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Everything posted by Merlyn_LeRoy

  1. No, it just shows you don't know what "peer review" means. Yes, they have. They aren't limited by your ignorance of evolution.
  2. I didn't say a religion taught that (though it wouldn't surprise me if some did); I said "some people's religious beliefs". http://www.livescience.com/24310-flat-earth-belief.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8172270.stm
  3. Heliocentrisim is wrong? True, the entire universe doesn't orbit our sun, but it's way better than geocentrism. There are many things in which science expects people to take on faith too. No, any real science is peer-reviewed. People who can't understand it might have to take it on faith, but science doesn't expect anyone to do so. By the way, do you have a problem with learning from past mistakes? Religions tend to be really bad about ever admitting they were wrong about anything.
  4. The effects of both can be measured. What do you say about the long-term e. coli experiment where one strain evolved the ability to digest citrate? 1) Do you say it wasn't an example of evolution 2) Do you say it didn't happen 3) Other?
  5. No, evolution is a change in allele frequencies over time. It doesn't refer to religions at all (or "truth", for that matter).
  6. Packsaddle has explained things very well, stosh, so I'll just echo his reply. Evolution really is what scientists say it is, you don't get to redefine it to explain that it really isn't evolution. That e. coli experiment really is an example of evolution in the lab, and it's repeatable.
  7. Stosh, you're completely ignorant about evolution. You didn't say anything about the long-term e. coli experiment, which is a repeatable experiment that demonstrates evolution. You still can't understand that there are no "proofs" in science, and you try to bring in "missing link" nonsense.
  8. Evolution has been observed, and yes, it can be replicated. Here's just one example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._coli_long-term_evolution_experiment Note population Ara-3 Also see any number of websites, like http://talkorigins.org/ If you're going to veto teaching actual science because some people might have religious reasons not to believe it, we can't teach that the earth orbits the sun or even that it's spherical, not to mention a host of other things. If you have actual scientific objections to evolution, have at it. If you have religious reasons, that's not relevant to the science.
  9. So, you mean you have personal revelations from god? That's about the only non-human source of god-based morals that I can think of that you could claim. Anything else, as I said, have humans in the loop.
  10. You seem to have missed my point in my previous post -- the ONLY definitions of morality we have are from people, including people who claim to be speaking for god(s). It's people all the way up. So you aren't comparing the opinion of men vs. god, you're comparing the opinion of men vs. men, but you are mistaking it for the former.
  11. And since we only have the claims of other people on what god may or may not want, what can you conclude about all statements about what god wants?
  12. Yes, I realize they rescinded it. But according to Eagledad, it's impossible for god-based morals to change.
  13. So, do Southern Baptists still hold slavery to be moral? That's what they said their god approved of when they formed in 1845.
  14. I'd say that's due to the incoherent BSA values framework, since they DO allow some atheists, particularly if they belong to a religion.
  15. I was responding to this earlier remark: Mozartbrau, on 15 Apr 2015 - 11:57 AM, said: To show that Scientologists in the BSA are nothing new, and that the BSA even allows them to charter units.
  16. Your response makes no sense. The BSA's moral stance in incoherent, it can't be coherent since it allows contradictions.
  17. I've pointed out numerous times that the BSA's god requirements don't point to ANY particular morality or ethics, since it's quite possible for one member's religion to believe X is moral and another member's religion to believe X is immoral. There's simply nothing to anchor to.
  18. http://www.amazon.com/Verse-Side-Road-Burma-Shave-Jingles/dp/0452267625 Has all the Burma-Shave sign sequences. Started near Red Wing, MN.
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