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Everything posted by meckanic

  1. For me to travel 5 hours to the State Warehouse to get the stuff, I just hope it is worth it. Now do the State Agencies do requests by NSN (National Stock Number) or do they just want you to put "pup tent". I thought it would be worth it for the Troop to allocate this type of surplus (clothing, boots and misc. personnel gear). I do not know of how many times a kid came to a campout in his school jacket or prepare to do a hike in gym shoes. My thoughts were to acquire the items, have the Scout sign a form stating he has received and will return the item (if he quits). As for private corporations, I have noted that most have a "excess equipment" people. The private corporations usually donate office equipment and furniture. Resp. Meckanic Scoutmaster
  2. After reading all the information our State office sent, I am not suprised they wanted me to submit a blood sample also. I am still in the process of doing our initial paperwork, but when it came to a 501 c 3 number, no noe could tell me where I could get it. Finally someone at BSA Irving told me. (our CO's number). Yeah, the Zodiac boat sounds good also. I wonder if the church would let me get a 6x6 to haul the boys and gear in. Well then from the feedback, I guess it is beneficial afterall. My thoughts were that it would not be a real drain on the Troop for new gear. Also, I have found out that the State colleges and other public corporations have offices that donate to Non-Profits. Paperwork is required there also. To get the initial paperwork for the Gsa Program contact your State. It may be under Surplus Property. If not you can visit the GSA website and if you take your time, you can find the names of the State offices in charge. Resp. Meckanic Scoutmaster
  3. Is anyone presently enrolled in the Surplus Property Donation Program?
  4. Ask some kid if he knows what a "HAM" radio is and he will picture a musical ham.
  5. Here is what we do: 1. I give the boys a list and tell them to create their menus for the weekend. 2. RAMEN is also a no-no..... 3. After I get the lists back, I review them: making sure nothing is the "easy-out". 4. I take them to do their own shopping, this gives me an opportunity in helping them choose the proper amounts they should buy. Main Focus: A. A "hot" food item is required. B. I get to review the menus and submit my thoughts C. Thet arrange, shop and prepare their own meals. If they still look lost, they work next to me as I do the adult meals.
  6. Recently our Troop has had a loss of Scouts due to a lack of a Cub Scouts Pack in our Charter Org. (church). In our town where our Troop is chartered, we have 2 other Troops which usually absorb the Webelos when it comes time to bridge over. The neighboring town has NO Scout Troops and also has a school w/o Cubs or Scouts. Because we have a church with-out a school as a CO., I feel this prevents us from getting these Scouts. Here my questions: 1. Can a Troop maintain another Troop in the neighboring town and have two Charter Organizations? 2. Should the Troop create another Troop in the neighboring town and have a seperate CO? Any advise I could get is helpful? HELP! We are losing boys!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Scoutmaster Meckanic
  7. I have noticed that some Troops have a tower in the front of their campsites showing their number (Troop 999, Anytown, USA). What is he rela name of this items and does anyone have plans for the construction of one. Thanks Scoutmaster, Troop 63, Il.
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