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Everything posted by misty

  1. Regarding your comments,yaworski: RingSMS will not be sending Spam to anybody's mobile phone. Members ELECT to receive advertising messages and will be paid up to US12 cents per message. How can you refer to our business as a pyramid scheme without collecting any facts about the company? The company is a real company based in Manila and I have on hand details of the management structure, some officers having many years in the business sector. For my part, I have nothing to hide. If you want my name, address and telephone number just mailto:bobjud@ihug.co.nz The program is FREE to join and you get 100 FREE company shares on joining. You are not asked to pay anything whatsoever. You, no doubt, listen to radio and television commercials. The mobile phone is just another medium for advertisers. This method of advertising is not new - if you plug in 'SMS messages' in your Web browser you will see that the system is very popular in Europe.
  2. Thank you for that information. We certainly have no intention of violating BSA rules.
  3. An established company in Manila, RingSMS, charges advertisers like Nescafe and Coca-Cola for sending messages to mobile phone users worldwide. Mobile phone users who elect to receive those messages get paid cash by RingSMS. The program is free to join and you don't even have to own a mobile phone to join as you get paid also for referrals - 10 levels deep. This is an ideal fundraiser for schools, clubs, charities. We know of 15 schools who have referred some 8000 people to the program. Here's a suggested scenario for clubs, for example, joining the program: - The club signs up for the program. - On receiving email confirmation of sign-up and getting the club's unique online Web page, the club advises members of the available program. - The club signs up members via the club's online Web page so that the club can gain commissions from referring members. - The club gains further commissions, 10 levels deep, on referrals signed up by their members. The online link for RingSMS is: http://www.ringsmsonline.com/index.php?id=177653107 Any questions about this program or the company managerial structure mailto:bobjud@ihug.co.nz
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