Our CM asked for a volunteer, we only had 3 Tigers signed up, this was just before school started. One is military and simply not in town enough, although his father seems like he will make an excellent stand in for the meetings we need him. That left our current W2 leader that is leaving in Jan and myself, the Bear Den Leader. I told the CM that for Tigers the den leader was more a point of contact, awards & dues tracker and someone to keep everyone knowing what was going on & to organize. This I could handle. Since then we are up to 7 scouts, one father that has stepped to assist, the one that is rarely home will assist as he can. Our Round Up isnt even until tomorrow night.
If we get someone else that wants to be the leader I have no problem with stepping down and simply helping out with whatever they need.
Hopefully someone will step up if not in Tigers, then in Wolves, I think I will have my hands full when my now Bears are W1s. If not its not a big thing. I ended up taking over the Wolves last year and the parents seemed to think I did a pretty decent job. Now none of my Bear parents can lead for various reasons that make total sense, but they do step up when asked to do what they can.
I dont understand how your Tiger parents are too busy from 6 to 7 on Tues if that is for your den meetings, they will have to attend with their Tiger anyway.
My Tiger meetings are going to be 530 til 630, that seems to work for everyone so far. They are Weds night as a lot of people have only Weds free, weird...lol. Now my Bears are 530 til 630 on Fri, this works as we dont have to worry about homework getting done. The reason it seems a bit early is most of the parents will feed the kids after the meeting instead of before regardless of the start/ end times.