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  • Location
    San Diego, California

Mika's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Mika

    New Socks

    The old red-top socks always gave me blisters... mostly cotton, they quickly lost their stretch and bunched up. So I welcome anything with a more modern fabric blend.
  2. It is a new BSA health form that will be replacing the old Class 1, 2, and 3 medical forms this year... and it is for everyone, the youth too. Thanks for the welcome, but I was a senior member as KA6BSA with a couple hundred posts... have been active in BSA a long time (Eagle in 1959) but too busy for forums for a few years, so that account went dormant and I could not revive it. Mika is the Hawaiian name for Mitch, since they do not have enough letters or sounds in their alphabet for it. I am native to San Diego but love to scuba dive the warm water at Kona each year. So anyway, I am starting over at 1 post (now 2!) with this new identity and enjoying that I have no enemies yet. Give me to about number 10 to achieve that!
  3. Another form to figure out if you really need to include it... looks like the new BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (for boys and adults) has a space for SSN. Here is the note about it in the FAQ for that form: "Q. Why do I need to put my childs or my own social security number on the record? A. It is your choice as to whether you fill in this number; however, in many states, medical care cannot be rendered without it."
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