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In our troop, while the primary responsibility is for the scout to keep their books up to date, the Advancement chair (AC) also keeps duplicate records. Prior to each BOR, the AC updates her records to confirm that they match what is in the scouts handbook. Completed blue-cards are processed through the AC, allowing those to be recording. Also, on a semi-regular basis, the AC asks for scouts who are not yet 1st class to give her their handbooks, so that she can record all progress they have made towards first class.
Sounds to me like your son was denied a board of review. Isn't that grounds to appeal to the district? Not sure if this is the best solution, just the only one that came to mind.
First off, let me say that I have never used a hired bus for a Boy Scout trip. I looked into it once, but (for that trip) it would have cost about 10x more than traveling in private vehicles, so obviously we didn't do that. Anyway, if it were not to cost more than going by car, I would say take the bus. A Scout is thrifty.
74 year ACTIVE scouter passes away
mdutch replied to sweetspiritpamh's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I received the following e-mail, which I would like to pass on: Hello to All! It is my hope that this email will be sent out to the far reaching corners of the Bo Network so that those of you who are not local can appreciate the events that took place yesterday, Bo's day of rest. The service at the church was right on the mark. The eulogy delivered by scouter Dave Thomas was right on the mark. Dave did some of his own research and painted a wonderful image of Bo and all that he did for Scouting over the past 74 years. The affirmation of faith was replaced with the Scout oath and it was very impressive to turn and see that many individuals reciting the Oath in their uniforms and with their right hands up and with the scout salute. The minister added his own perspective of Bo and that too was a wonderful tribute to a man loved by so many. The music was upbeat and included guitars, drums and piano. No organ music was a mandatory request from Bo himself. I wasn't about to go against him either!! Bo's other request was to have him leave the church to the music of the St. Louis Blues. He got his wish. The weather all day yesterday morning was threatening rain and it did actually rain as the service started. As we all left the church and started the procession to the grave site, the weather was threatening rain and judging by the clouds it was going to be heavy. Oh no, Bo would have none of that and in the short time it took to reach the grave site, the weather had done a total about face. The sun had split the clouds, blue sky behind those clouds and just enough humidity to remind us all we were in Texas in June. The graveside service was very well done and the closing moments were for all of us to listen to TAPS being blown on the bugle by Grant Kee, a scouter with excellent bugle abilities. I want all of you to take this next paragraph and form the image they create in your mind. The family is sitting facing the casket, the pallbearers are standing just the other side of the casket and Grant is behind them under shade tree. The sun is shining brightly and all of the rain clouds are well off to the East. The bugle begins its melody of TAPS and all 8 pallbearers who are Scouts from all levels, one by one snap a salute to Bo. Without question for me, it was the most fitting moment and tribute that I experienced in all of the past 7 months and it was a moment that shall remain with me for the rest of my life. Bo's third and final request was for all of his family and friends to meet at a pub and "hoist a beer for Bo". Many of us retreated to the site of Bo fest 1 & 2 and although not there in first person, his spirit was all over that pub last night. We hoisted many a mug and glass and told a few Bo stories. It was a fitting end to a glorious day. He would have been damn proud of the day and yes, I believe he would have approved of it all. Kim, Loren and I would like to deeply thank all of you no matter where you are for your love and support over these past months and specifically the past 3 weeks. We have cards and emails from all over the country and it continues to amaze us just how far Bo could reach and what he did for people, especially scouters. There is no doubt that he has touched thousands of lives over the past 74 years and he will be fondly remembered by everyone of them. It is hard to believe that we have laid him to rest and that this ride is now over. I expect this to be the last broadcast email that comes from this computer. I would do it all over again exactly the way it was done. He deserved the best care, he deserved the best support and remember he did exactly that for countless families in the DFW area when their loved ones were ill or they had problems and needed someone to talk it out. For Steve and I, we did was what comes natural and a way to somehow repay the man for all he did for everyone in their time of need. I will close by simply saying thank you. Each of you played a part in Bo's life and now you are part of ours. We love you. Pepper, Kim, Loren Hitchcock -
Ok, I am now even more confused about what is going on in the Greater St. Louis area council. The appear to have two OA Lodges (Shawnee Lodge and Anpetu-we Lodge). So now I am really confused.
Yes, the lodge by-laws do directly contradict the Guide to Officers and Advisors (GOA). For example, they have added many requirements to the process of becoming a brotherhood member. The GOA says "Brotherhood membership. Completion of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers." The bylaws have added camping and service requirements which are not found in the OA Handbook. Note: The GOA can be found at http://www.main.oa-bsa.org/resources/pubs/GOA-2006-Final.pdf
Mark, This seems a bit odd to me, too. But just to clarify, does your lodge conduct elections at summer camp? According to OA Policy, out of council elections are never permitted.
No, but you can add them to the back of the sash.
My understanding is that in order to recharter a unit you must have 5 youth members, of whom at least 2 have their primary membership in that unit. This does not mean that those 2 people can't be duel registered, they would just need to designate the crew as being their "primary unit".
There lots of things here to talk about, however, one question I would like to ask is why you are communicating with the SPLs parents. Surly the SPL is mature enough to carry on a phone conversation.
Stosh, Thank you for the comprehensive reply. However, I am not sure where you got your information from. According to current US Code (title 4 Section 4): "The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag...should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute." But that still leaves open the question of what constitutes a uniform and what constitutes a "military salute"
I am currently stalled at life (or was until a few weeks ago). Not a week has gone by in the past few months when at least 5 people haven't asked me how my eagle project is coming. For me, what got me going, was the pushing that came from on of the ASMs in my troop (as opposed to all the pushing that came from my parents), so just some advice to find someone other than the family of the scout to do the pushing.
My Venture Crew's uniform consists of a polo shirt and jeans. During flag ceremonies, would it be appropriate for Venturers in uniform to salute the flag (as opposed to hand over the heart). Also, what is the difference between the Venture Scout Salute and the U.S. Military salute? Thanks!
Cell phones, text messaging, etc....again
mdutch replied to Aquila calva's topic in Open Discussion - Program
What about using electronics in tents? Like everything else in life, there is a place and a time on (some) campouts for iPods and the like. I don't think too many people here would have a problem with a scout who likes to take out a book and read as they are about to fall asleep at night, so why should it be any different for a scout who wants to listen to music. I think a total ban on electronics is, in most cases, unnecessary, and instead, scouts should be taught what times are appropriate/inappropriate to be using electronics. -
To add on to what Beavah said, make sure that you don't fade too much before you step down. while I was recently serving as SPL, my SM was stepping down. Unfortunately, he started to fade but the new SM (not sure if one had even been chosen at that point), wasn't starting to step up. so I was, in effect, left without a SM.
Everyone wash his own dishes and a pot?
mdutch replied to gwd-scouter's topic in Camping & High Adventure
In my troop the person (or people) assigned to clean-up on the duty roster are responsible for preparing the water/buckets for washing, and washing all troop/patrol equipment. Individuals are responsible for washing there own personal gear. -
First, let me say that I am coming at this from the perspective of a Former SPL (last year) of a sort-of boy run troop (and I was always trying to make it more boy run). I think one thing that needs to be done at this point is to have the SM sit down with the SPL and discuss what happens, and get the SPLs advice on what to do next. Based simply on the fact that he was willing to take an action like this on his own, I would say that he is a probably a very capable leader, and has some ideas on what to do next. It is also possible that he was expecting this reaction from the committee, and has a plan on how to proceed.
In my troop the scout is required to pay half the fee, and the troop covers the other half. This way both the troop and the scout have an investment in the success of the scout.
I am working on planning my eagle project. I have found funding for the majority of the project ($650 out of $725). Does anyone see a problem in me self-funding (me and my parents) the remainder? I realize that what matters is if the troop/district approves it, but does anybody think I will run into problems b/c of that?
My troop is (finally) starting to move away from doing all car-camping trips, and has an overnight canoe camping trip planned for a few weeks from now. Obviously, menus on camp-outs need to be tailored to the situation (i.e. we wouldn't want to bring a gazillion dutch ovens with us.) Does anybody have recommendations on good meal ideas for situations such as canoeing? YiS, Eric
Lost Eagle records for transferred Scout
mdutch replied to Trevorum's topic in Advancement Resources
I, too, have no expirience in this. However, I would suggest that it wouldn't hurt to try and contact his old troop/council, and ask them to fax/mail a copy of the merit badge record, just in case. -
Great idea. I have to admit that you had me scared for a second. I thought that you had come up with some way of going camping from your computer, and that you didn't need the outdoors anymore.
From my exprience this is what most camps request, however (based on the three camps I have gone to) it is almost never followed. They do expect the class a at meals/flags, but otherwise, whatver seems to go. My adivse would be to ask other scouts/leaders in your unit (or other people who have been to the camp before.)
I think we are all in agreement about how the adult should have acted in this situation. At this point, from what I hear, you may also want to try to come up with ways to keep the JASM involved, since he seems like he would be a good person to have involved. My suggestion on doing this would be that you appeal to his sense of duty, and show him how he is benifiting all of the other scouts by staying involved, and without him there there would be absolutly no chance of the Youth Leaders having any power, or something to that effect.
I know this isn't quite the same thing, but hopefully it can be a start. The rule for Boy Scout summer camps (can't remember what that big book of rules is called) says that monkey bridges can't be over 6 feet high (unless part of a high ropes course).