Director are like the SM and ASM of the camp. If a woman was to be in one of those positions, she would have a hard first year proving herself to all the skeptics. There are old scouters outthere that believe that women have no place in Boy Scouting, whether at camp or in a troop. A camp with a female director could loose those troops, the camp that i work at even lost a troop because of the fact that we even hired girl lifeguards (we're actually kind of glad he left) Bottom line, it can work, but it will be work. It's not easy to change something that has been one way "forever", but i think it can be done. I wouldn't like it, but i think that i could deal with it. Just my $0.02
  5. "Well, the federal minimum wage is 5.15 per hour. The pay for staff should start there and go up based on skills required and experience. (not age...that's illegal)." Well... at ~$5 an hour, I guess I would be a millionaire by now because being on staff is a 24 hr a day job. If not 24 than at least a 12.
  6. June Norcross Scout Reservation in Ashford CT. For the past 2 years we have had a troop come to our camp that has been going to different camps every years since they were formed. It's Troop 379 from Tempe AZ, if anyone knows them. I hope they come back again this coming summer. We also have had a troop for many years come to us for 2 weeks every summer, Troop 660 from Masapequa(sp?). There are several troops that come to us from NY and MA.
  7. We are starting a Venturing Week this summer at my camp. I'm sure we will have infor on it up soon at jnwebster.org
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