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Everything posted by moosetracker

  1. Oh.. Sure Pchadbo.. Your one of THEM!!! From what I hear so is our illustrious DE.. First after Clinton got us free of debt, the tax started to tick upwards under the Bush administration.. The majority of our debt even under the 4 years of Obama, has been ticking upwards due to having to pay for the wars (started by Bush Admin..).. And also due to the tax stimulous which reduced what we brought in (another brilliant Bush move).. Now I know that the tax stimulous could have been ended two years back, but it wasn't because of the push back from REPUBLICANS.. Personally they should have let it filibustered it and let it die then. Anyway those are the two biggest reasons for the debt continueing to climb.. So putting someone in who wants is to continue the wars we are in plus start countless others.. PLUS continue the tax stimulous with additional tax reduction to the 1% group (well some days he says he will give the 20% more tax breaks other days he says he wont..) is not the solution.. So what else has added to the debt.. The auto bailout (although I thought it was a bad idea at the time, strangly worked out, and it was paid back.. I had to check on this because it isn't in the news so much, but I guess the bailout of wallstreet has also been paid back.. (again I had thought this a horrible mistake, and still don't care for the fact they did not put tighter rules on it, so it helped more those in mainstreet, rather then helping mostly those on wallstreet.) Alot more disastor aid because the planet has more hurricanes, floods etc.. Thanks to Global warming.. Something Republicans think are a joke.. "Drill baby, Drill..", "I don't understand why we need all these national forest preserves".. So now you are left with the added funding to help out the unemployed those who can not find work, or can not find work that pays enough to feed their family.. Thanks to the Bush administration.. What was the Bush Administrations policy.. Lower Taxes, Start wars... What is Romneys.. Lower taxes, Start wars (or at least pay for defense like you plan to and talk tough like you plan to, and put your foot in your mouth to incite the anger of foreign embassies and double down on it..).. The only way Republicans plan to dig the hole deeper in order to get out is going to work is if they plan to dig all the way to China.. I suppose you believe the piece about Ryan being a deficit hawk too??? Ha.. Independent analysis of the Ryan budget states it is pure hogwash.. And he had to just file an admendment to his tax return because he screwed up and forgot to calculate in like 20% of his earned income.. Guy reminds me of Eddie Haskill on Leave it to Beavah.. (This message has been edited by moosetracker)
  2. Sentenal - Socialism in Western government is a debate that is over. The question now is "How much socialism are we going to have?" SS, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, Government sponsered College Loans, all are socialistic aspects of government, and most Americans would agree these mentioned programs are good. Exactly the things I use to like in the Republican party.. They did not turn their backs on the poor and the needy, but believed in fiscal conservativism as not adding unneccessary NEW programs, and watching for waste and changing programs that people were abusing to take advantage of the system. They need to rid themselves of the midevil social values they have embraced, the the belief that fiscal conservatism means selfish self-centered personal greed. Poor Packsaddle.. I feel for you, because I think the face you want to believe is truely Romney's (out of his 50 faces).. Has the old style Republican views that Sentinel speaks about.. You also want to believe that Romney will not be a puppet of those who are trying to buy this election.. You are trying to rationalize why it is still a good thing to be a loyal Republican. But, you are not one of of either of the new camps that have taken up residence there.. So Sentenial is one of the very rare breeds of undecided voters?? Only 4% left.. I would think though he is at least more informed then the comedy video C.C. posted..
  3. Well according to the polls, the only majority you have is with white men.. Many say angry white men, but I think some are just as you call it "hornswoggled".. So while your diversity has your base group in civil war with each other.. Your diversity is not anything that attracts the diversive American population. Even your own party knows it will die off it it doesn't change.. Your pool is dieing off and America is becoming a bigger melting pot.. Besides no matter what your religion or ethnic background, women are 50% of the population.. Fewer and fewer are willing to except the role of a 2nd class citizen. More military are even voting Democrat, those who are not profiting from the war, but are our foot soldiers would prefer being used for National security, then to sent to war for someone elses profit.(This message has been edited by moosetracker)
  4. Well I did work out sense from the paragraph about independent voters, and got a kick out of the comedy video.. No one says the independent voters reasoning for which side they choose this election is any better than anyone elses reasons. It is just a statement that reflects current news analysis that as the Republican party shifts further & further right, it is becoming something the moderate voter can not vote for. I disagree it means we do not have guiding principles.. It is just our guiding principles are not YOUR guiding principles.. Our guiding principles are telling us that the Republican party has stepped out of the mainstream of the modern world. You can not lead a super power like the USA by throwing us back into the dark ages. I saw a poll that showed that in the last 6 months, Republicans were leaving the Republican party in droves. Becoming independent voters.. They do not feel this party reflects their values anymore. Then those who are staying are at constant war with each other, because you have two warring interests trying to coexist.. Even half of your Republican party does not share YOUR guiding principles.. It is just that if your separate, you both would be too small to win any election.. So you are stuck together unable to live with each other, unable to live without each other.. Sending an unclear, confusing message to the world of what it is that you do stand for..(This message has been edited by moosetracker)
  5. Awww.. Packsaddle.. I feel sorry for you Heres is the only thing I got.. Seems like what I have seen his sons they are very nice.. That Spanish speaking one seems like he has alot of personality.. Maybe someday they may get into politics and they have a better shot.. Also during the RNC, what I learned about his Mom & Dad, had I been of voting age, I may have voter for either of them. (Don't quite think much of Queen Anne though.. The "We Love you women!" comment did nothing for me.. Thought I needed to take a shower..) Maybe the Romneys are an every other generation type of family, because the polygamist GrandDad probably wouldn't have had my vote.. Anyway, your not alone! You got Callooh! Callay! in your corner.. Although he really hasn't said what he likes about Romney, just that he dislikes all Liberals.
  6. So, what if Romney gets elected, then something happens to him (run over by a plane).. And Ryan then becomes President?.. My husband did not like Obama, but had the idea some racist would eventually assassinate him before the 4 years was up. He voted Obama, thinking Biden would be a great president.. Surprise, Surprise.. This year, he was geared to vote Republican until he got a whiff of your canidate AND his running mate.. So this year, still not liking Obama, he will vote for him..
  7. While a social liberal (obviously).. I am a fiscal conservative.. Which is why up until this election I have been Independent. When Republicans get their social ideas up to the 21st century (or at least up to 1980 or 1990's rather then the 1880's), and they return with a viable fiscal conservative (who knows his a$$ from his elbow) again. I will be very happy to be an independent again.
  8. Seriously, when our government makes laws forcing you or your wife to either use birth control, or as Beavah notes, forces you to become sterilized. Then come see me. This would be a violation to your rights.. Seriously, when our government forces everyone to have homosexual relationships even if against their religion or their will. Then come see me. This would be a violation to your rights.. Paying Taxes for a bundle of stuff some of which you approve of, some of which your religion does not agree with, has been the American way of life ever since the first tax law. Allowing people the freedom to decide what is best for thier life, as long as it is not hurting or harming their neighbors life style is also an American belief.. But, ok, For you it is a serious, serious matter that you are not allowed to make up laws to force your neighbor to follow your religious beliefs, even though they are not of your religion. Are you happy?.. Not piddly at all, very serious power controlling nasty stuff that liberals are against the rights of the conservatives to control their neighbors rights who are so bold as to not follow the conservatives religious beliefs. ------- As OGE says, Romneys only claim of being better is "I am not Obama..". Doesn't work, if your not an Obama hater.. People say his campaign needs to get more wonky.. That was the whole lift out of the Obama National Convention was Clintons wonky speech.. So what happens? Ryan gets serious with a power point stump speech.. Is it on the Romney/Ryan plan for the economy?.. No, it is a power point stump speech on why Obama is so bad.. I am surprised as they don't have anything the American public would want to buy, so they keep it under wraps. Tell us not to worry our pretty little heads about it, as it is too wonky for us to understand. Not so sure if the election is in the bag yet. It is a worry of how much effect the voter suppression games will be.. We are hoping it will make people mad so many who normally don't vote will, but if they need to wait in a 4 to 8 hour line to do so, with poll watchers harrassing them? Don't know if their anger over this loss to their most basic right as an American Citizen will carry them through that barrier. 2016.. I think the Democrats are really looking forward to a Hillary Clinton run.. She has made a great name for herself with these last 4 years as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.. Imagine Bill Clinton as our First Gentleman.. Democrats will be really disappoint if she chooses not to run.. I was not sold on her four years back, but I am now.(This message has been edited by moosetracker)
  9. If those piddly few are all you got, then I win.. The Republican base is far more power hungry and controling then the liberals.. But thanks for confirming I have a good handle on both sides of the arguement.
  10. OK, I just thought I would give you a chance to back up your jibberish with clear reasonable facts.. Guess you don't have any.. I'll help you out with the piddly few I have heard argued. I have even heard of is the gripe about paying for female health care.. But, since many religions believe in peace and are against war and the Republicans still will tax them to pay for war anyway, (and tax them a much higher percentage for it.).. That kindof still is tilted unequally to the Republicans forcing people to pay for something their religion doesn't believe in. There is the equal push you- pull me over gay rights.. But both parties are equally fighting that battle, and if the gays win it doesn't effect you from continueing your own family practices and beliefs, but if the conservatives win they will be enforcing their beliefs onto a group of people and hurting their lifestyle, although it still will not effect you. Oh, I heard Rush Limbaugh, complain that the poll figures leaning toward Obama having significant leads is the Democrats attempt to suppress the Republican vote.. Doesn't make sense to me though. If your loosing you need every vote you can get, if you think your canidate has an easy victory then you might think you vote is not needed. Can't think of anything else.. And neither tops the other power plays the republicans are actively and exclusively engaged in.
  11. Callooh! Callay! - you must be a tea-party member. That jibberish was utter.. Jibberish.. The problem with math is on the Republicans side. No one can make the Ryan budget work out.. It is pure poppy-cock to free the rich from paying any taxes, raise the military budget by trillions and not require the poor and middle class to take on the burden by lost programs, higher taxes, and loss in funding in the society infa-structure like education and roads & bridges.. You call the liberals idea of freedom to do what you believe best forced conformity.. But it is not conformity to force your religious views of heterosexuality, and limiting family planning choices.. Liberals are calculating how to Gain power?????? What about the Republicans voter suppression moves to disenfranchise many valid citizens of their right to vote if they are poor, black, hispanic, women etc.. Groups that would be primarily Democratic.. Besides voter ID, which make it hard for poor people to get the money for supporting document and the time from work to try to get to licensing bureaus that can not be reached by mass transit and are only open a few days a week.. They are purging the polls of people months before the election.. Closing Poll places in cities where it is again harder for people who depend on mass transit to get to.. Reducing early voting days that helped poor people who could not take off time from work on a weekday (in Ohio, they then tried to give those early voting days back to Republican leaning districts while keeping them closed to Democratic leaning districts.. Until the population found out and their anger forced them to close early voting for all).. They make sure city polling places (tend to lean Democrat) have too few of booths so the line to vote can be 4 to 8 hour long while Republican leaning polling places have more then enough so you are in and out in less then 5 to 10 minutes.. There is more, but I can never remember the full list in one sitting.. But to top that all off they have trained one million Poll watchers to be spread out, they say it is enough for all polling places, but I think they will go light in Republican leaning states and districts.. Anyway they have been trained on how to harrass anyone who is black, poor, hispanic in order to discourage and scare them away from the poling booths.. In Florida a court judge stated the Republican Govenor could not end early voting in poorer communities due to the Voters Rights Act.. When one voting clerk stood up to his harrassment to get him to close, he threatened firing him.. The guy is close to retirement, so dared him as he would love to sue him and get an nice nest egg for retirement. A different type of power control by Republicans - Michigans Republican Govenor who has taken it upon himself to appoint emergancy managers mainly to Democratic based city governments. These managers would kick out all the elected official, limit fire & police by firing some in the towns making dangerous situations, firing teachers and making class sizes in public schools about 70 pupils per class.. Also ending all types of union negotiations for fire, police and teachers.. They then forced the town to pay the salary of the emergancy manager who was chosen by the govenor to dictate over their town.. Now if the town if financial trouble was republican, then they may also have gotten an Emergancy Manager, but he would then work with the elected official not kick them out of office. Please state similar examples of power control by Democratic leadership..
  12. Exactly why Republicans need to loose until they can turn around and put their house in order. Personally I have not seen Obama change faces.. I started writing my own long analysis, but found this link that was much better. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57505315/obamas-2008-promises-kept-or-broken-/?pageNum=6&tag=contentMain;contentBody Most have been kept, some parcially kept and he is continuing to work on, some did not get through, but not because the President changed his attempt to push for them.. I think there was only one that was broken and he went in the opposite direction in a change of mind on how to get the economy jump started.. Really a pretty impressive run down if you compare it to other broken campaign promises by past politicians.. Hope & Change was the theme the campaign came up with early on, before the collapse of Wall Street. Maybe it would have been different if wall street had collapsed a few months earlier. Maybe it would have become "Digging our way out of Disaster", or something like that. This time around, I can see Obama is a little bit more conservative on what he is promising. I will take that as an attempt to still be honest in his pledges while being a little bit wiser that it is not so easy to get all he wants passed, due to the problems in Congress. The only disappointment I guess I had was he was not able to get Congress to work together. And I think that was a campaign promise.. But, again.. I guess I will not put the blame on his doorstep. No one foresaw the signing of a pact by Republican Congressmen to obstruct him at every term, regardless of how it hurt the healing of American.. In fact the desire that America not heal under Obama's reign. The circus in Congress is ridiculous! The other thing, not a promise, but one I saw as a possibility from Obama, was he would use his great oratory skills to do more State of the Nation addresses, keeping us more informed of what was going on.. I think with the state our country was in, we needed that insight to help us keep abreast of what was going on, what was working, what did we the people need to do to help the country back on it's feet.. Now democrats might have made pacts also to oppose certain Republican bills, but never to oppose every bill for the full 4 year term of a President. If they did, we would have more of a history of the type of filabustering we have in Congress now. We don't.. So if Republicans took control, things might work better because Democrats would put the health of America to the front and work out compromises.. But, as far as I am concerned, that is giving in to Republicans who want to take America hostage by throwing temper tantrums.. I feel the better way is to send a message to Republicans that America will not be taken hostage, and if they don't change their ways then they will loose control of anything.. Be that a message to the Tea-party section who is holding the Republican party hostage already, or be that to the whole Republican party, because if you loose your Tea-party base and the you split into two seprate parties, you will both be smaller.. So basically the Tea-party group needs to grow up, so the Republicans can go back to being a sane alternative. But, I don't see that, I see them getting stronger and angry and nastier and they are set to destroy the whole party.. Now Romney may be a victim, but it isn't all the fault of the Tea-party people. He was playing games in MA running for governor. This is a liberal state, he was not run by the Tea-party there.. Yet he stated he paid taxes to MA so had not moved to Utah. At first he played the "I won't show my taxes, just trust me." Then he retroactively paid MA taxes when it was found out he had listed his primary residence in Utah and had not paid MA taxes.. He also stated his link to MA over that time period due to flying back for Business conferences also had phone conferences at Bain.. Now that this is a major time period of the outsourcing, he never had any Business conferences or worked over the phone during that time period so retroactively retired from Bain.. So how can he have both be true depending on how he wants to spin it to his benefit? Look at how his election campaign is running.. This should tell you how good he is at management. It is an utter failure. Mixed messages, bad decisions (like Clint Eastwood, and the Libyan comment and doubling down on it) , inner turmoil, people jumping ship, stupid gaffes.. He is saying he is great at being a turn around guy, yet his reaction to his sinking ship is There is no problem. We are tied in the polls. Is he clueless, or does he think his staff is clueless, or does he think the American people are clueless?? Who is he lying to that he thinks will believe this rhetoric? Then what is he still concentrating on? Raising money! He doesn't need more money he needs to work on finding a consistent message and getting the message out.. And they have decided next week to put Romney and Ryan back together.. It is well known that you cover more ground if the two go separately but Romney needs Ryan's support again, he is not doing well on his own.. So what is the great example of Business intellect?? As stated, Obama may not have a radical NEW plan for the next four years, but his plan though slow has been working, even with the obstruction of Republicans in Congress. Romney is stating we need to go back to the Bush plan.. No thanks.. Lets go forward even if it is a slow plan.. Even though Obama was not good in the last four years of keeping us abreast of what was going on. I would trust him over Romney to do better with that in the next 4 years.. Romney has shown us he will lie.. We could have New York city hit with a neclear bomb, and I would expect Romney to get on the air to tell us nothing is wrong with New York city..
  13. JMHawkins - what made you think Beavah was liberal? Instead of makin' everything a war, have da courage of your own convictions and enough belief in da rightness of your own ideas to try to convince people without threatening them with loss of access or loss of funding. Evangelize without attempting to force conversions. Do unto others' groups as yeh would have 'em do unto yours. Now, this does seem a strange comment from Beavah, who likes to preach about his brand of religion having the right to mandate all the laws that all the people of this country should follow, regardless of their own religion (or lack of).. Brewmeistr - The day the BSA changes its standards for money is the day I leave it. Bye, Bye..(This message has been edited by moosetracker)
  14. Hmmmm.. So is that it? Those who want to vote Republican take one of the 50 faces of Romney and chooses the face they want to believe the real Mitt really is? So you don't like Lyin' Ryan?.. I take it then your face is more like that of the MA Govenor? Since MA polls show Obama with a 28% LEAD on Romney, I don't think Romney left his post with high favors. In fact I know he didn't, as I saw the approval ratings go from high on his first month in office to trend consistantly downward till when he left office. Democrats are not feeling confident even though they have a great lead in all the major swing states. They know that the dark money is there.. But we can only hope the continue to trip over the use of it. Like the ad (or ads) they did on coal miners. The first where the coal miners standing behind Romney as he talked about coal, being reported by the coal miners as the executives making it manditory they attend, but that the time be UNPAID for the time they were forced to be there.. they other part (not sure if in same commercial of different) coal miner looking like a common worker stating how Obama was ruining their livelyhood, when it turns out the person in the commercial was an executive of the coal company. This without the fact the claims on the commercial don't pass the fact checkers.. Anyway, it caused more resentment & bad press in Ohio & Virginia where they aired rather then positive bump.. It also has alerted these two states of how dishonest these Republican ads are. This hopefully will help when they start flooding the state with tons more of ads. If we can have more dark money of the Republicans spent in the same manner, Democrats may end up needing to thank the Republicans for helping them to win the election.. Of course Romney opening up his mouth and sticking his silver foot in it, helps also. One comedian said Romney was the Democrats secret weapon.
  15. Hmmmm.. So is that it? Those who want to vote Republican take one of the 50 faces of Romney and chooses the face they want to believe the real Mitt really is? So you don't like Lyin' Ryan?.. I take it then your face is more like that of the MA Govenor? Since MA polls show Obama with a 28% LEAD on Romney, I don't think Romney left his post with high favors. In fact I know he didn't, as I saw the approval ratings go from high on his first month in office to trend consistantly downward till when he left office. Democrats are not feeling confident even though they have a great lead in all the major swing states. They know that the dark money is there.. But we can only hope the continue to trip over the use of it. Like the ad (or ads) they did on coal miners. The first where the coal miners standing behind Romney as he talked about coal, being reported by the coal miners as the executives making it manditory they attend, but that the time be UNPAID for the time they were forced to be there.. they other part (not sure if in same commercial of different) coal miner looking like a common worker stating how Obama was ruining their livelyhood, when it turns out the person in the commercial was an executive of the coal company. This without the fact the claims on the commercial don't pass the fact checkers.. Anyway, it caused more resentment & bad press in Ohio & Virginia where they aired rather then positive bump.. It also has alerted these two states of how dishonest these Republican ads are. This hopefully will help when they start flooding the state with tons more of ads. If we can have more dark money of the Republicans spent in the same manner, Democrats may end up needing to thank the Republicans for helping them to win the election.. Of course Romney opening up his mouth and sticking his silver foot in it, helps also. One comedian said Romney was the Democrats secret weapon.
  16. LOL Eamonn ! Well, packsaddle like you I would like to hear from republicans who think this guy is a total nitwit, yet still are rooting for him to come up with Romney version 10.0.. 11.0, 12.0 how many other remakes it takes before he finds a winning sellable Romney.. Still are going to vote for him. I started out open to both parties. I have voted Republican in the past. I voted Obama 4 years back, but Bush both years he was elected. I started out still liking Obama, but turn around though I see it, is slower then my instant gratification personality is wanting to see. So, I waited for Republicans to choose their "best man" with primaries. Then I turned my attention to figuring out if I preferred Romney or Obama. The shock of what the Republicans have turned into shocked me. Republicans were to me always conservative in ways of small government and fiscal conservatism. What I saw of the new Republican party means I may as well change from Independent to Democrat, because until they implode and some other party fills the void, or they kick the teaparty group out and come back to a reasonable alternative, they are just not a party worth consideration.. But, I don't understand the loyalty of some to vote Republican even when the party has been taken over by extremist (if you yourself havent bought into the extremist viewpoint) and your Presidential candidate is a total looser and you know it. I can't take FOX news or Rush Limbaugh.. But I do watch Morning Joe.. Joe seems to be the old fashioned Republican. But they try to have guests on that are Democrat & Republican mix to have a discussion. Helps me feel at least I am not totally swept away on the Democrats rhetoric, but I have my ears open to any hopeful signs or Republicans returning to their senses (or at least being sensible in one or two areas, that Liberal media will not shine a spotlight on.) Poor Joe, just is upset with Romneys attitude toward the 47% & Libya attacks.. From him I still get a sense that Republicans do care about helping those Americans in need.. They just have a different outlook on how to achieve that help.. From angry comments from other Republicans, over Mitts comments, I can see that there are still people anchored to what the Republican party was. They definitely don't see it in Mitt, or others like Todd Ackin.. They don't like seeing where their party is headed. YET... They still say.. Mitt has an opportunity to turn things around.. Mitt should do this or that to recover from this last gaff.. They still will vote for Mitt or Todd Ackin or whoever the twit is on the ballot in their district.. Doesn't matter who they are as long as they have ® next to their name.. I don't understand that reasoning. If Bozo the Clown was running as Republican they would vote for him due to the ® next to his name, no matter how competent or moderate the Democrat candidate is. I sort of understand that would not apply to Obama.. My husband was also hijacked by Republican brainwashing to hate him.. He is naive to what is sent to his email as being true.. So he believed the Birtherism, Muslim, non-flag saluting, boy scout hating stories.. Until I un-brainwashed him.. I forewarned him of the new "Obama is gay" thing so he heard it from me debunked before someone emailed the Tea-party conspiracy hype on it.. But, seriously Republicans where worshipping Bill Clinton(for some reason).. So say you had an Presidential election between Bozo the clown ® and Bill Clinton (D) (Hey, if Bozo can run, Bill can go for a third term).. I am convinced the Republicans would try to elect Bozo the clown.. (I would have used Hillary Clinton, as she may be the next to run in 2016.. But, I fear the women thing may still angered those who cannot get over a black President thing. Although I think for many it is not they are against a black president, just like my husband have been listening to the fearmucking brought on by extremists who are, but had to turn others hatred into something other then the simple race card..)
  17. Funny thing is per St Ronald of Reagan's son, his father would no longer fit into the Republicans new camp.. It is funny to see him on shows cringing that he can't free his father.. Unlike their adolation of Clinton, since Reagan is no longer alive, he can not speak for himself.. Clinton had the ability to tell them to buzz off in their trying to make him their idol. Although I guess Reagan ran his own conspiracy theroy or fear tatic about the Panama.. I did like him as a president. I felt he did care about all the American people.. Eamonn, you think Ryan will do better in the debates then Biden?.. I would say 50-50.. Biden is older and maybe not as quick, and Ryan is slick and reminds me of Eddie Haskell from leave it to Beavah.. But, like the National Conventions, the Democrats have a better message. I know the Medicare issue and the Ryan Budget will come up, I doubt Ryan will want to get anymore specific on how he makes the numbers work without gutting many very popular programs. They say Romney is his best in a debate, and debates are not Obama's best.. But, I still think Obama at his worst could mop up Romney at his best.. Even Romney is preparing everyone that he may not win the debates, by comments he has made. Luckily my sister & Brother-in-law will be visiting from out-of-town during the first Presidential debate.. They are also very interested in the election and Obama fans.. So it will be fun to watch with them.. Almost like having people over for the superbowl!
  18. Chicago I understand the more O to R's stickers.. Texas haveing more O stickers is strange though.. You have brave souls in Texas who by the polls are outnumbered.
  19. I think both sides are totally polarized. I think on both sides the fear is with vandalism. Both sides have some angry people. Some Republicans have real hate over Obama. Democrats although many really like their candidates know about the hatred, so wont ask for trouble. I don't think Democrats really hate Romney.. He kind of is too much of a joke right now.. But, there is fear that such a dimwit could get elected. If he was in office for 4 years I am sure we could build up true hatred though.. This is a person that could get us into many wars by insulting important foreign dignitaries, then doubling down on the comment to further rub salt in the wounds. This is a person who cannot guide a country by changing course faster then he changes his socks! I could not believe that today, he is trying to now own the fact Obamacare is his brainchild, and doesnt want to deport all illegal immigrants, and is talking about the positives of welfare.. Wow.. Soon it will be Vote for me, Im like Obama, only in the white version! I mean this may be the return of Massachusetts Govenor.. Since we are up to Romney 9.0, and the MA Govenor wasnt version #1.. I am guessing this is the return of model # 3.0.. Seriously, I dont think Republicans need to worry about angry vandalism, from Democrats. Just someone thinking There goes a stupid person as they drive by.. You will get our pity.
  20. The knocking down of the original pravilion may be an issue, but maybe not. If it is true that as Thomas states the fires cause it to truely be an unusable eysore, then the troop just knocked down something that would have sat there until it collapsed on it's own.. Possibly a potential danger if kids from the church played around it as it became more dangerous. Had it been in use, but just needed new roofing then I would agree with Calico. Then again, the fact it is your CO, their perception of how you leave this project will effect the relationship with the troop.. Lots of things to think over.. I also understand going into a business meeting without the intent of discussing the Prabilion and the IH bringing it up. But, as others said, not your place to come to the conclusion for the scout, even if you know that that would be his reaction.. Sort of hard though isn't it? To resist that knee-jerk reaction, especially when unprepared for it and it hits you in the face? Depending on how ticked off the IH was, I as a SM or parent may be a wee bit upset if you sent the scout in their on his own and he got that reaction. There is anger at a scout, and then there is bullying of a scout that most of us would rise up to defend. So what to do?.. I agree with the suggestion of the extra cost being paid for by the church. Up to the scout, but if it was me seeing that the project grew larger then anticipated, I might also not just depend on my troop, but look for other willing volunteers from the church congregation, in order to help alleviate the unforeseen project creep. If he hasn't already looked there, perhaps questioning him on if he could think of any place else he might look for extra volunteer help might get him to thinking over some other options.
  21. Actually didn't Michele Obama talk about her childhood, mother & Father family although father had musclar dystophy.. So there is your normal family story during primetime at the convention.. Oh and there was the mother & father who got up together with their children, to talk about the blessing Obamacare was on their family after one of their children reached her lifetime medical cap before her first bi rthday, yet still needed more heart surgery. Oh, and although Julin Castro only talked about being raised by a Grandmother & Mother (don't know what happen to Grandfather or father).. He then put in the spotlight his wife and daughter.. Oh and then at the end of the convention on stage was the Obama family (Husband, wife, 2 kids and the Biden family) So although there was emphisis put on Democrats tolerance for everything Republicans are not tolerant of, the normal traditional family unit was not swept under the rug. But there is a funny clip by the Daily show that says Democrats are not tolerent of everybody though. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-september-5-2012/hope-and-change-2---the-party-of-inclusion
  22. Yeah Basement - Don't know why you think Camporees cost nothing. Ours cost something to put on. The place it is held, may or may not charge us (Especially now the Council camps want to charge us for their use.) If not an official camp, but a field you need to rent outhouses and water buffalos. Usually the events need things built, or handed out. Sometime winning prizes are crafted out of free wood, but sometimes bought. Then of course there is the price of the patches that everyone who attends recieves. Hard to get exactly zero balance, with our district few pre-register, many are walk-ins.. So most times we end up sweating we will be in the red if no one shows up, but usually do make black. Then as stated, the District doesn't get to keep the profit.
  23. A week would seem too long on that subject. I am sure it was covered somewhere it my history class, but can't remember the school teaching. Just hitting the old black and white movie, watching a few minutes and recognizing the subject matter, then watching a few more minutes before flipping the station.
  24. Yeap, with those questions it would have been a total.. I don't know. With the name "Clarence Darrow" I might take a second to think it sounded familure, but that is it. It might be that school was so long ago, so I am a long time away from memorizing things like this for a quiz or test on it.. Perhaps long ago I did know it by it's name. I do think my interpretation is that Byran was a down south country lawyer, and Darrow was a quick witted northern lawyer.. Don't think it came from school though, there was a very old black & white movie on it that I don't think I watched in full, but part of probably around the time I was in high school. That was my take away of the actors portraying those charactors, at least what I remember of a show I watched 35-40 years back.
  25. packsaddle - I don't know if I would have picked up just from the title of the trial, or the lawyers names. But I do know about it, just more if some one gives me some detail such as "the trail about whether Darwin Evolution should be taught in schools" or the trial about Darwin Evolution .vs. Biblical Evolution.. I fear though for your study if you stated that much detail, you would ruin some of your study.. But, I will admidt if just asked what the "Scopes monkey trial" was about, although "monkey" might clue me in, I don't know, if that would have been enough.
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