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Everything posted by Momleader

  1. Lions = kindergarten boys? In my state you can enter kindergarten (all day in my town) if you are 4 and will turn 5 before 12/31. That is too young. A good chunk of those little ones struggle in school to stay on task because they aren't mature enough - and their parents started them early. Then figure in the parents that red-shirt their boys and they turn 6 in kindergarten. The physical and emotional development differences are huge! Maybe national should come up with a plan to support Tiger & Pack leadership to run spring recruitment all spring for the next years Tigers. Where all kindergarten boys are invited to attend 3-4 spring den & pack meetings and when they turn in a punch card with their applications they get a special patch to wear on their uniform when they are a Tiger in 1st grade. Get the applications in for June so they can go to day camp too as Tigers.
  2. Not for nothing - but a kid can no more help having dietary needs than what religion he is Born into/raised in. When did religion trump health? Losing faith in this organization
  3. Just found out the app doesn't work on my Verizon iPhone. What a royal pain in the behind!
  4. BSA camps have been good about it - but there are more choices, and he has no problem with pb&j several times a week or a day
  5. Thanks Second Class, I will look into that. My son has developed what the drs call intolerance to eggs. Basically everytime he eats eggs or egg based foods they cause him sever cramps and bowel distress. I had heard the same about food allergies that he kids should bring their own provisions. I find that a little odd - since halal and kosher is being accommodated but nut allergies, vegans for religious reasons and celiac (gluten free) aren't. I will reload the app and take a look (first time it wasn't working well)
  6. Has anyone seen if there will be anywhere for kids to purchase lunch items other than the lunch snack packs they are being provided? Our contingent leaders werent 100% sure. My son can't eat eggs (no mayo). So tuna salad and chicken salad days are out for him. We were told he could trade if others were willing (I'm not counting on there being takers for warm tuna or chicken salad)
  7. Not to mention the large osprey bag while nice and has those handy pack straps without hip belt combined with your day pack...will be the summit death march. I like the osprey bag, but my kids book bags from llbean have a better ergonomic design. Definately having growing doubts that BSA won't flake out and mess this up big time ( too bad because its a lots of $ and lots of kids are skipping their regular Scout camp time for this experience)
  8. Anyone ever have a leader refuse to leave their health form in the nurses area for the week? Citing privacy concerns? Subject came up in conversation about hippa & background checks.
  9. I live in Lyme disease area....we tell our cubs when they start camping to use a wash cloth and scrub the areas that are covered by a bathing suit and arm pits well with the wash cloth in the shower. Never had a scout report having a tick. Ps it can take a deer tick up to 24 hrs to find the best eating area on a host
  10. I just saw that news bit about Train quitting because of the policy. Kinda sucks, my Life scout son has told me he doesn't talk about scouting at school because he doesn't want kids at school thinking he is 'bigoted towards gay people'. I hope people don't think all scouts and scouters are anti-gay if this policy stays around - the organization could lose more kids
  11. Who knows the real story behind why the boy doesn't come to meetings. you can take the high road, genuinely congratulate the kid for making up the work to earn the badge. Speak to him, shake his hand Nd do it in front of the CM and parents of the kid. Invite the parents to come teach a Webelos pin next year, their choice - again nicely and in front of the CM ..... Show you are the adult and willing to work with them for the good of thier kiddo.
  12. What about serving low fat hotdogs, whole wheat buns and baked versions of the chips cubs love so much.....all can be bought at warehouse clubs or grocers. Oatmeal cookies and fruit fr desserts. The key is making swap outs for foods they like....choosing a healthy version of the junk they are used too. Schools cafeterias are able to do it.
  13. My son is going and I was told only insulin will be kept at health 'lodge' areas. Makes me nervous to think that there will be teenagers in charge of their own ADHD meds, some of which are controlled substances! What a liability nightmare for national if something goes wrong. I know 2 adults on mb staff who don't know when they are required to be there snd when they are to leave afterwards yet, but have ad to send in their money already. Information is key.
  14. This is becoming a common theme in cub scouting. There are parents that feel writing the check at sign up night is all they need to do, they forget abut getting the kiddo to den meetings. And there are parents who think the need to do it fr their boy. Has anyone asked the child if thy want to be involved, maybe that's why he doesn't come. We have a family in our den who has always been a pain, they complain about meeting times, or day or pin requirements or the fact kids need to wear a uniform to any meeting or that the parents need to stay with on on a camp-in ( or get another to say they'll take that boy on). And they text me, email me and other parents their dissatisfaction with the whole cub program, BSA policies, you name it. My group crosses over in march - Lets say it has been a long road since Tigers.
  15. This game was the suckiest part of my WB experience. I've taken and taught lots of corporate team building courses in my outside if scouting career and this 'game' teaches very little. There are so many other better ways to get the point across. Maybe they should consider phasing it out - or changing it up a little. On another WB topic...As a woman I also found some often good ole boy mentality in it a little offensive. I would suggest that course directors need to realize women who sign up for WB aren't usually the shrinking violet types, heck most of us have had babies and not afraid of some dirt and hard work.
  16. Really, armed security guards at schools? what the Heck are they Thinking? Dies that mean they will want them at the malls, movie theaters or children's summer camps next? Too bad that National will mostlikely side with the NRA..... More guns aren't the answer
  17. It's unfortunate that kids who don't have educational/behavior/mental capacity issues would and do have their scouting experience short changed because of those with issues who use scout meetings as parental respite care for an hour a week. This isn't public education, where there are supports and specialists in place to help kids with problems so that they get what they need to be and feel successful. This is scouting - we have it our group....parents who say "the school has to meet their needs - so does scouting & pick up is in an hour right?"
  18. Dollar store Christmas ornaments, a glue gun and PVC pipe.... I love the boy made slides - especially when they wear more than one at a time! We used to have the kids sand the edges of the PVC smooth while we read them something or held group discussion - it gave them something to do with their hands And they fidgeted less.
  19. I could just retch....I wanted to post some pictures to our packs Facebook page ( closed group) and one parent has decided that this is the appropriate forum to voice their unhappiness with the national policies on the whole gay eagle thing....where the gay scout was not given his award after not believing in god and being gay..... Several members are in a knot about it and its gotten nasty on fb...which we only started the page to share pics from camp and when the kids are doing scouting events..... As the administrator I know I can pull the plug on the whole thing. Has anyone had something come up like this?
  20. Not being a whiner about all the work and packs/troops you have to support -don't whine to volunteers with families, professions and large packs/troops about how busy you are and how you are overworked Be professionally polite in communications, written and spoken Be willing to listen to a volunteers question before biting their head off with the answer When you show up at summer camp to visit try asking the scouts if they are having fun, rather than asking the adults if the kids are. We have a DE that when invited to pack meetings wont come and when invited to the blue and gold, rather than saying 'no thank you or I have another commitment' said 'No I don't go to pot luck dinners'. Guess what, the district commissioner drove 30 minutes to attend.
  21. This is such a sticky subject....in my experience. While you don't want to discourage some who can't make it to meetings or events because of various reasons (transportation or lack of parental support). Sometimes you drive others away because of trying to keep the group all together. That kind of remedial stuff makes some kids and their parents crazy because those kids often have to do everything twice and they get bored with scouting. But those that don't get rewarded even if they didn't do all the work feel bad about scouting and leave. We live in an age of everyone gets a trophy (makes me nuts). I remeber this from a local training day 'Webelos is preparing them for Boy Scouts and earning a merit badge isn't all "do your best and try" - the important thing is to find a balance that works for your group. ' Could the kids who do stuff at home have their parents send you of a picture from their phone of the kid doing the requirement? We get blowback about the belt loop options that are some requirements. Kids in our pack start earning lots of those as young scouts only to find out as Webelos they can't use them to fulfill pin requirements.....
  22. Head to michars or ac Moore an buy roll of gimp lacing in the same colors. Cut new lacing about twice as long as the set comes with. Then as the add a bead you thread the bead through and back through it. Kinda self ties it on.
  23. Wow after reading this I'm definately having my beading as an adult event....with my own kids there....just leaders and patrol member and family.....now to figure out how to make a fox shaped cake! I do think it is sad and disrespectful when we try to present training awards to leaders at a pack meeting and parents who don't volunteer at all get huffy about it. our cubs think its neat the leaders earn stuff too and have even tried to trade for some of the patch awards!
  24. We make a den flag every year. I've also made bat houses with the boys. Trying to keep the crafts tied to a particular pin or achievement. Most of my boys ave been able to use these as credit for homework projects too. Just ask teacher for the assignment paper. And parents are happy too
  25. What if you have a bring a buddy night pack meeting....lots of fun games and a recruiter patch for each kid who brings a friend that signs up. Or have a day where all registered cubs wear their class b/ pack t shirt to school and they can give business cards to the kids not in the pack .... We had that same policy come down on us. Our school principle was ok with the pack having a table - trade show style- at open house and we had flyers for the parents. They also let the local y and park and rec come too.....worked out well for us
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