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Staff Assignment: Where Will You Be?
baden replied to SWScouter's topic in Going to the next Jamboree?
I'm back at the Jamboree Post Office. -
Does anyone know of a Leave No Trace trainer course in the midwest this spring or summer?
The Scoutmasters Other Handbook and other books
baden replied to Buffalo Skipper's topic in Open Discussion - Program
The Scoutmaster's Other Handbook is a nice resource. It was written by a long time SM & eagle Scout, Mark Ray. It is a source of practical usable program info. Some of the topics are program planning, outings, high adventure, Troop meetings, ceremonies, advancement, parents, Troop admin., money, and more. This is real world advice. A lot of it you know, but I pick it up and skim through from time to time and always get some ideas. The author is BSA friendly and does not get into Council or pro bashing. It is very positive. I like it so much, I bought a copy for the SM of a Troop that I am UC for. He enjoyed it and found it helpful. I wish I'd had it when I started out. -
How soon is too soon for Wood Badge?
baden replied to Scoutfish's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
The most extreme case I have seen was a member of my WB patrol. I was part of a pilot course for 21st Century WB @ Philmont. We got broken up into patrols and were sent off together to become acquainted. Usual chitchat, been SM 12 yrs, been ASM for 8 yrs, etc. Finally the last patrol member spoke up, "I've been SM for 6 weeks" I asked what he'd done in Scouting before and he said I've been a Scout Leader for 6 weeks. I said 6 weeks and you're at Wood Badge at Philmont? It's gonna be a little downhill from here. He stated that he was called to be SM for a Troop chartered by his LDS Church. He said he was visited by his Bishop and told he was called to be SM. You will attend SM Fundamentals next weekend. Outdoor tng. in two weeks and Wood Badge at Philmont in 6 weeks. Any questions? He said yeah, what is Wood Badge and what is Philmont? It was explained to him and he was told his employer had cleared the time for him to go. I stayed in touch with him for a couple of years and it sounded like his Troop was doing well, but have lost touch since and don't know if he is still in Scouting. One of the great things and one of the bad things about being on a National pilot course is the geographic diversity in the course members. We had people from Hawaii to Maryland. I do know that 6 weeks would have been too soon for me. I waited 12 years and regret having delayed it so long. I think as a rule, the old two year wait made a lot of sense. -
Other useful skill for a D.E. are call screening, not returning phone messages, and not responding to e-mail. Until FOS time.
Someone tell me staffing is fantastic
baden replied to Melgamatic's topic in Going to the next Jamboree?
OK, staffing is fantastic. Actually it sort of is. I'm going back for my 3rd hitch. You will be busy. Every Staff is different. Some work one day on and one day off. Some work every day with scant time off. Most Staffs work it so everyone gets at least one day off to see the Jamboree. Especially newbies. Depends on the needs of your group and how well they have done at filling their needs. And, at the last minute some people no-show for whatever reason and can create a bind. Any time off you have will be well spent getting out and seeing the sights. Housing. It varies. Some staffs are housed in perm barracks. Some (high ranking) are housed in cabins on Officer's Row or even off post. Most live in a Staff tent village in 8-10 man squad tents. You will be issued a cot. It may be hot. If it rains a lot it can be wet. About all you will do there is sleep. Food. Varies. Most staffs eat in a Staff Dining Area. It's not great, but not awful. Better than Army chow used to be (69/70). Probably superior to your food at Summer Camp. You'll get a sack lunch daily at a kiosk and they are (were) good. Plenty of snack bars around. MMM Choco-tacos every afternoon. Some Staffs (like subcamp staff) have their own dining arrangements and have cook staffs of many Jamborees tenure. I have dined as a guest and the food can be spectacular. They also assess the Staff for buying really good food. Think steak. You will be busy. You will have fun. You will be hot. But you will work with great people and make many long lasting friendships and will be sucked back next time by your friends. -
FYI Cabelas has MSR WhisperLite Stoves on sale
baden replied to Knot Head's topic in Equipment Reviews & Discussions
Story of my life.Just bought one for my son for Christmas. -
Our Troop has used Cliff Wold's Canoe World at least 10 times. We are happy customers.
A wise Scouter told me a long time ago, "Food eaten outdoors doesn't count". It really is the other 28-30 days a month that impacts your (my) girth.
A few years ago at summer camp I was wandering around our campsite, looking things over ahead of a visit from the Commissioner to do a campsite inspection. I spotted some stuff sticking out the back of a tent. I pulled it out and "Hello Miss October". Fortunately it was an issue I hadn't seen. I asked the two occupants of the tent about it. One rolled over on the other immediately. I didn't send the offender home, but told him I was going to mention it to his Mother when she came to get him. I think he would have rather had a whipping. Mom showed up and I told her. She promised to get into it with Jr. She said he had probably swiped it from a stack dear old Dad had in the garage. End of story and last time it's come up.
Several people responding to this thread have mentioned going to J.C. Penneys to get their uniforms. It is interesting what you remember. Several years ago, on our way to Philmont, our Crew stopped at the Central States Scout Museum in Larned, Kansas. As we wandered around I felt an almost electric shock as I stood in front of a J.C. Penneys floor display. It was identical to the one our local Penneys store had in the late "50's. I remember standing there with my Mother getting my Cub Scout Uniform. I had to show my membership card to be allowed to get it. We had to recite the Cub Scout promise from memory before we could join and get our card. The display was a cardboard affair that resembled the interior of a log cabin with all manner of "Scouty" details. I had forgotten all about it, and was amazed that somehow, one had survived. The only time I can recall going to our Council office as a youth was with my Mother, who was our Den Mother, to pick up our Packs supply of 50th Anniversary neckerchief slides. Must have been late 1959 or early 1960. I also remember as Cubs and Boy Scouts we were totally enamored of the astronauts. We had a B&G dinner one year that was totally NASA themed.
Boundary Waters Comercial Outfitter Reccomendations
baden replied to Mike R.'s topic in Camping & High Adventure
Our Troop has used Cliff Wold in Ely since the '70's. Good equipment and good food. Cliff's crew spends the winter dehydrating and packaging their own trail meals. Their rates are very competitive and has discounts for Scout groups. Cliff is a former Scoutmaster. -
I'm getting old and for some time I have had the feeling we are going off the track to some extent. I have thought for a long time that we definitely took a wrong turn when we vertically integrated Wood Badge. I have staffed a 21st Century WB course and had a great time. But we seem to be turning out formin', stormin, normin, performin 1 minute managers instead of Scoutmasters. We have dumbed down and compressed Cub Leader tng to the point that many Cub Leaders have little idea what the program is about and have no clue as to how a Pack operates. The online training is better than nothing, but does not replace the personal interaction between new leaders and trainers. The biggest mistake we made was the elimination of Cub Trainer Wood Badge. I didn't go through one of these courses but had the good fortune to be trained by and train with many people that did. Most of the Cub Trainer WB grads I met were women and they brought a level of enthusiasm, confidence, and pizzaz to Cub Leader Training that is not seen today. I went through a TTT (Train the Trainer) course that was staffed entirely by Cub Trainer WB grads and it was fantastic. I staffed on several TTT and later TDC (Trainer Developement Conferences) and observed that as our Cub Trainer WB grads aged and began to drop away from the program,training started to slip. I;m sure we're not going back, but I think we sure miss these people.
I was elected PPL of our Wood Badge patrol. I was told my responsibilities were to keep in contact with Patrol members, encourage all to complete tickets, and take custody of the Patrol flag. (which I still have)
The District Chairman, Commissioner, and Executive make up what is known as the Key 3. This is the senior leadership group in a District. The District Chairman is a volunteer position. The Chairman is primarily responsible for filling the positions on the District Commitee such as Camping Chair, FOS Chair, Training Chair,etc.etc. He also should Chair the monthly District Committee meeting. Expected to give leadership to the District FOS campaign. This person frequently does not have an extensive Scouting background, but is well regarded and connected to the community, especially the business community. Reports to the Council Chairman, or President. The District Commissioner is a volunteer position. The DC is responsible to recruit and train Unit Commissioners and Roundtable Commissioners. This person should be an experienced Scouter. Reports to the Council Commissioner. The District Executive is a paid position. Responsible for the 3 M's. Membership, manpower, and money. This is not a program job. It is at its base a sales job. Constantly working manpower and membership. And works like a mule during the FOS campaign. This person probably reports to a Senior DE or a Director of Field Services. In a small Council to the Scout Executive. The Key 3 meet monthly outside of the District Committee meeting to set the agenda for the District and address concerns.