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Everything posted by Miki101

  1. Burnham III signs the book?...seems normal. Michael BP?...that one surprises me.
  2. OOPS ...typo in my previous post...with the "NOT" in that sentence. Burnham never publicy declared that he was the founder of Scouting...but to be sure, he taught many things to BP but BP made it happen.
  3. This is a rather poor book for the mere fact that author Peter Craigmoe (Van Wyk is the pen name) makes assumptions based upon heresay and doesn't cite any sources outside of stating that he gained access to Burnham's Yale Papers. When the book came out, I contacted Craigmoe for his lack of sourcing info that he based his book upon. He was a rather unpersonable fellow who declined to provide any sourcing outside of me paying him a "research fee" and he would "try" to locate his sources. Furthermore, I have the entire Yale file aas well, and the cornerstone to Craigmoe's thesis is a statement that BP wrote about wanting to "suck" Burnham's brains...which, as it turns out,is a rather big stretch of the blanket based upon the ENTIRE quote. I can and will provide the entire quotation if required to next week, so that light can be shed upon Craigmoe's incredulous accusation. BP and Burnham were friends and Burnham never publicly or in those letters (more are found in the Stanford archives) declared that he was NOT the founder of the Scouting movement. I feel that BP learned a great deal from him but Burnham refused to take any credit whatsoever. Craigmoe sets out to assassinate the character of BP, a man therefore faulted, but he won't provide any of his sourcing. That's shoddy writing and reseraching, which should put this book into the fiction category of a rather large rubbish heap. David C. Scott
  4. Value to DCB letters? Depends on content and date. Any interesting information regarding both?
  5. Wes, If there is I haven't found it. I have 'em through the 11th in 1959.
  6. 2nd Biennial...see, I have that one and forgot all about it. Thanks for the suggestion!
  7. L.L. McDonald was on the National Camp Committee as its secretary in 1921. By 1931 he was the Director of Camping and is not listed in that area after 1937 (possibly he retired). With regard to the uniforms: Most men are wearing the high crown stetson, which was produced from 1910 - 1920. However, there are also some wearing the "new" low-crown, which was produced from 1921 - 1932. However, there were two versions of the brown silk headband. I do not see the FDL on them, so the hatband places the photo no later than 1927. But, since I do not have the right info in my archive to determine the date of LL McDonald's promotion to Director of Camping, the picture does date between 1921 - 1927. As for the man, I tend to disagree for two reasons. First the facial characteristics does not appear to be exactly correct, and second, the hair part on this is on the wrong side from the way that West very dictinctly parted his hair. So, I would angle towards it NOT being James E. West...but a close looker nonetheless. David C. Scott
  8. RE: John L. Alexander Beard to Alexander, nd. (but late December 1910) "I learn with the most sincere regret of your intention to sever your connection with the Boy Scout movement..." Alexander to Beard, December 30, 1910 "I want to thank you for your letter of recent date. At the urgent solicitation of Mr. Pratt and Mr. Robinson, I have decided to stay with the scouts for another nine months, so that the very pleasant relationship that has extended between us need not necessarily be broken." (OKOK, it was nine extra months, not 6. sorry.) What is your sourcing Michael? David C. Scott
  9. RE: John L. Alexander Alexander was employed as the BSA's managing secretary from early June until December 31, 1910. However, he was convinced to stay another 6 months, supposedly to help West. Remember, West signed on for only 6 months starting January 2, 1911. He stayed a lot longer as we know. David C. Scott
  10. This thread has gone in a very interesting direction. However, I would hate for facts to get in the way of a good story. Boyce was in London in 1909 when the "fog" hit. Supposedly it was in August. I have also heard July. Boyce never mentioned it until his telling in a Lone Scout Magazine article in 1915. There is a telling by an eyewitness many years later mentioning December. The London weather record for the Savoy area indicated 1 day of fog in his area on December 21. BP was not in London at that time. Boyce supposedly got on a steamer within a day or two and traveled back to the US. Noting the trip time and since I know the name of the ship, it left from England on or around December 23 and docked in New York Harbor on December 30, where it stayed in quarantine until the following day. THEREFORE: the fog story CANNOT be certifiably ruled out and "Boyce's Scouting" came to the US in 1909 NOT 1910. After returning to Chicago, Boyce attempted to start a unit. It failed and he refused to put any more money into it. When Robinson, Van Dis, and Doggett visited him on May 3,1910 it was a lot cheaper for him to write a $1000 check and be rid of it because he was not getting enough boys interested in the program. The YMCA could. He pledged $1000 per month at that meeting. On May 10, Boyce, Seton, Robinson, Heald and Wakefield testified in front of a cogresssional committee in an attempt to gain a national incorporation. It failed. Boyce had now washed his hands of the organization despite his pledge to give $1000 a month. Boyce did not make a June, July, August, September or October payment. He did not do so because his business partner, William Hunter, did not write the check. Boyce was away traveling until October. Robinson, with the order to get money, visited Hunter and was told that no more money would be forthcoming because Hunter declared that the BSA was not using the publicity photos that Boyce had provided them. He intimated that the BSA was willing to take Boyce's money without any credit. My facts come from papers in the BSA Archive as well as Robinson own letters from various other archives. For Boyce, this was a pure self-propmotion opportunity - starting with his Africa trip - in an attempt to show-up Theodore Roosevelt's safari because Boyce intended to photograph the animals that TR killed. He failed because the equipment did not work. There are other repurcussions in this story but you'll have to wait for my other book, The Scouting Party, to come out next year, which will lay out this whole drama. David C. Scott
  11. Troutmaster, You have clearly been doing you reading and, IMHO, correctly identified the Seton and BP contributions to the overall origins of the Scouting program. All of these persons, Beard, BP, Seton, West were incredibly ego-centric and I hesitate wto say who was the worst. However, Scouting today is the benefcialry of their visions that combined each one's specialties. As I state in my upcoming thesis of Scouting creation, The Scouting Party, Seton symbolized and formulated the overall "back-to-nature" movement, of which BP's Scouting was a small part. However, the popularity of that small part eventually became larger than the base movement itself. I wrote on Scouting Milestones' website that Seton actually created the larger pie but was dwarfed by the image of the international "Hero of Mafeking," whose own program Seton should have embraced more readily and avoided his own problematic ego to a certain extent. In my Theodore Roosevelt & Scouting book (We Are Americans, We Are Scouts) that is in page proofs right now, TR had three major faults, but he kept them pretty much in check and never allowed them to be a problem...he liked to eat a lot, he was not too thrifty, and he had a large ego. However, his obsessive demand of moral integrity in every person allowed him the position to be a preacher for morality without appearing overbearing to the average American. Today, some of his words may be to the extreme, but then they were right in line with civic attitudes of his time and he has remained a popular icon of Americanism for the 21st century. So, ego worked in his favor. Sadly, Seton, as brilliant a thinker as he was, was not as capable on that ego issue. David C. Scott
  12. I found the Keller bio of Seton was too biased being overly pro-Seton and anti-BP. (I have copies of Seton's papers in my archive that refute some of her core "BP is evil" arguments). I feel that it is not as well researched as it needed to be and rather simplistic in viewpoint. Keller is a Canadian herself and seems to have taken a pro-Canadian view of her fellow British Empire countryman. (As far BP goes, his fellow countryman, Tim Jeal, goes in the opposite direction and goes out of his way to damn the man by simply implying - not convicting - problems with BP's character.) However, John Wadland's book/dissertation - a Canadian himself - is much better than Keller's book and much more scholarly. Yet Anderson's book is the best all-around,fair and complete one in the lot. That is why I prefer it among these three. A new one by the Mellon Press is way too expensive and challenging to read. Not user friendly at all. My 5 cents. David C. Scott
  13. No need to worry too much about the price of the leather issue of the 100th Anniversary book. There should be a hardback version and a paperback version available at a future date.
  14. If I had to pick 10 books that would best explain who, what, when, where, and why Scouting was started and still succeeds today, I couldn't, because I would need these 15 titles for my trip to a desert island. They pretty much cover the topic and are "best of breed" in my humble opinion. They are excellent crash course books with regard to Scouting history. Boyce - Janice A. Petterchak, Lone Scout: W.D. Boyce and American Boy Scouting Beard - Cyril Clemens & Carroll Sibley, Uncle Dan: The Life Story of Dan Beard D.C. Beard, The American Boy's Handy Book Seton - H. Allan Anderson, The Chief Ernest Thompson Seton, The Birch-Bark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians B-P - Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys Tim Jeal, The Boy-Man Malcolm Flower-Smith & Edmund Yorke, Mafeking! The Story of a Siege West - Edward L. Rowan, To Do My Best: James E. West and the History of the Boy Scouts of America Scouting - Robert Peterson, The Boy Scouts: An American Adventure William D. Murray, The History of the Boy Scouts of America Robert H. MacDonald, Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement David I. MacLeod, Good Boys Made Better: The Boy Scouts of America, Boys Brigades and the YMCA Boys Work 1880 1920 Edgar M. Robinson, The Early Years: The Beginnings of Work with Boys in the YMCA Peter Schmitt, Back to Nature David C. Scott
  15. I can give it a go in a couple of days, if that's ok. I'm sure others will have interesting lists as well.
  16. "He also had this fantasy that B-P stole Scouting from his ideas." Ummmmm...BP did borrow from Seton. I don't think that is in dispute. The question is, "Did BP plagiarize?" and I think the answer to that question is no. I wrote an article a couple of years back on that question for the Scouting Milestones website. www.scouting.milestones.btinternet.co.uk/setonfeud.htm However, this is a Dan Beard thread, so I'll let my article state my opinion on plagiarism, Seton, and BP. My upcoming book in 2009, "The Scouting Party" will address that question also in a more formal way. David C. Scott
  17. You might try this link to the Institute at Round Top, Texas http://festivalhill.org/ My great-uncle was David W. Guion who arranged the popular melody to "Home on the Range," and my family gave a majority of his papers to the Institute afer he died. The other papers are at the University of Texas. The Institute may have an arrangement already in hand that Uncle David composed in the 1930's when the piece was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Favorite Song" - as the original sheet music advertises. Good Luck David C. Scott
  18. Wes, I sent you a response to your PM...I never know if this PM stuff gets through, so please let me know if you get it.
  19. Sorry about being unclear gents, I have Peterson's typed transcripts from a number of those interviews that he sent me some years ago when I was researching my book on Scouting's founding due out next year. That part of the interview did not make the book. There are gems of knowledge in those papers. David C. Scott
  20. "I'd love to have heard some of his observations. Actually, I don't recall [Green Bar Bill] him ever saying anything about West at all." In an interview with the late Robert Peterson for the 75th BSA Anniversary book, Hillcourt notes of West: "West was a clean thinker; he had a way of listening to people and then summarizing what they had been saying and then asking them, "Am I correct in my interpretation?" He was the best listener we've ever had. Well, the very fact that he listened to this young fellow from Denmark coming over here, that alone shows it. And I can give you other examples." It goes on but you get the point...he was noted as a father figure one moment and a tough taskmaster the next. I think that Ed gets that point across well in his book. David C. Scott
  21. Here's a link to Amazon sellers who have the UNCLE DAN book. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0007GRVEU/ref=dp_olp_2
  22. For your purpose, the BEST book is the Cyril Clemens and Carroll Sibley book called UNCLE DAN. Clemens is a relative of Mark Twain and he had lots of correspondence with Beard while co-authoring it. HARDLY A MAN is a dreadfully dull read and difficult to go through. It does have some very good info in it, however. For regurgitation purposes, go with UNCLE DAN...it gets to the point quickly since it was written for teens. David C. Scott
  23. Do you mean, Daniel Carter Beard? If so, what info do you need and perhaps I can assist.
  24. Basementdweller writes: "I was under the impression that the uniform was the great equalizer. At Brown Sea rich and poor boys alike wore the same uniform, making them equals." I the spirit of exactness, there were no uniforms at Brownsea. Remember, this was an experimental camp and no uniform had been designed. The boys were, however, presented with an 18 inch ribbon in their patrol color to be pinned to their shoulder.
  25. I guess that I'm in the minority because I have a fundamental problem with incorrectly attributing words to anyone. As Gonzo points out, maybe BP said it to Hillcourt. Point is that BP didn't WRITE them down and publicize it in this case...Hillcourt did..so those words should be attributed to Green Bar Bill. When I write my books or Scouting history articles for the ISCA JOURNAL, I deal with facts. I cannot go off and incorrectly quote someone or give a "fact" that I have been told (and ultimately confirmed) is wrong. That kind of mistake will always get found and, therefore, I - and my work - will lose credibility. And when someone quotes my work, I expect to be cited and not plagiarized, the latter of which I sadly have found sometimes to be the case. Elsewhere, I have spent hundreds of hours reasearching my Theodore Roosevelt and Scouting book, which involved reading and digesting thousands of source pages. From them I had to ACCURATELY repeat, edit for wordiness, and place TR's thoughts into the values of Scouting. If I went off and simply "came close" to getting a quote right, I will get lots of nasty e-mails from those who DO care about accuracy. Nobody's perfect but I try very hard to be accurate in my work. So, if you have the good fortune to know that someone has been misquoted, then do your part a CORRECT the mistake. Case in point, for those of you who haven't studied Eleanor Roosevelt, there is a poem called "Footprints in your Heart" that is attributed to her. Problem is that she didn't author it. No one knows who did but if your google it, it's "definitively" ER's. How do I know, one phone call to the right place can quickly reveal a perpetual myth by people who simply take a thing at face value without asking questions or, on the other hand, simply don't care. And when school children research ER, they'll innocently quote it because "it can't be wrong if it's on the internet" and the lie will live on. That's the problem. So, if we all try to be accurate, the better off we'll be in the long run. As for allangr1024's intial query, please give Green Bar Bill Hillcourt his rightful credit due. David C. Scott
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