Permission Slips are pretty pointless with the exception of the updated emergency contact information...
Medical forms on the other hand are a necessity. This is a big problem throughout many lodges. Some don't collect anything, others expect everyone to bring it but don't check. Very few collect and keep available the medical forms.
I've probably heard almost every excuse about how its not practical to require and collect them... I haven't heard one that made it worth the risk.
Wouldn't you want to know and be prepared just in case you had a diabetic going through the ordeal? Who's run across a hornets nest at their camp, know anyone that is allergic? Food allergies are a nightmare by themselves. Splinter in the eye? What about that Scouter on heart medication who is going to help get camp ready by moving firewood.
Yes, I know the Scout/Scouter should make known any potential problems, but how many actually do? Maybe they are embarrassed, maybe they think they can look after themselves, maybe they don't know what they are getting themselves into?
I'm a firm believer that every Scouting event needs to have someone prepared to handle medical situations. They should know where every health form is, have a unit roster, and be available to respond. Its not just enough to have a lot of people trained in first aid which is becoming a common answer.
While I know some lodges will never collect health forms, they should at least start doing a quick mini health check to see if there are any concerns that someone needs to be aware of.
How many lodges make sure they have access to medical supplies? I love the weekend events that use our council camp that are amazed to find the health office locked and empty of supplies when they are looking for that band aid or rubbing alcohol during the off season.
What ever happened to "Be Prepared?"
@Scouter&mom - As a first responder who has taken Scouts to the Emergency room before, I have never had a problem getting treatment when the parents couldn't be contacted right away. The two times that stick out in my head, the Scout was getting treated, and after I had answered all the nurse/doctors questions, I was asked to fill out the paperwork with the admin staff. One of those cases the parents answered right away (cell phone number on the health form), the other one it took us about 2 hours to track down the Aunt, because the parents were out of town.
If you are concerned about your son I would suggest you find an adult who attends these events that you can trust. Often times there are groups that hang out together at OA events. See if your son can latch on to whatever group that adult is in.
If I give a ride to a Scout I make sure that they kept a copy of their health form on them at all times, and another copy is kept by me. I feel they are my responsibility for the weekend if I am providing the transportation.