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Everything posted by Merlyn_LeRoy

  1. I disagree. The 10 commandments don't say anything to oppose slavery, and rape is only covered because women were considered property.
  2. Your assertion is nonsense; it wouldn't be a theistic source, but that is not the same as "no longer being a values program".
  3. No, the onus of judgement is from the people who claim to speak for that god, which is still just people. Which is why e.g. Christians agree with each other on every aspect of morality. While in contrast, people who follow god-given morals never change these morals, which is why slavery is still moral.
  4. What's more fickle than "slavery is moral" changing to "slavery is immoral"? The Southern Baptist Convention was created to defend the god-given morality of slavery, but, somehow, their god did a 180 on that. As I've pointed out many times before, god-given morality is arbitrary, since people believe in different gods with different morals. Is slavery moral? Polygamy? Gay marriage? The answers change depending on what god people believe in. So how can that settle on what "scout like behavior" means? Was being gay "unscoutlike" a couple years ago?
  5. This is a typical theist lie against atheists, which I take to mean the speaker has no genuine morals if they didn't believe in an invisible enforcer. That's why I consider such people to be possible sociopaths, as they appear to lack all empathy.
  6. So is that a "yes"? Your reply suggest you are completely unfamiliar with human empathy. That would make you a sociopath.
  7. If you exclude non-theists/atheists, you are excluding some Buddhists, at the very least. The Scouting Association of the UK admits atheists.
  8. I will. Claude Taylor (1973) Paul Trout (1985; reinstated after public outcry) Mark Welsh (1991; refused membership) William and Michael Randall (1991; readmitted during legal suit) "it was one of the most inclusive organizations for kids" No, most organizations for kids were more inclusive, by simply not excluding some kids on the basis of religion.
  9. Could be; Grylls was all in favor of admitting atheists in the UK, and that almost certainly helped in bringing the change: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/286003/Bear-Grylls-wants-Scouts-to-be-open-to-the-non-religious http://metro.co.uk/2013/10/08/bear-grylls-keeping-the-faith-in-scouting-4139068/
  10. Hey, if Barry wants to judge all gays by whomever offends him the most in a gay parade, I'll do the same for straights using Mardi Gras. The fact that you objected shows how stupid it is to do either one.
  11. And Mardi Gras shows that having straight male leaders is a sexual issue.
  12. They can't. Public schools can't charter BSA units that don't allow atheists. Period. And if you're just talking about meeting space, they already have the same access as any other group.
  13. Unitarian-Universalists might disagree that the BSA does this.
  14. So you ARE saying only believers of the Abrahamic god are allowed as members. Even though the BSA says differently.
  15. Atheists, too. Maybe they could conduct excursions to Potemkin villages.
  16. So you're saying the BSA is lying when they elsewhere state that followers of non-Abrahamic gods can be members?
  17. As long as you realize that doesn't apply to anyone but yourself.
  18. So, you're saying anyone who doesn't follow the Abrahamic god can't be in the BSA?
  19. That's not what YOU think of as gods, but they aren't you, obviously. And if you're trying to define a word like "god", which is used very differently by different people, giving only one definition that doesn't fit everyone isn't very useful. By the way, your god doesn't exist, either. neener, neener.
  20. So Hindus don't exist in your world? Wiccans? Or any other people who worship very different gods from yours?
  21. OK, that's the Abrahamic god, what about some of the others?
  22. No, merriam-webster.com describes the word "god" as that, and it's a particularly terrible one, since "gods" simply redirects to the singular definition, which doesn't even make sense for the first definition.
  23. So, you aren't "allowed" to validate their choice, but you're whining that they might not validate your choice? I'll get my tiniest violin.
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