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  1. Thank you, Crew21_Adv! Our leaders were amazed at how quickly we got an answer- in just a few hours! We looked everywhere else, until I decided to register with Scouter.com and see if other Scouters would know. Our Scoutmaster is a wonderful storyteller, so I know it will be very moving at the Camporee bonfire, and a nice segue into the flag retirement ceremony. Thanks for your suggestions. Some great ideas to think about.
  2. Our troop is hosting Fall Camporee (with a lot of help) and we wanted to use an old story (my husband told me about) as a lead-in to a short Flag Retirement Ceremony during the bonfire. He heard this story told at Camp Napawan in Wisconsin on a Webelos Weekend in Summer 2000. Does anyone know this story? Something about a POW in Vietnam who kept making small American flags out of anything he could find. He would hold it up and show the other American POW's (he might have been in a cage) to boost their morale. The North Vietnamese would keep "catching" him, take away his homemade flag and would beat and/or torture him. Once returned to his cell or cage, he would start all over again, making a new flag. One flag could take him months to make. Not sure, but I think he didn't survive, but one of the other POW's did and came home and told the story. If anyone knows the origin, or where we might find it in print, we would appreciate it. This is my first post. Been a Scout leader since our 15 yr old was a Tiger. Now have 3 sons in the Troop.
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