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MI720's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Because an organized and caring scout leader highly encouraged ALL parents in the Cub Den to be involved. Then, after moving to a new community, summer Cub Day Camp introduced my sons to 12 new friends, so that the first day of school they each were welcomed by friends, not strangers. As an adult, I have enjoyed the company of other adults. Scouting is a great collection of wonderful people and great role models for my sons. (Hearing the Scoutmaster Outdoor Training Camp Director admonish adults in another patrol to "quiet down" after throwing 20# of shrimp in a deep frier at 2AM told me that Adult Scouters still retain their sense of fun and the absurd.) Most importantly, because I get to see a side of my sons that I would otherwise never get to see. How they interact with friends, how they react to challenges when called to "be a leader". What they are really listening to when plugged into their music (they play it on the car radio going to and from camping trips. I not only observe their growth in knowlege and poise, but the events that contribute to that confidence. I get to see not only my sons, but others in the troop under the above circumstances. Troop members are often lovingly treated as extended family. I have gotten to see them go from being nervous participants on their first camping trip to eager participants, distaining a tent and "tarping it" routinely (not tent involved) after being elected to the Order of the Arrow. I've watched the scouts in the troop go from being admonished not to make fun of a serious song (because the adult forgot that some of the guys were still sopranos), to being thoughtful considerate young men at their Eagle Court of Honor. In other words, I'm in it for both my sons and me. Now that my last "Eagle" is off to college I continue to participate with boys, who I helped welcome into the troop after crossover, become men who achieve Eagle, and I love every minute of it.
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