I understand that in Apr, 2013, this discussion is now over 11 years old and yet incredibly, it is still pertinent. I am an ASM in a large troop where the prevailing attitude is to be in 'prevent mode', as I call it. There are important items left off the list of things to discuss with first year's, among them are how to work the blue cards (when/who/what to ask, and how and why...) and that certain ranks are needed at certain years for Pipestone, as my Troop attends 7-Ranges each year (Buckeye Council, OH). I have a SM who, during my 11 year old son's SMC told him that he needed to 'hang out with your Dad less'...baffling to us because when were outdoors, we rarely see each other, especially at summer camp, and have to set times and dates to go get an ice-cream slushy to catch up. Then this SM assigned an Eagle Scout to speak to my son after his First Class SMC about, you guessed it, 'slowing down to have some fun', he actually did this with one other Scout as well, but did that Scout's father the courtesy of telling him he planned to do this prior to doing it. I would not have objected, my son's ambition is bullet-proof at this point, but I do object to the underhanded way he went about all theses activities.
'First year to First Class' is a standard that he, my son, loved, and he stated to me that he planned to get his Eagle prior to getting his license, he is well aware of the 'fumes' from talking to other adults (perfume and exhaust fumes...) and doesn't want to let those and sports get in his way, knowing that they inevitably will.
My real concern is, given the SMs past behavior, they the SM may try to talk the newly elected SPL out of choosing my son for any positions of responsibility.
What would I do in this case? This would set my son to waiting for 14 months until the next election, for Star rank which should take at MOST 4-6 months....??