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Everything posted by Merlyn_LeRoy

  1. http://www.wdrb.com/story/20110634/t...nside-a-prison It also goes against what William Boyce stipulated when he handed over the BSA to the executive board -- that the BSA would not discriminate on the basis of race or creed. Discriminating against people who don't hold the creed "god exists" is such.
  2. Odd that official scout recruiting would use that phrase, then: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/me...df/523-021.pdf Cub Scouting Is for All Boys. Cub Scouting is for boys of all sizes, shapes, colors, and backgrounds. Some are gifted students or talented athletes; others struggle in these areas. Some have strong, stable families; others face social and economic challenges. Some live in cities, some live in suburban areas, and some live in rural communities. Some have physical, mental, or emotional disabilities that make ordinary activities difficult. Because of its flexibility and its emphasis on doing one’s best, Cub Scouting easily adapts to all these situations. Wait, not "odd" . . . what is the word . . . oh yeah, "Dishonest".
  3. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/10625840/GirlGuiding-removes-God-from-pledge
  4. Here's a review: http://filmschoolrejects.com/reviews/cub-welp.php
  5. I saw some comments complaining that they can't hold a recall election for her, so I guess they don't have them.
  6. Looks like Texas doesn't generally allow recall elections, though there's some push for that now: http://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_in_Texas Recall of local elected officials in Texas is available only in political subdivisions that have their own charter, and only if their charter specifically authorizes recall of the local elected officials. Texas has about 1,200 cities and 352 of those cities have their own charter. She survived a hearing that could have removed her.
  7. In other words, due to the government's change in policy, the religious charities that contracted with the government were faced with acting in violation of their religious consciences, or losing their contracts. They chose the latter. I don't see how that is any better. The government didn't act to try and break the contracts; the government decided to not discriminate against gays. They also can't discriminate on the basis of race, but I don't see people complaining that that cuts off charities that practice segregation. And in fact, the executive order that President Obama will sign Monday will do just as I said. Yep. That's good in my opinion, since gays pay taxes too -- why would they want their own government to support discrimination against them?
  8. My problem: I am missing both how the reply relates to the first sentence and the meaningful distinction between cancelling and setting conditions you know will be deal-killers. ​The government didn't set conditions to be deal-killers; plenty of other agencies agreed, and the government set them to not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, not to get agencies to cancel contracts. My reply didn't address the first sentence.
  9. I understand that. My point was that the government provides support and officially recognizes the Boy Scouts, which DO discriminate against girls, as well as atheists. They've been losing support from the government due to lawsuits. The government doesn't always obey their own laws. Why should they not be able to provide support, or charter, or be a chartering organization for a group that has membership requirements based on religion, including simple theism? Because it violates the constitution. You might have noticed that the BSA didn't even try to fight when they agreed to stop chartering units to public schools in 2005. The government enters into partnerships with other religious organizations that discriminate against atheists, such as the Catholic Church and various Jewish and Muslim charities, which receive grants and funding for a variety of services. But those same charities are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of religion in the distribution of those services. Advise them that someone can't be a member of the crew and be an atheist, and if the CO isn't willing to abide by the agreement, cancel their charter. The CO can't legally abide by the agreement, so your answer is, in effect, "cancel their charter". By the way, I'd argue that, since the BSA freely entered into this agreement, they have tacitly agreed to admit atheists to this Crew. After all, they weren't forced to accept the CO. They do that quite frequently. They just fought a legal battle with SCOTUS over their desire to discriminate against the religious owners of Hobby Lobby, in violation of a statute signed into law by President Clinton. They have ended contracts with Catholic adoption agencies over their commitment to abide by their religious beliefs. No, the Catholic adoption agencies ended the contracts, because the government would not grant those contracts to agencies that excluded gays as potential adopters. Those agencies could have either agreed to the contracts, or continued without government funding. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires the federal government to recognize religious belief as a protected class, and while LGBT, ethnic, and other groups have received official recognition days, weeks, and months, they have failed to provide similar status for Christians What? Christmas is still an official federal holiday where I'm from. And it isn't hard to find official recognition days for various groups, including religious groups. or to provide programming where prominent Christian ministers and priests are invited to government offices to discuss their beliefs, to be webcasted to the agency's population at large. You'll need to be more specific. However, you might want to consider that the first amendment is a double-edged sword. Since LGBT, ethnic, and other groups aren't religions, that sort of thing doesn't infringe on the first amendment. Now, if you DO start adding religions, you'll need to handle them equally, like the Satanists who want a statue of Baphomet by the Oklahoma state capital because the city agreed to put up a ten commandments monument and said any other groups could do the same. What kind of government agency is doing this? Federal, State, County, City, Tribal? Or is this a hypothetical? State.
  10. First, it's a Venture Crew - they allow girls. Second, you didn't really answer my question -- what should the BSA do? As an aside, no government agency can decide to discriminate on the basis of religion.
  11. Girls? I would say yes, but that would conflict with the agreement the GSUSA has with the BSA Boys over or under the current age limits? No, except for the current exception Atheists? Yes Transgenders (a girl who says she identified as a boy, or vice versa)? Yes Adult leaders who were previously convicted of a child sexual offense, but are no longer required to register as a sex offender? No An adult with a DUI who wants to drive kids to camp. No Here's a question for you, AZMike (or anyone) -- I know of a Venture Crew chartered by a government agency. What should happen if the national BSA discovers an atheist as a member of that Crew?
  12. That's not quite what happened -- they voted to table it and discuss it in two weeks, and the troop decided to drop the application. The council didn't deny the permit. By the way, this kind of crap happens to atheist groups all the time. After one or two apparently-unjustified delays, it's time to file a lawsuit.
  13. Well, that's like saying "The Town Council can murder everyone in the room" because they can, even though it's illegal and not right. So I have no idea what your point was supposed to be.
  14. The application was for a scout unit to sell water. What's to discuss unless the due process of the permit procedure requires a background check of the organization to see if they comply with whatever rationale they wish to be promoting at the present time. Quoted from one of the articles... . Had a Baptist church made application would they be subject to the same interrogation? Maybe having a meeting with the council and BSA members would have addressed that.
  15. Does the vendor permit policy (there is one, in fact) require the City Council to consider the national policies of all the organizations that apply? (It does not.) But by the same token, is it prohibited? I wouldn't think it would be. The initial reaction by the council was to table the permit and discuss it in two weeks at the next meeting with BSA members, but instead the troop withdrew their application and dropped the whole thing. Discussing it in two weeks would have been fulfilling the "follow due process, post public discussions, and allow all sides to be heard" part.
  16. The Town Council can deny permits for whatever endeavor for whatever reason they like. No, they can't.
  17. People don't always use words the same way as other people.
  18. Yes, I know; that's why I've only said Schulz said he was a secular humanist.
  19. Yes, I saw that quote, but I don't see when he said that. He died in 2000 and that book was published in 2010, so it wasn't done for the book.
  20. I can find the quote in a recent biography published by his family, but not a date for when he said that. The introduction written by the editor in 2009 has: There is a good deal here, as well, on a personal note: his work ethic, his philosophic attitude, and his religious beliefs which changed over time, until he would eventually call himself a "secular humanist."
  21. Did you know Charles Schulz called himself a secular humanist?
  22. And I think it is far past the time to simply let the local units run themselves as they see fit, as long as it does not stray outside the basic foundational standards How is that any different from what the BSA has been saying it has been doing for decades, keeping in mind that excluding gays and atheists were considered part of their foundational standards?
  23. At least they're a private, religious organization that's up front about their policies and TL can honestly say all boys can join. I don't think they'll get too many non-Christians, though.
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