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Everything posted by Midnightflyer

  1. I've seen a lot has been written about competition and fear of failure. We have been using a system of scoring that gives each Patrol an attainable goal. The scoring system we use has three levels, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. to qualify for the Gold we take the highest score down to 85% of that total. Silver is equal to 85% down to 75%. And Bronze equals 75% down to 50%. Below 50% equals a participant plaque. We also have opportunities for Bonus Points. Last weekend we had 9 Patrols, we gave out 8 Gold Awards and 1 Silver Award. Some of the more competitive Troops are starting to get use to this system. I like to think this system gives each patrol a reachable goal. I think we got this system some where off the internet. The stations we run are a mix of scouting skills, team building skills, leadership skills, problem solving, fun stations. Mention was made about older scouts being rusty at scout skills. Skills like first aid shouldn't we be practicing on a regular basis? I take CPR training every year, even though I remember it from when I took First aid Merit Badge in 1969, so I try to stay sharp and BE PREPARED. Remember the life you save might be mine. Sorry to get off on a tangent. Thanks for all the replies, you all have given me a lot to think about. Will make for some good conversation during our next camporee meeting. Yours in Scouting, Dave S.
  2. We had our Fall Camporee last weekend and the attendance was really down for a Fall Camporee. We have 16 Troops in our district, on Friday night we had four Troops camp, two called saying they were coming Saturday morning, with one additional Troop coming out for the day. I talked with a couple Scoutmasters whose Troops did not come, and told me the boys voted at the last minute not to come. I have not talked to the rest of the leaders to find out what or if there were any conflicts. I seem to have a hard time getting any commitment from a lot of our Troops, one way or the other. We give discounts for early registration, but only a couple of Troops take advantage of this. Everyone that came to Camporee seem to have a good time, or at least that was the impression I got in talking with the Leaders and some of the Scouts. Is any one else seeing this? Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful. Yours in Scouting, Dave S.
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