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Everything posted by moosetracker

  1. Most our trainings are $8 to $10.. But to keep IOLS at $10 bucks, we expect patrols to organize and buy their food, and we have to hold class not in council camps because the charge for it.. IOLS still has to have a cooking demo which means purchasing food, and if we have it at the Masonic hall, they expect a donations.. Other trainings it's for Xerox copies, and usually we have coffee and refreshments. But, it sounds like NeverAnEagle council over charges, of course if they always teach at a council camp, that could explain it.. Sorry I'm volunteering my time to be a trainer.. So I'm not paying out of my personal pocket for the meeting place and for feeding you all day.
  2. Ok.. I thought LDS went by a different age structure.. So then yeah, it means he can work on cubbie stuff until he either turns 11 or signs the registration papers to go into boy scouts.
  3. See I'm not sure if it is automatic on birthday date for LDS.. For us he has to stop earning cub scout awards at age 11 as he can't be a cubscout after that. But, since he can be a BS before that, then it is simply when the paperwork is signed to enter the troop, regardless of if he is 10.5 or 10.8 or whatever.. He is in limbo though if he hasn't signed up for a Boy Scout Troop until he does sign up.. LDS has different ages I thought, but if yours are younger (say yours moves up at age 10).. Then would you get kicked out of cub scouts, or as far a BSA is concerned would you be fine.. Anyway.. If he wants to more in Cubbies.. He can't sign the paperwork to join a troop. This much I am sure of. Then if he is under your LDS cutoff, he should still be good until he signs the paperwork.. The crossover is just pomp and circumstance..
  4. Sorry, if earned that way, then still not done right. the Merit badge program is not meant to be taught in a classroom setting, or replace your school curriculum.. Here is one big NO.NO. "The parents arrange the tutorage.." Basically none of these merit badges were due to the scout having any interest or effort in controlling his own pace or planning. He just sat, and let people organize for him and lecture to him, or assign him homework, which he did with as much interest as, well, homework.. You just defined the kid as a puppet that the parents control his every breath.. So that is a lot of detail on how this scout did it. Do you know the kid personally?
  5. Sometimes the smallest can be the biggest manipulator, and it sometimes is simply a way to compensate for their size. Aren't you happy your sons are not in the Owls patrol. I feel for the PL who is getting the blame for this.
  6. So are you done with cubbies then, or will the LDS church assign you a new den? If done you only have a few more weeks so count to ten and barrel on through. Hmm.. A pain to have a CC like that, don't know if that is better then the LDS volunteer I had in my patrol at Woodbadge. It was an LDS group, and most had poor committees, but he just had me laughing.. First week he didn't know what to write for a ticket because he was on the committee but no one did anything or had any positions on it.. Next week, he was good, had his ticket all flushed out. He said he was the Committee Chair.. "Oh great!" I said "You just got that!".. He said "No, I've been committee chair for a few years. I just didn't know it." Hmm.. no wonder the committee wasn't do much of anything.
  7. Well, he can't be in boy Scouts and cub scouts at the same time. But, I would say the ceremony is not the real time he moves to boy scouts, The move officially takes place when they sign the paperwork, even if not turned into the council, because the council will backdate it to the dates on the applications.. So it all depends on what they date that application for as to if he can finish this achievement or not.. You being LDS I suppose you might be different because don't you guys go by age only? So I guess you might more have something different like on his birthday he is officially a Boy Scout or something..?
  8. TT - You first need to scientifically prove to me that socks fart, thankfully I don't think my socks have the anatomy.
  9. I seem to have a different perspective then the OP. Seems to me, when ever an article is written about a past Eagle scout doing something criminal, his rank of Eagle is brought up in the article. I can understand if they are fairly young, and the Eagle rank was only a year or so ago, or the idiot who had underage drinking party to celebrate his Eagle rank achievement.. But, when you are talking about a 60 year old shoplifter, does it really matter that he had earned Eagle in his youth. He had lived a lot of life between these two periods in time. I have never seen it written that some older criminal element was in 4H, or the debate club in his youth.
  10. You try to make peace. She instead makes war.. Well, at least you now know to not pay her any mind, do your own thing, put on an awesome program for your den, and let her just sputter as she finds ideas from the internet or where ever and yet has no idea how to make those ideas come to life.
  11. Yeah, kindof wonder if 20 or 30 years from now he will look back at these merit badges that now hold absolutely no meaning, and think.. "I could of had a childhood".
  12. Right Faith, so what you do and what others who welcome girls in whether registered or not, kill at least one argument from the nay-sayers. That boys develop slower, and so girls take away from their ability to be top dog in the den/Pack/Patrol/Troop.. If they are doing anyway, then girl superiority ick, is already part of the formula. Unless the boys don't get the inferior feeling because they get the bling, and the icky girls are denied bling.
  13. Venturing was a hard sell, especially to girls who have not gone through BSA.. Yeah sure boy scouts can bring in new blood rather then live off feeder packs, but the program has to be awesome, few get their troops to that level, same with Venturing. It never got the acceptance of the rest of the scouting world. Since it competes for the interest of the older troop age boys, and is given the ability to finish off the eagle rank, they were set up to have to compete with the established BSA. The established BSA see them as a threat to their program. The established group is winning the war. I still hear of our council trying to do discussions about how Venturing is not a threat to the troop.. Yeah, few are listening.. I think the worst mistake was allowing the Eagle rank to be finished up in Venturing, The age may have still set off some feeling of competition, but at least there wouldn't have been a feeling that Venturing was competing to do the boy scout program itself. In all fairness, it really doesn't, at least around here very few earn their Eagle through the Venturing program.. All the more reason to remove it from the Venturing program. It removes the feeling of threat troops have for it, and it doesn't really effect the overall Venturing program, and it would help them to bury the hatchet with the Boy Scout program, which would help them more then the ability of being able to offer the Eagle award ever did. But the 18-21 age group is also hard to keep, either kids at that age is leaving home for out of state colleges or leaving school and going out in the working world. I have heard of some success with kids already in venturing before 18 who went to a local college, but only a little. Anyway, I wouldn't point to the success or failure of Venturing to be the indication of what happens if girls are part of the BSA program. The problems with the Venturing program has nothing to do with the girls.
  14. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/hispanic/english/33832_WEB.pdf Don't know if it will help though. Sounds like she found something to make, but is still unable to pull the instructions off the pages and put it into practice.
  15. I'm looking what I think will be agreat idea. It is taken from a classroom experiment but with a little tweaking would make a great Pack meeting (or den meeting).. http://www.ummbf.com/MTJHA/10.%20Helium%20Balloon%20Lab.pdf anyway I figure to use the list of items to simulate the ballast, then dump the rest of the experiment and perhaps stick up a couple of hoola hoops for a target that the scouts need to race to their hula hoop and control it through the hoop without touching, just by directing the wind direction,
  16. Hmmm... and then there Christmas holidays next month, and she'll be so busy with those, and the school holidays etc. etc. So why hold any in December. And January is just too cold (well I guess that depends on where you live).. so let's go with too dark.. But, anyway, I see her slippery slope of that den will never get up again.
  17. Tut tut - there are some great ballet dancers.. Just need to have the legs and great a$$ for it.
  18. What beating?? I lost one to the vote, I gained about 8 new people (don't think it was due to the vote, more like people didn't follow any of it.) The guy who left tried to email out to get others to leave with him. No one else left with him, (well ok, we did loose one other from the pack, not BSA they jumped to a new pack, because it was a den of two, then when he left it was a den of one) Yeah I know the north vs the south.. But, even in the south the number of units who left haven't been bad.. But, I agree.. Let the waters cool a bit.. And we still have the adult homosexual inclusion to go through.. Both future ripples in the pond.
  19. Perhaps a realist. I definitely wouldn't call it chauvinistic.. But, there is that blurred line thing.. Sounds like your wife may not have the advantage on you to challenge the boys, but she would far outshine a lot of male Scout Masters who are currently out there. It all depends on who you are going to compare her to. Same with the reverse. I do much better with helping adults and can deal with handling scouts only if I plan well and let the activities speak for themselves.. I am not all that good with children, so I bamboozle them with so much activity that I don't have to deal with them much.. But my husband on the other hand can become a big kid, and dig in and get dirty with them and laugh with them.. He is much, much better with young children. So are a lot of my male den leaders better then I from what I can tell. But, I am sure there is some women out there who can best my husband.. Perhaps my daughter-in-law who I think is also awesome with the cubbers. But, I really haven't made a comparison of who is better between the two, I just know both are better then me. Really compared me to almost anyone and most (male or female) will rank better then me. So my feminine side is not well suited to fit into this "nurturing" definition of women.
  20. Both.. Merit badges have a lot to them, when done right.. When done wrong you can get 3 to 5 in one Merit Badge academy day of work.. If done right and going for all your nose is in a merit badge book for 6 or 7 years.. (Whoever said their son is going for it, but is getting close to aging out may be doing the Merit badges more correctly, but I would be surprised if all MBC's he worked with really knew what they were doing..) When done wrong, your nose is in a merit badge book for about 2 years.. It is not really the Scouts fault if done wrong. They would need to have the ability to know the right way it should be done, and have the ability to tell the MBC they either need to work the MB right with them, or they will need to find a new MBC.. My son has come home with a merit badge from summer camp that we felt weren't done right, but it was a done deal.. We did try to correct the problem, but soon discovered, us reworking what wasn't done in on a merit badge with him was a bad idea.. We had him torture a fish to death trying to have him clean a fish when no one knew how.. He used to love fishing, but just did catch & release.. After the fish gutting debacle, he has never fished since.. Now the camp does do the fish cleaning part of the requirement. It is still a catch & release pond they fish in, but the camp has to buy fish that the scouts clean. Actually our camps went from bad on doing Merit badges correctly, to being pretty good. The Advancement group from District & council have cracked down on them if they hear of any complaints.. Our districts though still run merit badge workshops which are just set up by whoever want to run one, and I have never heard of the Advancement committee looking into how they are run. So Scout Masters who don't believe in them, don't promote them to their scouts in hopes they will not hear about them from anybody else.. Really it's just a bunch of well intentioned people, who are getting it all wrong, whether that be the scout, the Scouts parents, the MBC, the troop whose main focus is in quick advancement, a lot of the Merit badge workshops, and a lot of summer camp programs.
  21. There's no practice, at least around here.. Not sure if that is something LDS does differently.. Basically, our practice is to happily take whoever is willing to volunteer for the job.. Some are women & some are men. There are some women who are excellent and some who are not. Equally with men, there are ones who are great at it, and others that stink.. Our pack right now is predominantly men in the direct contact positions. But I have heard men say things like they did not get involved in cub scouts, but waited until their kids got to boy scouts and then volunteered. There perspective was that cub scouts is not "manly" enough.. Seriously it is all in the personality of the person, and who can relate well with children.
  22. Brewmeister - Problem is that it is easier to earn the MB's in a program that was shortcutted, then it is to find a MBC that will run the meritbadge the way it was intended.. Yet if you are an athlete, your competitor will clobber you if you are all wind.. Same with colleges, if some high schools tossed out tons of 13 year olds that they say are college ready, they need more then the high school say so, they would need to pass a few federal tests and SAT tests that verify their IQ and ability to succeed at a college level. If all that fails, they still need to pass the college courses.. All BSA has got is "Once a merit badge is awarded, it can not be revoked even when you know the requirements were not fulfilled. Problem is BSA rank system is very easy to cheat, and that alone makes something like this highly suspicious. Then regardless of this, a boy just going down a checklist for a goal, does not mean he has gotten the real scouting program out of what they did. Because that is not the scouting program, Pick your nose up out of that merit badge book and learn to live life.
  23. Could not find it now, but about a year back there was a link to an article of one who did it.. I don't think they were registered under cubscouts though, but registered in a BSA program through learning for life.. So I am sure rank advancement really did not count. But, the pack treated them as equal and had them working towards the awards. So "No" to really truly.. But some people are getting creative to get it as much as they possibly can.
  24. Sure Stosh trying to paint horns on the little cubbers foreheads.
  25. Yes, the catapult sounds like a variation of the popsicle stick one.. About the same shape, with ability to launch the same type of missiles.. Sounds like a fun time.
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