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Monkey Tamer

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Posts posted by Monkey Tamer

  1. Horizon,


    Those are awesome stories. I want to chime in. I’ve been CM of our Pack for 9.5 years. (My youngest just crossed over in Dec and I’m still here, hoping to find the right replacement.) My oldest is a freshman. Now in High School, they don’t really advertise their affiliation much, and that’s fine. However, a couple years ago, his HS won the state championship in football. Every member of the line and the QB were in and either had already or eventually did Eagle. Did those guys make a big deal about Scouting on a day to day basis? Probably not, but then, did they really miss an opportunity to recruit viable scouts among their classmates?


    That didn’t stop me from having a couple of them attend a Pack meeting in full uniform under their letter jacket (they took it off when they got to the front all by themselves BTW) and discus what scouting did for them and how they were able to play sports at a high level and still be scouts. I had a Webelos group that was chock full of stud athletes. Many of their parents told me they were not going to go on to the troop. Happy to say, every member of that class except one is still in scouting today. Those stud footballers made a deep impression on my guys. Over the years, I’ve brought in varsity athletes from a variety of different sports to talk to my impressionable Cub Scouts. I particularly aim this at the Webelos who might be hanging on to finish so they can make a clean break at the split. Now, it helps that we’re in a catholic system and the HS guys are well known to the youngsters, but it would still work in other venues.


    Is scouting cool? Well that has a lot to do with us as the leaders. Local option has been beat to death on these forums lately, but it definitely applies to other things. BSA and scouting may be looked upon by youth and society as uncool, but if the kids are having a blast and have some role models to look to, they may well just blow other people’s impressions off and keep rolling. My job as CM and every CM’s job really, is to make this an adventure. Make it high energy fun and they won’t be worried so much about what other people think. Let them know that they are special and tougher than their classmates. Set the expectation that they can and should help and protect those weaker than themselves or anyone who needs help. Set a good example by proudly wearing the uniform yourself and espousing manliness and a cool demeanor and set the expectation that they are cool, tough, awesome guys who are going to go prove how much better they are than normal kids when they get to Boy Scouts. Let the Boy scouts know that they are considerably tougher, both mentally and physically than a lot of full grown men. I know all this sounds a little brutish. I don’t intend for them to become brutes, but rather heroic figures. Boys WANT to be tough. Most of their heroes are, well, heroes. Society can try to whitewash away, the drive to value toughness in boys, but it’s primal. Boys crave coolness. They crave recognition for achieving things and for being tough. If they think they are studs, they walk a little taller and feel good about themselves.


    Not all boys are athletically gifted, or in the “cool cliqueâ€, but all boys can be mentally tough, cool characters when the chips are down. They just need people they look up to to set expectations of them and to recognize their efforts. The nerdiest, frailest, goofiest kid out there can rise to the occasion and save the day if he has confidence. He can be the guy who can start the fire in the windiest, wettest conditions and who can figure the best way to make a shelter, or who leads the patrol that always wins all the camp contests. Or maybe just be the kid who is always there to help the newbies when they are overwhelmed. That’s called leadership and it’s just about the coolest thing ever. We just need to help them get there by CM’s keeping them in and SM’s building them up and relying on them.


  2. Hi All,


    I came back to this forum recently after hearing about the impending decision from National about membership reqs. Not sure what I expected, but I have had my eyes opened to the diversity of thought here among this slice of the scouter community. I can only assume that this is representative of the entire community of scouters at large. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. It is after all, a very large group and it makes sense that we would all have different viewpoints. I apologize for assuming we were all of a like mind. So as I have read, I have come to realize that even in something I considered fairly straight forward, i.e. Duty to God, there are VASTLY different opinions as to what that means and even to whether that should even be an inherent aspect of Scouting. Mea Culpa.



    Anyway, While reading one string about the Brits taking it completely out of their charge,http://www.scouter.com/forum/issues-politics/361593-chief-exec-of-uk-scout-association-time-for-a-promise-that-atheists-can-keep, (sorry don't know how to jump yet), I was struck by how ignorant I have been. In one brilliantly crafted reply, a fellow (apologies if the author was, in fact, a woman) named Outdoors boiled the entire issue down to its essence. I began my reply therein, but have come to the conclusion that this issue truly deserves it's own thread. I mean, many, many of us are decidedly on board that religion is actually at the root of many of the problems facing scouting, both locally and as a movement. So, here goes:



    Ok. I think Outdoors made a very good point that I would like to develop further. “What makes a person a good person comes from within themselves and has nothing to do with whether or not they consider themselves religious" Now, ignoring the part about whether they consider themselves religious, I think it is fascinating to consider this thought. Just think! What makes me good comes from inside me and from no other source. I feel SO good about this! I have always loved the atheist position about how there are no eternal, ultimate Truths and that morality comes from within. i guess i just needed the right presentation to push me over the edge. It really is the most tolerant view one can take. You might call it enlightened even. It is certainly the most liberating way to think and we all know liberty is a good thing, mostly anyway. But Outdoors has verbalized it in the best, most concise way I’ve ever heard it. No gobbledygook philosophical ranting about morality being a construct largely created by oppressive patriarchal religions to sooth the masses, or arcane historical references to conflicting scriptures intentionally left out of canon law that indisputably prove that the early church was a racket. Nope! Just one straightforward, simple fact. All goodness comes from the individual.


    Ok, there is that nagging little anxiety in the back of my mind. You know, the part about what being a good person means. I mean, if it comes from inside me, then I should be the final arbiter of whether I have it and “am goodâ€. I’m sure that’s what he meant, because that is the best case for a logical argument. By that argument, whatever I am and whatever I do is good as long as I believe myself to be a good person. See how fun this is? With this new freedom, I can really have a good time as long as my inherent sense of morality (from inside me, remember) allows it. I can hunt out of season, because I love hunting and there will be way less pressure without all those other hunters in the woods. I may start sneaking onto golf courses, since I think greens fees are ridiculously high. And all that propriety society intolerantly demands of me is really starting to harsh my mellow, man. Think it’s time to get back in the game, but this time, I’ll have WAY more fun without all those pesky rules about treating girls with respect and all that. The best part of course, is that if anyone decides that my behavior is bad or that I am a bad person for my actions, they will be guilty of forcing their inherent, inside morality on me, which is intolerant and wrong.


    Now, if that’s not what he means, I suppose those of us who’re good are so by declaration of Outdoors. Which would mean his viewpoint is that which determines the inherent “goodness†of everyone else. Now, this could work, IF he intends his judgment to also come only from inside of him. Hence, he would judge based on whatever is inside of him, those who, by whatever is inside them, are actually good people. Less concise, but still easy enough to be followed. As long as Outdoors is omniscient, everything is cool. Otherwise, we have a little problem. To wit: who is to decide what “good†or “moral†or “ethical†even is? I mean we all agree that there is no ultimate Truth right? That idea is backwards and intolerant. I mean, don’t push your religion down my throat! Unfortunately, without an ultimate Truth of some kind, and excepting the outside chance that Outdoors is actually the Messiah, then there is no such thing as morality; hence either we are ALL good people, because we say so, or nobody is because good doesn’t exist. Either way, if you take this to it’s logical conclusion, everybody deciding their own set of morals will end not in happy, loving cumbaya. It would, by definition, lead to the rule of force. If I am bigger than you, and I want something you have, my inner morality tells me that I am totally within my rights to come and take it. And if you can’t stop me and don’t like it, well that’s the breaks. If you say anything against this, it smacks of intolerance. It’s MY MORALITY remember and you will be guilty of judging me in the most intolerant way. However, if you are stronger than me or have better weapons, then you are within your rights, by inner morality, to stop me and punish me for imposing on you. I will accept that and treat you with all the respect you deserve for your personhood. We are both “good people†by definition. No ultimate Truth needed, remember?


    That’s cool too. I’m a pretty big guy and have plenty of firepower, so I’ll be alright. Besides, once I enslave half my block, I won’t have to do any pesky lawn care or housework anymore. And there is that chick down the block that I’ve had my eye on…


    Now, none of you intoleran hate-mongering religious nuts better try and talk me out of it!


    Peace (if you wish it and whatever you think that means)


  3. Sentinel,


    This is good. I think we have differences, but its refreshing in a forum setting to be able to discuss these rationally and good-naturedly. I am also a practicing catholic and the priest scandal was not a high point for me either. Actually, it pains me to have brought it up, but I think it is important to learn from the past. Even if it is embarrassing.


    I agree that pedophiles are just that most of the time. I dont think all Homosexuals are pedophiles and I recognize that all pedophiles are not homosexual. I dont think that Homosexuals have any less self-control as a group than heterosexuals either. But that might not be saying much. How many great men have been brought low because they could not keep their equipment clean? Over and over it happens. Some guy with the entire world by the tail blows the whole thing because of that. Loses his career, family, everything he worked for because he was weak. I dont know how homosexual attraction works either, but if its like normal attraction, its probably pretty powerful. So why mess around with it? None of the homosexuals I know would ever hurt a child. Does that mean there are none out there who would? I think thats pretty naive. In everyones rush to laud this for tolerance and defend gay rights, I think maybe they have gone so far that not only is it an improbability, but an impossibility for them to consider. We do tend to get married to an idea and defend it regardless of what we have to ignore to make it work. Its human nature.


    I agree that normal YP goes a long way towards mitigating risk. Does it completely eliminate it? Id say there are probably still problems in spite of it. Would there be more problems if the majority of adult leaders werent also repulsed by the idea of same-sex activity? You are right though that the major focus of YP changes will have to be youth-youth. That may become a bigger problem than any of us can anticipate.


    Not sure your CO is church based, but as a catholic, I assume you are looking towards similar ideas of morality out of your leaders. These things are not trivial. In setting an example for our boys, some things are not ok. If I had a leader who was a womanizer, and made that openly known, Id act to have him removed. Same with other amoral choices. Why is it not ok to recognize homosexuality as not morally straight? Now, I know were all sinners. Do I know what all my leaders do on their own time? Nope. But DADT is kind of the defacto rule there. If they teach the boys good morality and are good examples publically, its all good. But I hope that they are the men (and women) that they purport to be. You say youre liberal, Ive claimed a conservative bent, but that should not matter. Its a big church. BSA is a big tent. Theres room for us to disagree and still both be good members of both. Maybe my first impression was wrong. Perhaps these types of decisions should be made locally and were it not for the culture war that, like it or not, were all involved in, they would be. Unfortunately, I think this thing is going to be used as a wedge to dismantle a lot more of what scouting stands for.


    Lets see who comes out at the celebration when its announced. If it is relieved parents and scouts who are just glad to finally not have to lie anymore. Ill stand down and accept this. If its a bunch of angry politically charged hate mongers gloating about victory, I guess well know we just got rolled.


  4. Sentinel, sorry about the multiple posts. The goofy thing kept telling me it timed out, so I tried again. Apparently there's no way to retract one once it's posted. Guess I need a little training. I would be much obliged if an administrator would delete all but one itteration.


    You and Moose both bring up good points, but also missed part of mine. I agree there are kids who joined in Tigers who had no idea and want to finish. That's the toughest question of all and one that could be handled both ways (DADT and the new way). I obviously also get a parent wanting to be involved in his son's life, which could also have been handled and probably was unde DADT.


    I think little of those types of things are driving this at Nationals. It is a political war and by rolling they are abdicating the high ground on this and everything else. I promise this is only the beginning.


    As to the rest, well I'm not paranoid, or scared. Nor do I hate anyone. We are all Scout leaders, yet the terms of the argument have already been dictated by others. So much so, that you guys accept their premise that to object to this paints one as a bigot or a homophobe or even a little paranoid.


    I was not asserting that all or even alarge proportion of homosexuals are bad, or predetermined to prey on our youth, just that it increases the statistical chances in an overall way. The point is that heterosexual folks in close quarters with large numbers of youth of the opposit sex is equally as stupid. Why do we have YP anyway? Why are camps of all stripes segregated by gender? You can say I'm paranoid, or small minded, or even that I hate homosexuals. You can say whatever you like, but it won't change the fact that this policy is mathmatically going to increase risk. Perhaps we can mitigate it with the YP proceedures in place. Perhaps enhanced proceedures are on the horizen. Who knows. But burrying our collective heads to the facts of sexual attraction is not going to make it go away.


    Ask the Catholic Church how that worked out. They had a problem. A mathmatically minescule number of homosexual priests with access to youth and power caused a tragically huge amount of heartache. The Church componded things by ignoring reality for many years. They didn't even employ YP, because their leaders were celebate and morally superior. So, if the church should have had measures to protect youth from celebate, non-sexual, and holy priests who might have been gay, is it inconcievable to expect that we should expect to have problems with a percentage of the non-celebate, secular, openly sexual homosexuals we are proposing to admit? That's not hate or paranoia. That's just being smart and protective of our youth.



  5. Basementdweller,

    Im afraid you need a scoutmasters conference for bullying. Just because Sheldonsmom says shes teaching her kids traditional values doesnt give you the right to puff up and impugn her motives. The questions you ask (and the manner you ask them) are intended to put her on the defensive. These classic bullying tactics are exactly how the left is going about tearing down the institutions and traditions of American society.


    If, as a heterosexual, I am dissatisfied with the rules of some club or associationsay, the local LBGT chapter, or the Gay Pride Parade steering committee, or if as a conservative carnivore I dont like what PETA has to say, know what I do? I act like a MAN and move on. That means I respect their club and their right to run it however they like. I respect it enough that I abide by their membership requirements. If I cannot in good conscience condone the aims, methods, oaths, promises, slogans, mottos etc. (sound familiar?) I move on and find somewhere that Id rather be and where Id find acceptance.


    I DONT act like a baby and throw a tantrum. I dont demand that that group alter the way they choose, by free association to operate. I DONT viciously attack that group, by which I so want to be accepted, by dragging their name through the mud in the media and surreptitiously threatening all their sources of funding. Free association. Why is that phrase so important? Well, because freedom of association is an implicit foundational right behind first amendment rights of both speech and assembly. This is our organization. If one can abide by the bylaws, welcome. If not, be a grownup and accept it. Go find an organization that you like better, or make one of your own. Why is this so hard? Quite frankly, if someone truly feels that BSA, or any group for that matter is as dastardly as the gay lobby or the atheists have made it out to be, why on earth would they want to become a member of it? Could it be that they have other motives besides the joy of living the oath?


    What could those motives be?


    Could it be to destroy from the inside what could not be done from the outside? Of course, they will say this will BSA better and more tolerant and all manner of flowery verbiage, but in reality, BSA stands for traditional values and is at the front of the culture war. So getting in and redirecting that stance could be looked upon as a strategic victory. And dont for an instant believe well all join hands and sing cumbaya afterwards. The virulent anti-traditional values, anti-BSA factions, both within the LBGT camp and in other camps are very vocal and will crow about this from the highest rooftops. This will not end here. Mark my words. I guarantee in the first press conference after the ruling, some tool will utter the words: This is a good start, but we have more work to do. or something to that effect. This will embolden them. They will double down with a passion. The next thing will be admission of atheists. Then all mention of God, Reverence and moral character will have to go. Standing firm against the media onslaught is hard. Following your principles usually is. If you equivocate once, it becomes even harder to stand tall the next time. They will not rest until the BSA is broken down and made back up in whatever form appeases them. Or is no longer a threat.


    I think individually, a lot of folks might be intent on becoming the first openly gay this or that. Fine. That may not be the worst motive, but it still doesnt seem to pass muster as a proper reason to join a service organization that focusses on achievement and brotherhood and which certainly does not promote sexuality among its youth. The point that one identifies oneself more by sexual preferences than by accomplishments and personal character reeks of having an agenda or trying to use the organization to make some kind of statement.


    Or perhaps the individual motives are more sinister. Perhaps there are predators out there who would like nothing more than a nice relaxed set of admission standards to clear their path to all those young, innocent boys. Does that seem mean-spirited? Hard hearted? Backwards? Fine. Call me what you will, but ask yourself; is it also improbable? I mean, golly, thats never been a problem before has it? Molesters are never drawn to large assemblies of youth or to youth programs are they?


    I know plenty of Gay people. Many of whom I would trust with my kids. They're wonderful individuals, but that's not the point here. Would anyone in their right mind house teenage boys and teenage girls in the same tent? How about high school boys and 11 year old girls? Why not? Would that be a YP violation? How about full grown men and teenage boys? Truly whats the difference between a man and a teenage boy other than less ability to employ judgment before acting on sexual impulses? Its a statistics problem. Among adult men, there is a tiny fraction of men who are attracted to children. There is also a slightly larger fraction that is attracted to other males. It stands to reason; among them are some whore attracted to young boys and/or teenage boys, or just young men like our fine strapping 16-18 year old scouts. We assiduously try and ferret out the former, why the hell would we invite the latter in with open arms? If the idea of predators makes you squeamish, try this: imagine tent mates who are both gay. No predation, totally consensual. Even if they were highly discrete and their patrol mates didnt know, do we really want boys sneaking off in the woods for romps during troop activities? Dont think it wont happen. You wouldnt even house teenage girls and boys in the same camp much less the same tent. You wouldnt do that for the same reason. Hormones, availability and poor judgment often lead to bad things.


    I know weve always had homosexuals in scouting, both in the ranks and in leadership. But DADT tends to subdue openness doesnt it? Act on something and you might get busted will keep some peoples tendencies tightly hidden, and subsequently keep them focused on whatever task is at hand. But if theres no reason to be worried about being outted, one might be free to act a little more boldly. Patrols live together apart from direct supervision. PLs are pretty impressive figures to younger boys. A lot of fresh newbies are intimidated and shy and oh yeah sometimes they face scary and/or uncomfortable situations. In other words, they are vulnerable. Thank goodness this is all being done in the name of tolerance and that we all know a handful of anecdotal examples of truly wonderful gay people. That should be enough to ensure the most pure of intentions will rule the day. I feel a lot better.


    Truly, even with a fairly strong focus on YP, it still happens. Why would we want to throw gasoline on this smoldering problem? Jeesaloo! How many ways are there to spell disaster?


  6. All HAIL BEAVAH. For he is wise.


    It takes a big man to admit to himself when he is wrong and an even bigger one to admit it to all who care to hear.


    I read the entire post and found my viewpoint shifted several times as well.


    Having never been overly orthodox in my presentation of the program, I can see the benefit of drive and enthusiasm over dogmatic adhearance to the pantheon of BSA Rules/Regulations/Reccomendations/Suggested delivery meathods...ad infinitem.


    Where the rubber meets the road is the relationship between the leaders and the scouts. Do the boys care about all this stuff being flung by the monkeys on the committee? Hell no. All they want is someone that they can look up to, who will give them the straight deal and make scouting enjoyable. This Troop had that and is stupid if they let their personal peckadillos blind them to it. The age thing is a canard. They need something to base their intent on and that IS official policy, so Bob's-your-uncle, that's what they will hang their hat on. If the folks involved were old enough to meet the requirement, they would find something else to cling to.


    officiousness and petulance should never be more important than the core values and unit health.


    I have had DL's that hated each other. Their kids loved them, so guess what? I don't care.


    I have had a COR I saw once a year for signatures. Our CC is happy to let me do everything but re-charter. In the minds of our COR, CC and committee, I am the boss. Is this the prescribed way to run a pack? I don't care.


    I chose every committee member but the treasurer who has been there longer than me. Is that the "right" way to do things? I don't care.


    All my DL's are full voting members of the committee. They are the rubber meeting the road and I think they should have equal say. Any parent that ventures into our committee meetings may take the floor and voice any opinion or ask any question they like. The Pack is, after all, theirs. OK the CO "owns" it, but the families have more at stake and can leave if they don't like things. The special project coordinators are brought on the committee for the time leading up to their events. They have equal voting rights during their temporary tenure. Again, rubber meets the road. Any of that sound like it's right or official? guess what? I don't care.


    We get all kinds of different parents move into the Pack every year. Some really young former Eagle dads, some grisled veterans of other Packs and Troops seeing their youngest through the system one more time. I welcome their input, and listen to their ideas. Sometimes I like them and sometimes, not so much. but if they have a good idea I generally listen to it. Sometimes I make up whole new ad-hoc positions on the committee just to make space for somebody who has good ideas and is enthusiastic about making our program better. I could care less about their demographics (young, old, man, woman, purple people eater). That's not what is important. What IS important is do they bring something that will make our Pack better and more enjoyable for the kids. Do I run this correctly? I don't care.


    Basically, there are four rules I run my pack by. 1) YP and YPT (something that I do care about and make sure is written in stone). 2) GSS for operations (Meetings, camp outs, outings). 3) Do we keep our word to the boys and follow the CS promise? And 4)Is this going to be good for the Pack and the boys. All Rubber-Road items.


    Everything else is just Bravo Sierra.


    Is this a good way to run a program? you guessed it. I don't care.


    I supposed "good" depends on your interpretation. This is mine: We have close to 100% graduation and retention rates. We have had 100% AOL for the last three years. And we're feeding a vibrant healthy troop as 80-90% of our boys are going on to Boy Scouting.


    I guess the BSA could harp about our Pack not following their bysantine structure. I suppose the COR could fire me for usurping her authority, but Jimmy-Crack-Corn and I DON"T CARE.


    As long as I'm CM, all Our Pack will focus on is the rubber and the road. I think a lot of other units would be well served to do likewise.


    Here's to another lost lunch break.


    Cheers All!


    Oh. One more thing. I'm 44 and I'd take Mr. Long-in-the-name and his sweet little fiance on my committee any day of the week. And not to just sit around either. You guys kick a$$! Read the posts here and you'll see that there are a lot of over-worked good-hearted people out there trying to keep foundering units alive who would dearly relish someone of your desire and drive to come along and help them provide all that scouting has to offer. Go find one and "Do Your Best". There are a lot of boys out there who deserve what you bring to the table.


  7. SF,




    For all the struggles, the personality disputes, the conflicts with other clubs and sports, the thousands of details to manage and the inevitable problems that pop up to derail the best-laid plans, for all the disappointments and heartbreaks that this job can deal you, there is no better paying job on earth when the wages are stories like these.


    Kudos to you for being flexible and positive enough to change plans on the fly and still hold a good camp-out, and for being a hero to your boys! Good demonstration of the Tom Highway motto: Adapt, Overcome, Improvise!


    I've often said that I have a secret CM's retirement account. I'll share it with you: I plan on dusting off my old CM shirt and attending every one of my boys' Eagle ceremonies, wherever they are. Looking forward to "retirement" for a good many years.



  8. SF,


    In essence, that's what we do too. We just happen to call the graduation Cross-over. We do Actual Cross-over for the Webelos in December. And we always have a seperate ceremony for AOL. I drive my Web DL's pretty hard to get it done by November so We can devote proper attention to AOL.


    I just found out at our Den meeting tonight that one of my son's friends will probably not get his Bear badge. He's missed too many Den meetings. He's on my baseball team, so I plan to urge his dad to try and finish, but I'm not hopefull. Kinda weird that we've been talking about this very situation. I will handle it just like I said I would, but it's a harder deal than when it's someone elses boys your talking about.


    Ann, hang tough! You can do it. Know that there are others out there grappling with the same issues. And even with years of experience, it's still hard.


    Cheers all.

  9. "Seriously, Scoutfish, whenever I have tried to ponder why people do the things people do, I find it helpful to visit and spend some time in the primate building at a good zoo to remind myself that basically, we are monkeys. It helps. Really."


    This looks like my cue!


    Yes. They (and we) ARE monkeys. parents and boys alike. and If you've been to said primate house, you'll notice that sometimes they throw..., well, stuff. So what to do? I guess you could stay out of the monkey house. OR, you just learn to try and avoid the flying "stuff" and go about your buisness. I think that those of us In scouting have chosen the latter.


    I've read the posts for a long time. And have held my present position for longer than is probably sane. You know, I think there are two basic types of participant here. The fledgling scouter who is earnestly trying to learn their craft and improve what/how they do, and the grisled veteran who is pretty sure of himself.


    Often, somebody asks for advice or relates a situation and they are greatly helped by the replies. Sometimes it sets off a firestorm of debate. Those cases still help the newby because they get to see differing approaches to common problems. Sometimes, those debates change the minds of the veterans, or at least make us check our facts, which is a good thing too.


    I figure anybody getting hacked off or being overbearing is just another monkey flinging something I don't want to get on me.


    My $.02


  10. SP,


    Yeah, we still generate all the reports. We don't give anybody anything they didn't earn. What I'm getting at is that I don't specifically hold a seperate ceremony for the Tiger, Wolf or Bear rank award. I mention it at the X-over ceremony (we have a seperate cross-over for Webelos in December), and everybody expects to earn it in the course of the program year, so there's not a need to talley up during the ceremony.


    It's counter-intuitive I know. All during the year, we make a big deal about every little belt-loop, pin, leave-no-trace etc. Then during the ceremony, we don't go all out about the one award that REALLY matters. But from all the instant recognition all year long, the kids have ample opportunity to be recognized and the high achievers get their fill.


    Then I try to make ceremony itself very impressive. The kids who earned it, felt like it was all about them achieving rank, but the ones who didn't are probably relieved, because for them, it wasn't specifically pointed out.


    It might be under-handed and manipulative, but if they all feel good about crossing over, there's a higher chance they are coming back. Which is one of my main jobs.


    As for the Wolf and Bear programs, I couldn't agree more. My youngest is a Bear right now. His Dl is a good friend and laments the lame stuff he's forced to dish up. He can cover a whole geography or safety lesson (that mirrors what they've learned in school) in 10 minutes flat if they stay under control. Then it's on to fun. We've built water bottle rockets and launched them. Visited the local infantry museum and climbed all over the tanks. Made tool-boxes and burned their names on them. He's getting the program done, but with some common sense, he's zipping through the boring stuff in favor of the fun stuff.


    Wolves and Bears need "A little less talk and a lot more action."



  11. Ann,


    I have a slightly different take on this issue. I agree with ScoutNut on principle. In an ideal world, everyone would be sufficiently motivated to earn their award as soon as possible and should be awarded the badge when they do. That's the way we did it when I was a kid and it caused us to try and be first. However, early on as CM, I realized that It's not an ideal world. Kids have a lot more scheduled activity and many don't get it done on their own.


    The new program isn't new to us. We have been driving the DLs to knock out as much as possible in the Den meetings for years. It's taken time, but now we have an environment where 1) the kids are EXPECTED to earn the award and 2) Due to the program being set up to foster that, it is rare for a kid to fulfill the requirements before the last Den meeting.


    Do we still have kids fall short? Yep. Every so often it happens. Why? usually it's a doofus parent who will not follow through. For the most part, it's not the boys fault. He can't drive himself places. He can't make his parent teach him things. We spoon feed it to the recalcitrant parent and the DL and I both try and get them moving towards the end of the year, but sometimes you just can't make the horse drink. Once in a while, it's the kid who's just un-motivated, but that's less likely to stop him if the parent is on board. (Usually, those kids drop out because they're not having fun)


    Where does that leave me? Well, My view point is that scouting is good for every kid. Maybe moreso for the ones who haven't developed a sense of responsibility yet or who have un-involved parents or an unsteady home life. I can drive those kids (or their parents) out by making things uncomfortable for them or singling them out, or I can try and minimize the damage by trying to maintain unit cohesion.


    Hence, we all cross over with our den. Since earning the actual badge is expected, I hand it to them as they mount the bridge. Nobody really notices if a boy didn't get his at the ceremony. We don't ever pencil-whip the award, so the integrety of the rank award is maintained, but the kid doesn't feel left out at the culminating ceremony for the year. The insignia and emblems are important to the boys as they should be. So when little Johnny shows up next year and his rank badge is missing, HE knows and hopefully motivates himself to make sure he doesn't fail another rank, but he's still there. It usually works out that way.


    You saw my ceremony, but you don't see all the ad-libbing. I'll do a lot of it. It's a balance to make the boys who achieved the rank feel special while making the one boy who didn't also feel special. Or at least not particularly called out. Spend a lot of energy describing the things they accomplished and all the fun they had. Since you are also the DL for this guy, it will be easy to point out something specific that he was involved in and play it up. Like the others have said, we all move to the next rank together, regardless of what we've earned. Hopefully, next year, he comes back because he wants to have all the fun you guys have and will be motivated to pester his mom a little about taking care of rank.





  12. Ann,


    I spun a new thread off called ceremonies and dumped a few in there. There are a lot of great ceremonies out there on the net, so it will be easy to find some if you don't like mine. I like the fire idea. I've wanted to do ours outside for a while, but we have a lot of kids and it's always been easier to get them "dialed in" indoors.


    Sorry for hijacking your thread SF.

  13. AOL:




    Arrow of Light Ceremony


    ****In a dark room. Lit by one light aimed at the dais****


    Cubmaster (CM):


    Tonight, our Pack has the special privilege of witnessing several of our brothers be awarded the Arrow of Light!


    The Arrow of light is the highest award that a Cub Scout can earn. It is estimated that nationally, less than 5 percent of boys who enter Cub Scouts earn this highly sought after award. This is so prestigious, that the Arrow of light is the only rank that is authorized to be carried forward and worn on the Boy Scout uniform. In fact, the Arrow of Light is the only Cub Scout award that can be worn on the uniform of an adult leader. If these boys become leaders in Scouting when they grow up, they can wear a special square knot patch, like this one, that denotes their achievement as a Cub Scout.


    It takes a great deal of work and dedication to earn the Arrow of light, far more than all the other rank advancements and assorted other awards earned during your years as a Cub Scout. The Webelos we will honor tonight had to earn at least eight of the twenty possible Webelo activity pins. They had to learn the Boy Scout promise, motto and law. They had to visit a Troop meeting or camp-out and learn about the ranks and uniforms in Boy Scouts.


    It is a great honor to recognize these young men. Please show respect for their achievement by remaining silent during the ceremony.


    Arrow of light candidates: please join me at the center of the Pack.


    These boys have risen to this, the highest peak of Cub Scouting. It has taken 4 years. They started out just like you Tigers. I remember them all those years ago. They were bright eyed and excited. Everything was new to them and they were eager to learn the ropes. They first learned the Cub Scout sign, motto and promise on their way to earning their Bobcat badge.


    Then, they searched, discovered and shared (the Tiger Cub motto) all year long on the way to earning their tiger Cub Badge.


    The next year, they completed the twelve steps necessary to earn their Wolf Badge.


    After that, they had to conquer the twelve harder steps on the way to earning their Bear badge and join the Webelos Den.


    All along the way, the path became steeper and more difficult to follow, but they persevered. As Webelos, they had to make some decisions. Earning the Arrow of Light requires commitment. A Scout does not have to earn it. They could have sat back and taken the easy way out. They could have just had fun and enjoyed themselves, but they didnt. They decided to try to reach the top of the mountain. They dug down deep and relied on the Cub Scout motto: Do Your Best.


    I am proud of them. We should all be proud of them and you boys who are not yet ready to stand for the Arrow of Light should be inspired to follow in their footsteps. These boys are setting the best example. Thats what leadership is, and they have it. The Pack has been improved by their presence and it will be missed when they cross over into Boy Scouts.



    Boys: before I confer upon you the Arrow of light, I want to discuss the symbolism behind it.


    If you look at the arrow of light it seems pretty simple. There is an arrow with a sun rising over it. However, every element has a deeper meaning.


    First, look at the arrow. An arrow is an ancient weapon. It is a tool for protecting and providing. In order to be effective, it must fly straight and true. It must have a sharp point to achieve its ends.


    Look at the fletching. Without feathers, the arrow would not be able to fly straight and would not hit its intended target. On the Arrow of Light, there are three feathers. These represent the Family, the Pack and the Scout himself who have all worked together to keep the scout flying straight and true to his mark.


    The shaft of the arrow represents several things. On a real arrow, the shaft provides all the strength and also points the way toward the target. On the Arrow of Light, the shaft symbolizes the straight and narrow path that the Scout must remain on to reach his goals. The Shaft of the Arrow of Light also signifies strength. The scout must head down the path and remain strong to resist things that would make him stray from his target.


    On an ancient arrow, the arrowhead was lashed to the shaft with sinew. This lashing represents the friendship and brotherhood that has bound us together.


    The arrowhead also represents several things. Without a hard sharp arrowhead, the arrow is not a very effective weapon. On the Arrow of Light, the arrowhead symbolizes the hardness and sharpness that you have developed as a Scout that will prepare you to face lifes challenges. The arrowhead also points the direction forward, to the Scouts future. It points the way toward Boy Scouts and the ultimate achievement found there, the Eagle Scout Badge. On a real arrow, the tip must be continuously maintained at a razors edge so that it will be always ready. This symbolism serves as a caution to remain ever sharp. Always ready.


    The sun over the arrow symbolizes the light that shines on all we do. This should be a reminder to be a light to those around you. The sun is rising, which signifies a new beginning; a beginning full of constant new challenges provided by Scouting and Life itself.


    The rays coming from the sun have several meanings as well. There are seven rays, which denote the seven days of the week. This should be a reminder to do your best every day.


    Each ray also represents the seven virtues that the Scout should follow to lead to a happy and fulfilling life.


    The first ray represents Wisdom. Having wisdom does not mean that one is smarter than others, but that he uses what he knows to live a better life.


    The second ray represents Courage. Courage does not mean that you have no fear. It means that you can face challenges despite your fear.


    The third ray represents Self Control. Self Control means being able to stop when you have had enough of something and being able to choose your own path instead of merely following others.

    The Fourth ray represents Justice. Justice means being fair with others we play and work with, regardless of who they are.

    The fifth ray represents Faith. Faith includes belief in God, and in things we cannot see, but believe to be true.

    The sixth ray represents Hope. Hope means to look forward to good things you believe will happen. You hope for better things tomorrow, but at the same time you work hard today to make them happen.

    The seventh ray represents Love. There are many kinds of love. Love of family, home, fellow men, God, and country and most importantly, the love God has for each of us. Every kind of love is important for a full and happy life.


    In Boy Scouts, when they have an Eagle Court of Honor, a challenge is made to the new Eagle Scout. Tonight, I want to offer such a challenge to each of you. You have achieved the highest rank in Cub Scouts. You have shown what you are capable of doing.


    I challenge each of you to continue to live by the ideals you have learned in Cub Scouts, especially the Cub Scout motto: 'DO YOUR BEST'.


    I challenge you to always keep the memory of your brothers here alive by always following the Pack motto: GO HARD in all you do.


    I challenge each of you to continue your high level of achievement in Boy Scouts.


    I challenge each of you to look at the Arrow of Light badge and think about what it represents. Know that if you keep this in mind and live your life by these ideals, you will go far.


    Last, I challenge each of you to soar to great heights and obtain the Eagle Scout Award.


    At this point I would like to invite the parents of these Scouts to come and stand behind them.


    Webelos leaders: have these young men fulfilled the requirements of the Arrow of light?


    Webelos leaders (WL):


    They have.




    Then I would like to present them with the awards they have rightfully earned.

    Parents, as you have risen through the ranks with your boy and have been instrumental in their achieving this award, I will present the badge to you and have you pin it on your Scout.


    Your Den Leader will then give you a special memento of your achievement. It is an authentic Indian arrow. This arrow is made in the ancient ways and has all of the elements mentioned. This arrow is something that you can keep and display always. Hopefully it will always remind you that you are an Arrow of Light holder and what that means.


    **** read the names one by one and hand the award **** **** to the parent, then wait for pictures with the boy **** **** and parents *****





    WEBELOS Cross-Over Ceremony


    Cubmaster (CM):


    WEBELOS leaders, please lead your Den one last time to the crosss-over bridge


    [leaders and scouts assemble @ the bridge]




    Leaders: are these boys ready to become Boy Scouts?








    Have they been prepared for the road ahead?








    Are they prepared to walk the road without your leadership?








    Then, Den Leaders, it is with much pride and respect for the job you have done in leading, teaching and mentoring these boys, that I relieve you of your duties. Stand Down and make way for the boys to follow the path you have put them on. May they never forget the lessons they have learned and may they ever hold you in the highest esteem.


    Boys: you stand @ the precipice of a fantastic adventure! The bridge before you leads to the future. This bridge is a symbol of your crossing from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting.


    A bridge is a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression. It is a means of connection or transition from one side to another...as this bridge represents how our Pack is connected to the Troop. And it represents that even though you will leave forever the Pack and Cub Scouting, part of who you are and become will be tied to your time here. And also that this Pack will ever be shaped by the mark you left here. As a symbol of that mark, the last official act as a Cub Scout will be to write your name on the bridge itself as a reminder to those who follow in your footsteps, that you were once where they stand.


    When it is your turn, you will be holding the candle lit from the flame used in all our ceremonies. It has lit your path for five years and will continue to light the way for the Pack. It symbolizes God who watches over us all and is the light of the world. It also burns bright for truth and goodness that resides in the heart of all Scouts. You will be guided by the flame of Boy Scouting, but it was lit from the same fire and while your times in the Troop will be different and the world will seem more vast, the flame and what it represents will not change.


    As your name is called, please turn and hand the eternal flame of Pack 120 to the WEBELOS scout directly behind you. You are at the pinnacle of Cub Scouting! And as such you must cross the bridge with the smell of that fire still in your noses.


    Hopefully the steps you now take are only the beginning and that we are all witnessing your first important steps leading to the Eagle Scout award. And when you get to that ultimate pinnacle of all scouting, myself and your Den leaders pledge that if you ask us, we will go wherever you may be to witness that wonderful occasion.


    [call the boys forward one by one to sign and cross the bridge and be re-kerchiefed as Boy Scouts]


  15. Crossover Ceremony


    Cub Master



    Scouting in the United States began after an American tourist was assisted in the London fog by a boy identifying himself as a Scout. That tourist was William Boyce, and in 1910, he was assisted by Scoutings original founding father, Lord Baden-Powell, to form the Boy Scouts of America. Originally designed for boys over the age of 12younger boys were drawn to the program and in 1934 Cub Scouting began.


    Scoutings ranks have changed very little over the years. They were inspired by the characters in The Jungle Book written by Baden-Powells good friend, Rudyard Kipling. In the story, two wolves find a man-cub being hunted by a tiger. They take in the boy and raise him as one of their own. The wolf pack is led by Akela, and the boy is soon befriended by a bear and a black panther. You can easily see the ranks of Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf and Bear in the story.




    Webelos Den Leader


    Tonight we are pleased to have you here to congratulate this years Scouts on their achievements and advancements as well as welcome new scouts to the program. Our current Webelos are on hand to help with the ceremony, as they will continue in Webelos until near the end of the first semester next school year when they will crossover into Boy Scouting.






    Webelos Scout


    We want to welcome any Kindergarten boys who wish to enter Cub Scouting as Tiger Cubs at this time. All future Tiger Cubs and their parents are invited to come forward now.


    ******** All new boys come to the front with their parents. Parents wait for their boy at the end of the bridge. Boys are on the left side (from the audience) of the bridge.


    Cub Master


    Is it your wish to become Tiger Cub Scouts? To search, discover and share as stated in the Tiger Motto? (Encourage them to answer Yes)


    Parents, when your boy becomes part of our Pack, you also become part of the Pack. You will be joining in the adventure both as participant and as Akela. He will require much help and support and the strength of the Pack will depend on the support of each of you. Is it your intention for your boy to join the pack?


    You have come to be inducted into our Cub Scout family as members of pack 120. You are ready to start your adventure along Akelas trail. You see on the uniforms of the older boys the badges that you will earn: the Bobcat, the Tiger, the Wolf, the Bear, the Webelos Badge and eventually, Cub Scoutings Highest Award, the Arrow of Light. These are the waypoints along the trail. The parts of Cub Scouting that dont show are the values and skills you will learn and the good times you will have.


    If you are ready, please cross over the bridge one by one into Tiger Cub Scouting and don your Tiger Cub Kerchief.


    ******** Boys cross over and are hooded by their parent.


    Cub Master:


    You are now officially Tiger Cubs in Pack 120. (Applause)


    (To the audience): before you are the new Tiger Cubs. They are just beginning on the trail towards the Arrow of Light and beyond that Boy Scouting. As they move forward from here, they must learn and abide by the Cub Scout Promise, and the Law of the Pack. They stand with much enthusiasm on the first step of the advancement trail. As they traverse this path, they will gain knowledge, skills, and abilities they might not otherwise. They will grow as citizens and create memories that will last their lifetime as they forge lasting friendships.


    (To the tigers): boys, take your position in the pack, and receive the light of the Tiger den. You are now the stewards of this flame. May it light your path and may you keep it burning brightly.


    *********Current Tiger lights new Tiger candle with his own and extinguishes his candle



    Tiger Den Leader


    The current Tigers are ready to become Wolves. They have learned the Cub Scout Promise, The Law of the Pack and the Cub Scout Sign and Motto. These will guide them along the Cub Scouting trail. They have been intrepid in Searching, Learning and Discovering. They have all previously earned their Bobcat Badge and all of them have done the necessary good deed required to turn it over.


    Will all Tiger Cubs and their parents please come forward at this time? Tigers, is it your wish to become Wolves? (Encourage them to answer Yes)


    Cub Master:



    Tigers, please join me in the Cub Scout sign, and say the Cub Scout Promise. (I (name) promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people and to obey the law of the pack.) Do you wish to follow Akela down the trail to Wolf, and will you help the pack go? If so, answer, we will. Since you have shown you are worthy of the Bobcat, and you have all worked hard to earn your Tiger Cub Badge, You will shortly cross over into the Wolf Den. (Parents directed to the other side of the bridge to receive their Scout)


    (To the audience): The boys you see before you have spent the year growing and developing in their identity as Cub Scouts. They are no longer the rookies. In many ways, through sheer enthusiasm and earnest effort, they have turned the tables and shone forth an example of good scouting to the other members and leaders of the Pack. While no longer the new blood, they will undoubtedly be a source of energy and inspiration to keep the scout promise and motto every day in all that we do. They will be developing the necessary aspects of leadership throughout the coming year


    Now, cross over the bridge to receive your Wolf scarf.


    ********Boys cross over one at a time and Parents change their kerchiefs to Wolf kerchiefs


    Cub Master:


    Congratulations. You are now a bobcat on the Wolf trail. (Applause)

    Wolves, assume your new position in the Pack and receive the light of the Wolf Den.


    ******** Current Wolf lights new wolfs candle and extinguishes his own.


    You now have the responsibility to keep the flame of the Wolf burning brightly. May it always light your path.


    Wolf Den Leader:


    Wolves, please come forward with your parents. (Direct the Wolf Cubs to one side of the bridgeparents to the other side.)



    The Cub Scout Motto is, Do your best. The Wolf Cub Scouts have consistently lived up to this motto. They have completed 12 achievements in reaching the rank of wolf and earning the Wolf badge. These require knowledge of the flag of our great nation, of keeping strong in body and mind, of tools, of knots, of safety, of his neighborhood and community and of books and learning.


    They have mastered several feats of skill, started a collection, and shown a willingness to take part in family responsibilities and help in their homes.


    Cub Master


    You have completed the achievements for the Wolf badge.


    Do you wish to continue down the trail into the den of the Bear and to continue to help the Pack go? If so, answer I do.


    Since you have shown that you are worthy of the Wolf Rank, you will shortly cross over into the Bear den. Please make the Cub Scout sign and join me in the Cub Scout promise: I Promise.


    (To the audience): These boys have truly grown in responsibility and leadership. They will be working towards the rank of Webelos Scout. Our Pack will be well served by their membership and stewardship as they continue to take on more and more roles of leadership and serve as a constant example of what makes a good Cub Scout to the younger boys. The leaders and I have every confidence that they will be dependable in every way. Hence, they will be called on time and again to demonstrate the Cub Scout Motto: Do Your



    Now, cross over the bridge to receive your Wolf Badge and Bear scarf.


    ********Boys cross over one at a time and Parents change their kerchiefs to Bear kerchiefs


    Cub Master:


    Congratulations. You are now on the Bear trail. (Applause)

    Bears, assume your new position in the Pack and receive the light of the Bear Den.


    ******** Current Bear lights new Bears candle and extinguishes his own.



    Bear Den Leader:


    Will the Bears please come forward with their parents? (Direct the Bear Cubs to one side of bridgeparents to the other side.)



    You have learned that the challenges of Cub Scouting become more difficult with each step. The Bear Scout reaches this rank by completing 12 increasingly difficult achievements that show that he is growing in knowledge and skill. The bear Cub Scout should be proud to have completed more than half of the advancement trail on his journey to Boy Scouting. It has been an adventurous yet challenging path. I am proud to present these boys for advancement into Webelos!


    Cub Master:


    You have completed the achievements for the Bear badge.


    Do you wish to continue down the trail into the den of the Webelos and to continue to help the Pack go? If so, answer I do.


    Since you have shown that you are worthy of the Bear Rank, you will shortly cross over into the Webelos den. Please make the Cub Scout sign and join me in the Cub Scout promise: I Promise.



    (To the audience): We all experience choices in our lives and must decide the best path to follow.


    These boys made choices as they selected which requirements to complete. They have proven themselves to be good Scouts. I have had the privilege of being the Cub Master during their entire career as scouts. I have interacted on many activities and campouts with these boys and am truly proud to promote each and every one of them to the final stage of the Cub Scout rank structure.


    In this Pack, I look to the Webelos to be the true embodiment of the proper Cub Scout. They are called on to handle the US Flag in most official functions. I expect the utmost in leadership and decorum in and out of uniform from each Webelos Scout. While they are learning, they must still be held to account and every member of our pack should be able to count on the Webelos to live the scout law and motto in every aspect of their lives. I have every confidence that these boys will live up to that charge.


    (To the boys):


    You have now earned the honor of joining Webelos.


    Now, cross over the bridge to receive your Bear Badge and Webelos scarf.


    ********Boys cross over one at a time and Parents change their kerchiefs to Webelos kerchiefs


    Cub Master:


    Congratulations. You are now on the Webelos trail. (Applause)

    Webelos, assume your new position in the Pack and receive the light of the Webelos Den.


    ******** Current Webelo lights new Bears candle. (His own remains lit).



    Webelos Den Leader


    Will our current Webelos Scouts stand here at the front please? These Scouts are at various places in their advancement and will be asked to complete some requirements on their own this summer to prepare for their final steps toward earning their Arrow of Light and advancing into Boy Scouting next year.


    (I would like to present the following Webelos with their most recent achievements.)


    Cub Master:


    Candle bearers, front and center.


    (To the audience): Before you are the lights of our Pack. The candles are merely a representation of the light that shines forth from each boy.


    See how they shine. The rays from several scouts make a brighter light. Each scout lets his light shine by doing his best and helping other people. Together, the light within each boy provides the light of the dens. The dens lights together provide the light for the entire pack.


    ********Together the boys light the center candle.


    Observe this larger candle. It is the light of the Pack. It represents many things and is kept bright by each of us. It serves as a reminder that there is a brighter light that leads us all. Let us always think first of God, second of others and finally of ourselves.


    Thank you all for your support of Scouting programs throughout the year, and thank you for being here tonight and thank you Scouts, for all of your hard work in all of the ranks.


    Well dismiss after retiring the Colors. Please Stand


  16. Ok Ann,


    I tried the private message thing. There's no way to attach files. I read the instructions and they said that PM was for messages unrelated to Scouting and that if it was general interest to go ahead and post it in the forums. I don't want to hijack SF's post, so I'm starting a spin-off thread called "ceremonies".


    BTW, we cross-over Webelos at a different time than the rest of the boys. So I'm going to put the different ceremonies in seperate posts. I'll throw in our AOL ceremony too, just in case you need it.


    I have stolen bits and peices of several different sources onthe net and in books and cobbled thses together, so if your doing research already, you've probably seen parts of this already.



  17. Ann,


    I have an entire ceremony canned and ready to go if you want it. It might at least be a starting point for you to modify to your particular group.


    Not sure if I can attach files here, but I can send it through the message function on the board.


    It's pretty long for a post.

  18. SF,

    I do a Bobcat ceremony that could be easily changed to a graduation or cross-over for Tigers. Itll work because its already set up as a stand-alone. It uses BPs Zulu boy story. Ill attach a link below. It really works the more you play it up. We turn out the lights, and light our Pack candle, then have them each light a small candle from the larger one. I have a drummer somewhere in the back of the room softly providing a slow, steady beat.


    For Bobcat, I mark each of their hands with a white X. If you can find finger paint, that works best, but white-out will do in a pinch. I tell them that just like the Zulu boys who werent allowed back into the safety of the village before their paint wore off; the tigers are not to come back until their X was gone. They cannot wash the X off until they do their required good deed and can turn their badge over. The kids love that part, much to the dismay of the moms in the room. For Tigers, the whole scene is exciting and they pay rapt attention.


    I really play it up. Tell them how difficult it was to be a Zulu boy. Lay it on thick about being eaten by lions or cheetahs (kids love cheetahs). I mention the Boers and the Hottentots and other tribes of African bushmen who would be out hunting for the young boys to do them in. All the while the drums are getting louder and the pace of the story is picking up.


    I tell them that, while their challenge isnt as dangerous, it is just as important to our Pack as the Zulu boys was to their tribe. For the Zulus, it meant the difference between having warriors who could cut it and would be able to do the hard things required of them, or ultimately, destruction. For us, it is the same. Eventually, these boys will be our Webelos and counted on to be leaders for our Pack. Then theyll become Boy Scouts where the challenges are harder. Eventually, they will grow into the men who will lead our communities and nation. What will become of us if we pass a generation of boys who cant hack it or wont do the right thing? By now Im really going. No! We HAVE to make sure that you boys can cut the mustard. Otherwise, we might be in real trouble some day and who will come to our rescue? Who will protect us when were old and feeble?


    You boys started on your quest to earn the Bobcat badge. You have done all the requirements. But to WEAR it, you have to perform this last challenge: Go forth and do a good deed. Not just one, but many of them. Commit yourselves to do good deeds whenever and where ever they are needed. Only after committing your first good deed and promising to continue, can you wash this X off. Let it remind you of the Zulu boy, his challenge and yours! The drums are pounding by this point and Im frenetically pacing back and forth in front of them telling the story. Then I ask them if they accept the challenge. The drums stop dead and they are wide eyed. When they accept, I have them recite the Cub Scout Promise and go down the line marking the back of their hands.


    For you, you might be able to change it to: you have been in training all year to take this step. Now you have to fulfill your quest to follow the older boys on their path through Cub Scouting. We dont use a bridge for Bobcat, but you could have them cross over and get their X on the other side with their Tiger badge.

    A lot of possibilities in this story. Its all in the presentation. The boys eat that stuff up.




  19. Good for you!


    You're right. This part is no fun. But take heart. You've put up with a ration of, well, a ration of it from this boy for all the right reasons. You care about him even though he makes you crazy. Make sure you express that to he and his grandma. (except the ration part). She might not be adept at social graces, but she knows what's what with little Georgie. And chances are, he does too. Tell them that you really want him to have opportunities to excell and achieve things in life. Belt loops and patches are swell and all, but they represent something bigger than the bling. They show that the boy was able to achieve something. To some kids it's no big deal, but to some, it's a start.


    Tell them that Georgie has a chance. That you really want him to make something of himself and to be able to develop friends and have a good time. Promise to do your part. Tell them you will work with the other boys to give him a chance. That you will try and find ways to help Georgie find direction. And that you will work hard to keep the events free of hard feeelings toward him. Because you DO care and ARE really interested in him succeeding.


    But let them know that it is totally up to Georgie to make the decision to take advantage of everything you offer. Let them know that you have a job to make sure that ALL the boys are safe and well cared for and that they are getting everything THEY can get out of scouting too. The shennanigans have to stop, because it is keeping everyone from succeeding. Then after they see that you are going to be firm and have a definate plan to achieve harmony, it's totally up to them to play or walk. But they will be less likely to feel like it was some personal vendetta. You gave them the option.


    Understand that this will take time and be hard. Follow through. If you see progress, stick to the plan. If not, well stick to the plan. At least you gave it a try and they knew it was coming.


    As to rewards. For 8 years, I have used something that you might want to steal. At the scout store, they sell little brass coins. There is one that has the CS logo on one side with the motto around the edges. The other side has the promise. They're square. I think they run $3.95. Now, in my Pack, we call it the Cubmaster's coin. The requirements are pretty tight to earn it. I have to personnally witness the boy do something special that exemplifies what being a good scout is all about.


    I often use it as a teaching moment. For instance, at our campout last weekend, some of the boys were throwing soda cans over a 15' cliff on the back side of our campsite. (It was hidden from view and they found it before we discovered it and made it off-limits). Turns out, three of my scouts, two bears and a tiger, got in the middle of the others and rebuked them. then they climbed down on the side and retrieved all the cans.


    I called the pack together and on the spot called those three up and told all present what they did to reclaim our pack's virtue. Then we had a little come-to-Jesus talk about Leave no Trace. Point is, the others knew what they were doing was wrong and the boys standing around knew it was wrong, but did nothing. These three exhibited courage to do the right thing even in the face of peer pressure. Hence, at the next Pack Meeting, they will be be awarded the CM coin and we'll all learn the lesson again.


    In your case, since you are small, maybe the requirements are a litle easier, but every boy still knows that they get rewarded for being a good example and acting right. Plus they get recognized in front of the whole group, parents included for earning your respect. It's been a powerful motivation tool for me. The boys know that the old man is ALWAYS watching his boys and that the guys who hold the CM coin are highly esteemed.


    Not sure if Georgie will ever be a candidate, but maybe he'll be envious enough to try. Either way, it will effect the other guys.


    Sorry, didn't mean to write you a book.



  20. Ann,


    Ok, I guess I'm officially following you around the board. It's interesting to read issues from a fledgling CM. Besides, you're enthusiasm is infectious.


    On to little Johnny (Georgie?). I like what the others have said. YOU are the law. Smacking another kid is grounds for instant discipline. Acting like a little jackwagon is similarly grounds for action. I understand your reluctance. I was a lot like you when I started doing this a million years ago. I agree. The kids who are trouble need Scouting more than anybody. When those kids would sometimes move to another school and out of my Pack or drop scouts, I would feel guilty about feeling so relieved and happy. I understand the addage "love the sinner, hate the sin." Too bad it's not so simple most of the time.


    Unfortunately, the problem is that kids join scouting to have fun. And many parents are ambivelent at best. So if the events and meetings are not fun because of one guy, a group of guys, fire ants, Alien abduction or any other reason, the membership looks elsewhere or just drops out. You don't have much wiggle room and also not much back-up from your committee.


    Definately have the sit-down with Georgie and Grandma. I would not wait until next year. But first decide on the desired results and consequences. Write it all up and make him sign it. If he makes it to the end of the year, good for him. Next year start over with a new plan.


    I would never put this year's bears in with him. You'll have to be tough. If they want to keep doing the lone scout thing so be it, but shy momma is your best (only) bet. Tell her to have one meeting a month. take care of all the outings, craft projects and such for rank during that one meeting. The rest of the stuff they keep doing what they're doing. For that one meeting, and on paper, she's the man. Since they get along, they can split the work, but she's in charge that one meeting every month. She won't have to do anything iother than what she's doing already. If she balks, so be it. she can do EVERYTHING by herself and so can Mr. Personal Problems.


    It would be good if this kid can pull it together for one more year and get into a troop. They might be able to square him away if it is full of strong male influence. (No Offense, but this kid needs that.).


    Along the lines of the others, I like the reward idea. Maybe this guy needs some responsibility. It's an outside chance, but maybe he would feel some pride and want to do a good job if he was being counted on to help out with some progressively challenging tasks. I'm sure he's aware that everyone has low expectations of him. Maybe, just maybe, he'll respond to someone putting a little faith in him or counting on him to do something important to the Pack. I've seen holy terrors turn it around when they feel pride in themselves for the first time. not always though. And it takes time.


    I just wanted to say: Good luck. We're all counting on you!

  21. Ann,


    It sounds to me like you are in danger of losing your greatest asset. You have what seems like a high level of enthusiasm and hope for your Pack to be successful. In short, you sound like someone who would be fun to work with and fun for the boys to follow. If things don't change, and soon, you risk losing this incredible attribute and burning out.


    If I were you, I would focus on what you need right now. Figure out a bare-bones framework that will be comfortable and allow you to be free to do what you do. i.e. plan and lead good events full of fun for the boys. All those ghost employees and hangers-on are in the way and worse, they're keeping you from getting what you need because they are technically keeping you in charter. Clean house. It sounds scary like you might be compounding matters, but it will give you the crises you need to affect some commitment from your parents. You can say: "Look, we are done if we don't get these positions filled: (X positions)". The parents who have kept their boys in scouting recognize the benefits (whether they are the accepted official benefits or their personal benefits). They NEED to be involved. And you NEED a committee that has a stake in the Pack. If the church is stacking the committee with dead wood just to keep the charter alive, that's not doing you any favors. maybe they ought to lose the charter and you move the Pack to a different church. Maybe one with younsters who would appreciate a Cub Scout Pack.


    Keep the old man. A good advancement coordinator is worth his weight in gold. If the new youth guy is full of vim and vigor and will be committed, so be it. But YOU are the driving force here and always have been. Regardless of the "official" hierarchy, you need to be in charge. If my kid were in a Pack I wasn't leading, I would want to know that the person setting the course was, well, like you. A friendly, enthusiastic, hard-charging person with vision and good ideas.


    Once you get them involved, they will like it and do more.

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