For what it is worth ...
I have been an active participant, with my son, in both the Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop chartered by our Catholic church in Central Massachusetts for over ten years. I have 'progressed' from a Den Leader, to Cubmaster, to the current Chartered Organization Rep for both units.
Our Pastor (Chartered Org Executive) is not very directly involved in the workings of the units, but I suspect that is at least partly due to his age. He is entering that phase of life where quiet activities, with a very tight focus, are more appealing. Scout meetings tend to be loud and full of activity, and at times unfocused, so he tends to stay away unless there is a specific need - or it's a fundraising meal (where we provide a ticket).
All that said, it is good for our units to remember that while the CO has its responsibilities to them, they also have some responsibilities to the CO. How many Troops and Packs actively looks for service opportunities within that framework? Do you propose age-appropriate activities to benefit the CO, or wait to be asked what you are going to do? As Cubmaster, we actively sought ways to raise our profile within the parish community while providing service - and most of our Cub Scouts and families were not members of the parish.
It comes down to a rather simple point. If we take our mission seriously as Scouters, we need to consistantly model the behaviours we are trying to instill in the youth membership. Sometimes, that means we need to make a difficult decision and carry it through - but that is what real life is all about too.