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Everything posted by Merlyn_LeRoy

  1. No, that's not the only thing you can do; you can also bar individuals for cause from attending pretty much any event you run, so if you know of any sexual predators or child molesters, you can bar them. You don't have to, but you can.
  2. After all these years, you STILL can't grasp the difference between a STUDENT-run group, and a SCHOOL-run group? Also, you might want to look up what 'secular' means.
  3. I assume the troop put on the fundraiser, which means they had the authority to refuse service to anyone.
  4. I'm assuming they rented the space from the church, so yes, they can evict people. From the story, it doesn't look like anyone realized the situation until later, after the fundraiser was long over. The police quote wasn't from on the scene.
  5. I am. Once he has been legally told to leave, it's simple trespassing. Make up your mind, ARE you talking about what people can do legally, or not? The parents not running the event can't throw him out, but the people running the event sure can.
  6. People can be tossed out for either reason with no signs needed.
  7. That isn't relevant. The people running the fundraiser can still refuse him admittance. Anyone can be excluded for cause, signs aren't required. I haven't seen any place that has signs warning patrons to not tip over all the tables, but I suspect anywhere you go you'd be tossed out soon.
  8. I don't consider throwing someone out of a fundraising dinner to being dragged down to the level of child sexual battery.
  9. Marriage IS a legal issue. The Catholic Church won't marry divorced people whose former spouses are still alive, because they still consider the couple married -- but the same couple can be legally married, because the state recognizes the divorce. On the other side of the coin, some religions and churches recognize gay marriages in states where it isn't recognized, so people married in these religions/churches are not recognized as married, even though the congregants do. If a business man doesn't want to make a homosexual wedding cake, so be it, it's his prerogative to refuse service to anyone he/she wishes. Ask any bartender. Ask if the bartender can refuse to sell to a gay patron, in the same state where a bakery has to sell cakes to a gay customer. The point being, there's this whole separation of church and state, that means the state is to mind it's own business and leave the religious issues to the church. Marriage isn't exclusively a religious issue, and hasn't been for a long time. How would you suggest the state get out of the marriage business? What happens to the status of currently married couples? What happens in the future -- do church marriages have any legal recognition? Can any group conduct marriages? Is there a legal contract analogous to marriage that the state recognizes? If so, what happens if people still refer to that new legal status as "marriage"?
  10. Except for all the ones thrown out even when their own units didn't want to throw them out, like Dale. Oh, but the BSA must remain totally blameless for any of this mess.
  11. No, he was surprised to find god-belief was a requirement. The BSA hasn't always been kicking out atheists (I was a cub scout and my mother was a den mother, and we were both atheists at the time). The term "reverent" does not require god-belief.
  12. You're making up "facts" wholesale. According to a Chicago Tribune column at the time, "Welsh had not gone out looking for trouble". What's your source other than your fevered imagination?
  13. Mr. Welsh noticed the flyer saying the cub scouts were, supposedly, for "all boys". You're just trying to blame the victim, tahawk.
  14. Update: No jail time, but they have to pay for signs warning people not to mess up the rock formations: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/19/utah-goblin-topplers-avoid-jail-time-but-must-pay-for-signs-warning-others-of-their-mistake/
  15. It's a news service photo dated 4/29/26 http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/ggb2006014595/ More photos with his wife and a lot of other people. http://www.loc.gov/pictures/related/?va=exact&sp=3&st=gallery&pk=ggb2006014595&sb=call_number&sg=true&op=EQUAL
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