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Eamonn I hate to disagree with you but you are wrong in this case, according to my friend at the National office the official campaign hat is allowed with the official Venture green uniform, as well with any adult scouter position official uniform. If the Ventures do not elect the official green uniform then another hat is suggested.But as another poster stated so correctly most crews elect not to wear any hat.
Eamonn, Sounds like an interesting situation. All I can say, as a former DE myself, is give him a chance to see what he sets as priorities for your district. If he does his job well, then great, if not he probably won't last long in the profession. As far as the rest that will come to light soon enough.
Question to run by you all ... thought the topic was safer here :)
BadenP replied to Laurie's topic in Issues & Politics
Hey Rooster7 I have a question for you. Do you believe that you could not be a good mentor or a good role model to your daughter because you are a male? Even though I agree with your basic premise, how do we deal with the reality of today that we have all been talking about and still make scouting work without women being involved in leadership roles? I guess thats two questions. -
Question to run by you all ... thought the topic was safer here :)
BadenP replied to Laurie's topic in Issues & Politics
Let me restate my point in another way, I agree with Rooster in principle that a male role model might be easier to relate to a boy and help him become a better man. The reality of todays society is that the traditional nuclear family is continuing to fade away, single parents trying to raise kids now have to serve as both mother and father. Is this good or ideal, no, but it is a reality that effects all aspects of society including scouting. Rooster's notion of only males can help boys become men is an outdated notion that unfortunately is not the reality of todays society or the future. Programs like scouting will have to adjust to accomodate this new reality, whether we like it or not. -
I took a course at my local REI store if you have them in your parts. It was taught by an MD who had designed a great wilderness first aid kit that is light and has everything. The doctor was great and his kit has a small book with all of his secrets in it. It was a fantastic and informative class. Good luck.
Question to run by you all ... thought the topic was safer here :)
BadenP replied to Laurie's topic in Issues & Politics
Fotoscout all I can say is Amen! to your last post, you hit the nail on the head. It would be nice if more men were involved in Scouting, Etc. but that is not the reality of today. If the women are coming forward to answer the need then more power to them. Rooster7 this is the 21st century, not the 1950's, intolerance and sexism have no place in scouting or society today. -
NW Scouter is 100% correct. Scout units are not a legal entity unto themselves and do not qualify for an EIN, there are also filing requirements and liability issues with an EIN. If your CO will not let you use their tax id number then you have to create a legal entity such as Friends of Troop 55, and apply for your own bank account after you have an EIN issued by the IRS, but be aware of the legal requirements. Most major banks will issue a fee free, no interest checking accout to a scout unit without all the EIN hassles. Contrary to an earlier post, a CO is under no legal obligation to allow a scout unit to use their tax id number as it belongs to the CO alone.
When I was a DE my scouters wanted the Webelos at the spring camporees in both of my districts. They had their own separate program and the only time they mixed was at dinner when patrols would invite them to help prepare and share the meal. It always worked out very cordially, no complaints, and everyone had a good time. Eamonn, I have to disagree with you on one point though, some of these Webelos had knot tying and other scout skills that put some of the older scouts to shame, its a good thing they had seperate contests.
Scoutldr I like your idea, I wonder what the Canadian scouters would think of it? If things get any worse there who knows what could happen.
Eagleeyes, Your post was both fascinating and extremely sad at the same time. My Canadian friends boys really miss scouts, they used to compete with my boys to see who earned their badges first.I hope your reform movement is sucessful. I personally feel those of us involved with scouting in the USA should watch this story carefully, especially since some councils in the states are starting to go on a similiar power trip. I think American scouting is probably the best and last stronghold of Baden Powells original concept. It would be truly a sad day if the BSA ever erroded to the condition of Canadian scouting today.
I think you should start a seperate Venture crew for a number of reasons. First, they can be a support for you and the troop as well as giving these older teens a sense of their own identity, which is important to them at their age. Second, since Venture is coed you will also have a whole new group of female teens which will keep your older boys interested in staying. In my two Venture crews its the girls that are gungho on advancement and encourage the guys in a good spirited competition to keep advancing. My teens provide additional help and leadership to a pack and a troop, and the younger kids love it when the Venturers come to visit. The Venture program is a win win situation to me, as I am not only maintaining my numbers but growing rapidly, 200% in two years. Venture is such a flexible program that you can design it to best serve your kids. It gives a place/program for teens to move up to and mature in, and since it is coed you dont have to worry about your 15-18 year old boys leaving. I suggest you invest the time and attend a Venture Leader Specifics Training course in your district, done correctly it will revitalize your programs.
The article suggested by Trail day does confirm many of the stats in Hans article. My friends in Vancouver have told me that the number of scouts has been declining due to a shift of policies. Their 3 boys all dropped out after a homosexual Scoutmaster replaced the long time SM who retired. Whatever the total truth is the BSA and all of us should watch this developing story. One point the Globe pointed out was there is a lot more competition these days with sports and clubs that did not exsist 30 years ago. I know that is affecting membership in our country as well. It is always sad to see the demise of a worthwhile youth organization like Scouts Canada, maybe they can pull themselves out, we will have to wait and see.
All these posts give good advice. If the adult was drunk or impaired and takes a scout or anyone and drives off in his car then thats a matter for local law enforcement to handle, and thats who should first be notified. The SE can deal with the scout policy and the individual after the fact. Thats how my council camp handled a similar situation a few years ago.
What to do with an "Overly involved" DE?
BadenP replied to Shell in WA- USA's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Shell When I was a DE I had so little time to devote to programs that I was so grateful for two real proactive district program committees who did a fantastic job. Then I could join in as the district council rep and participant and just have fun. I did approve the events in advance, but let my scouters do their thing. Then I always made sure that they got the proper recognition for their efforts at the district dinner. I had two great districts and wonderful scouters in both that made my job much easier. Now I am a scouter and I understand your concerns. I hope you work it out. -
Building igloos is a blast, with the right tools. So are snowshoe races and cross country skiing.
FOG All I can say is "What goes around comes back around". You just brought the worst out of the people in here, myself included. Reason has triumphed again.
Rooster Your rebuttal was not only blasphemous but shows a very poor understanding of Scripture. In case you haven't noticed over 2/3 of the Bible is devoted to the Jewish people as the chosen ones of God, maybe you never read that part, it sure sounds like it. Most Christians realize our roots are in Judaism. By the way my degrees are from the Union Theological Seminary and Harvard Divinity School. Where is your theological training from? I really feel sorry for you to be so intolerant of others beliefs. Rooster you are no "cock of the walk" in this matter. You can try to bully others but you don't phase me at all. Oh by the way I wasn't planning on counseling you, but I can suggest a couple of books for you. Just remember Rooster God condemns intolerance and I am sure he is watching you and keeping track.
Rooster, Rooster I love your inconsistency, first you say your first post was not an attack(which it was), then in your second post you start to attack again. First, I assure you my credentials are genuine from two top schools of theology. Second, I would love to counsel you but not in this forum. Thirdly, do not put words in my mouth, I never said anything to counter any scripture. However, I am sure that God in his infinite mercy has made allowances for people of other faiths to obtain salvation, after all Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were devout Jews, and the term Christian did not come along until the fourth century. Besides I think God has a much bigger design than you or I or any human could ever fathom. Lastly, I agree with Daigler, this site is about Scouting not religion and should not become a forum to challenge anyones beliefs. There are other forums on the net to debate religion, this should not one of them.
Tolerance is not a quality found too often in these forums, unless you agree with the majority. The policies regarding religion and the BSA have been creating many problems for scouting for many years now.It is quite apparent many scouters in here feel it perfectly fine to espouse their personal religious beliefs to their boys even if excludes members of their troops with a different faith tradition. The BSA states that a scout is reverent, to a higher power, it nowhere states which religions are okay and which are not, please don't bring up Wicca or Druidism. It is not the right of anyone in this forum to try to define it further with their own personal interpretation. I think the poster who stated that all religious awards should be removed from the scouting program is on the right track, and I am a Christian minister. Instead replace them with a mandatory merit badge in Reverence & Tolerance, to help counteract the damage some scouters do wearing their religion on their sleeves. And FOG please use your spellcheck and grammarcheck so you don't come off sounding so bad.
Packsaddle I agree, however it was Rooster who went on the attack, not I. There is no doubt in my mind Rooster has the boys at heart, but this was a very different issue and Rooster was in swimming over his head. I was just trying to throw him a lifeline so to speak, but I detest bullys religious or otherwise in a forum like this.
Rooster You need to learn to read these posts more accurately as well as your Bible. Your constant jabs at others who don't believe as you is a perfect example of your bigotry and intolerance. I can take a piece of scripture and quote it out of context too, as you repeatly seem to do. What I said was that Jesus was open to all who wanted to listen whether Jew or pagan, free or slave. There are many paths to God. You and others in this thread are constantly berating other Christians with your obvious lack of education and understanding of Scripture. Now before you lash out at me I warn you I have a Masters and Doctorate in Theology so choose your words carefully, because in this discussion you are at a real disadvantage. I suggest you talk to your pastor about your anger and intolerance. I thought you learned your lesson in the other thread on religion a while back, I guess not. Try reading Mt.5 and see how it applies to your life.
Wow Religious intolerance is alive and well I see from most of the posts in here, and its ironic that it comes from so called Christians. What are you guys debating anyway? The 1st Amendment applies to all faiths not just Christians. Even the Christians fight among themselves, Pentecostals hate Catholics, Baptists hate Episcopalians, etc. All of you have lost sight of the teachings of Jesus, he accepted everyone unconditionally, and it is nothing but bigotry to state your beliefs are more correct than others. You have a right to those beliefs, but not to force others to listen to them. God and religion can be debated and argued over, BUT IT IS ONLY GOD WHO HAS THE RIGHT ANSWERS. Everything else is only a human interpretation of scripture or tradition and is subject to errors. I can not ever claim to be able to speak for God and neither should any of you. Peace.
NW Scouter Read the facilitators manual for Pope Pius XII the requirements are there. Specifically every facilitator must be pre-approved by the bishop or his delegate. It is not to be done by a troop/crew leader or be part of a units meeting time. I know Archbishop Brunett of Seattle and he has told me firsthand he wants the youths priest to be a central part of the process. While a degree is not mandatory for a facilitator, my bishop and Archbishop Brunett strongly recommend it. Remember the BSA has no direct rules regarding these awards because they are not Scout Awards. The facilitators are supposed to be trained by their respective churches not by the district scouting volunteers. If you guys want to argue go ahead but my information comes directly from two bishops. In other parts of the country the bishop determines, creates policy and handles the process either directly or he appoints a Scout Chaplain (a priest) as his rep.
I agree that this is a sad story of a very troubled young man. I feel that releasing this story at NOAC would have destroyed the experience for the other boys and would have served no useful purpose. Tims removal from office was all the regional office could do, the rest lies with the court. I am sure that when this goes to trial the national press will have a field day and the BSA will have to handle some difficult questions.
Rooster I disagree with you on one point, when you are serving in the post of Scoutmaster you are a rep of the BSA not your church, your personal denominational religious beliefs have no place in a troop function. The BSA has a broad interpretation of what reverence is and as a scout leader that is the definition you are required to follow. As far as gays in scouting and in the Catholic Church there are more than you think. The pastor in my church is currently on probation for an affair with a 22yr old, since the young man was not a minor no legal action was taken. I however see this man in a whole new light, and he has lost my and many others respect. Someone made a good point about heterosexual affairs going on during scout outings, these are just as damaging if not more so. But people are people, flawed and capable of making stupid decisions that they and us have to learn to deal with.