I am Med Man and I have been on staff at the
Medicine Mountain Boy Scout Ranch in the years of
1998, Part of 1999. Then in 2004,2005,2006,2007.
and will be on staff for 2008.
I am the Emergency Services Dir. for the camp/Ranch. I enjoy working at the Ranch I have over 20 years working in the Health Care area
I began as a Nurse Aid when I was in High School then in college I became a EMT I'm going on my 15th year as a EMT and will have 10 years as a Vol. firefighter in Dec. of 2008.
I'm certifed as an instructor for EMS,Fire/Rescue,and CPR. I enjoy teaching the scouts the Life Saveing Skills of First-Aid.
I do run a "Old School" way of class this is a Merit Badge that the skills learend in the class may just someday save a life.
I want scouts and leaders to know that Medicine Mountain Scout Ranch is in a small council and it works hard to have a fun camp for scouts to go to I grew up in a very large council
(Chief Seattle) were there are 2 summer camps I went to and they are nice camps.
Medicine Mountain is a nice camp and has made many improvments over the last few years and has added new programs for the older Scouts.
I wish we had a dinning hall but I think some of the troops like that we are a rustic camp and that they have to cook for them selfs as for food it is camp and not every one will like the food. Last year the Council has had a change of full time year round staff and I fill camp was much more fun then 2005 and 2006. The summer of 2007 was a good year with a good staff even as much as we were short on staff. I look forward to the 2008 summer camp.
As for the Health Lodge it is in a new place
as of 2006 it is next to the tradeing post and it is under work I try to keep it clean and well
stocked there was a commit (We had a medical emergency(cut finger) and there were no steri strips or durabond to be found on the premises)
I'm sorry this upset this troop but that is true
That type of thing is done by a MD. Not a EMT
that is do to a MD would like to see the cut and if needed do a much cleaner job of washing the cut out and in a cleaner area, If the scout needs steristrips the MD. may want to stitch it as for the scout is at camp and the steristrips will not last long at camp with stitches the scout can wash that area easer then with steristrips when wet they come off.
I do my best and I have great MD's in the area that back me up and help me when needed and Custer and Hill City Ambulance has great crews should I need them or Life flight.
The Camp is growing and all in all I fill that all the staff at the camp try hard to make your stay at the camp a happy one.
So I hope you will give Medicine Mountian Scout Ranch a try Please call befor you come to camp as for yes at times a misprint may have been done in the things mailed to your troop or on line. From time to time a class time maybe changed or things change for the Meritbadge and the Meritbage book has not been updated this is true for First-Aid as First-Aid is one of things that are always changing for the better (CPR is
now changed and bleeding care has changed)
So again Call the camp and ask your qustions
so you will know befor you get to camp.
Oh I may add that a troop should bring there own
Merit Badge Books as for it seems as we run out of them and hard to order them at times.
All in ALL I feel Medicine Mountain offers a great program for Scouts of all ages and has a lot to offer a scout for a small camp in a small
Council this camp/ranch has a lot to offer and is just as nice as the big camps I went to as a boy in the Chief Seattle Council. Hope to see you at camp May God Bless and happy scouting to you all.