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Everything posted by mdutch

  1. I guess I am in a similar situation to many of the people mentioned on here. I had my Eagle SM Confrenence 3 nights before I left for college, and went home a couple of months ago to have my EBOR. Right now I am planning my COH for first week in January, before I go back to college. I think trying to arrange a BOR from college was harder than trying to do the COH, but my parents have helped a lot with both. I haven't been back to a troop meeting since I left in the spring (and wasn't able to be as active as I wanted to in the year prior to that), so I don't know a lot of the new scouts that well. I'll be going to the Holiday Party that the troop is having next week, so it'll be interesting to see people again, though with everyone changing, it'll probably be a bit different. Life changes when you move away, I guess.
  2. Ed, Not sure if that is true. From the http://www.bsalicensing.org/council_faq.htm FAQ: 1. My T-shirt supplier is small, gives us a break on our t-shirts, and only produces a few T-shirts a year for special events. His average order is just $100. Does he still need a license? He's not making any real money and the application fees are too high for him. All reproduction of BSA Trademarks, where the product is for sale or potentially resale, would require a license. The application fee was a one time $250, the fee applied to future royalties and in the case of T-shirts, the royalties were 7.5% on the total net sales or $7.50 per $100 (his average order). Because the application fee applies first to future royalties, the licensee would have to sell nearly $3,400 in T-shirts before ever paying any more royalties. So even if it for use in-unit, they still need to be liscenced (or at least have a waiver if thy are doing it for free)
  3. Congrats on setting up the Crew. Let me start with your last question first. There may or may not be a district venturing president. It would depend on how many Venturers there are in your district, and whether or not anybody bothered to set up a Venturer Leaders Council at the District level. I'd try and get in touch with your District Exec to find out. As far as Ranger vs Silver, I'd say go for whichever one you are most interested in. You may want to start with the Outdoor Bronze award, as that is required for the Ranger, and you need to have at least one Bronze to get the Silver award. Lastly, as to the OA. I wont get into whether or not you are technically able to combine the two, but will recommend that you do not. Obviously, you can continue to be active in your crew and in the OA at the same time |(kindof like being active in the troop and the OA at the same time). As far as I know, units do not go to OA events, individuals go to OA events. If you are asking if members of your crew who are also members of the OA are allowed to attend OA events, then the answer is yes. Hope this Helps!
  4. I have to agree with a lot of what was said here. (For a matter of perspective, I just turned 18 and did reach eagle at the last minute) For me, scouts was about more than advancement. I took 2 years to reach 1st class, and slowly did life and eagle after that. Those two ranks pretty much just happened naturally. I did most of the merit badges at summer camp, and worked on a few back home for the rest. I decided that advancement wasn't going to be my priority. I had much more fun trying to do a good job as SPL and an OA officer to have time to work much on advancement. After serving as SPL though, I was pressured by many to "finish up" my eagle. After all I was "so close", and had given so much into scouting. So I did. But to me, getting Eagle wasn't the purpose of being in scouting; it was to have fun. I guess, more than anything, what drove home for me that some scouts were just in it for the rank advancement happened at summer camp one year. We were all sitting around the camp fire, talking. I brought up the possibility of having the older scouts go to a trek-based summer camp the following year, and doing a hike/canoeing program, rather (or in addition to) a traditional summer camp. However, from many of the scouts there I got asked "What merit badges will we be able to do" "Oh, we can't do merit badges! What's the point; I don't want to go then". Oh, well. Guess to some scouts the only point will be advancement
  5. As far as I am aware, there is no such policy. I would ask the ASM to show you where it says that.
  6. "Now, the appropriate way to deal with a bully is to run to momma and hide behind her which only makes the problem worse. " Nothing in the requirements states that a scout should run to momma (or papa). It simply has scouts identify the appropriate way to respond. The purpose of rank advancement requirements are to give scouts the skills that are necessary to succeed in life. Learning when the appropriate time to handle things on your own and knowing when you should go for help are important skills to learn. Certainly there are cases that you should go get help (ie sexual abuse), and there are definitely times when a scout should try to handle it on his own. This requirement simply tries to help scouts determine when what actions are appropriate.
  7. Gern, Not necessarily the case. There are several scouts/former scouts in my troop who do drugs. Many who do also drop out after they get to 1st class or so, thats probably why national decided it needed to be tackled early, and not stick it in some merit badge somewhere that the scout may never do. Many scouts have problems that doing these rank requirements will really help. I just don't get what everybody's big problem with these requirements is.
  8. On shorter weekend camping trips, the drivers donate gas in exchange for free food/camping for the weekend. On longer/bigger trips, we either 1. Factor it into the cost we charge people up front or 2. Have each scout work it out with the driver individually.
  9. Does anybody have any experience being registered in multiple councils? Does one have to be declared as the primary council? do you have to pay dues in both? which OA Lodge can you join ect.? I am planing on registering in a unit near my college, but still want to stay registered in the troop/crew near my house?
  10. My first answer would be to send anybody who wants to. Ask the scouts in your troop who wants to go. Anybody who is willing to spend a week of their summer in leadership training will probably gain something from it. And they will have a better time if they want to be their. I can't speak directly to NYLT, as I attended JLTC, but I would say that if you have already have some experience as either a PL or ASPL or SPL or Troop Guide then you will gain more from the experience. Finally, I would say that if you could see the scout as being SPL or ASPL in the next 1-3 years, then you should send them.
  11. First idea that comes to mind would be to have some of the adults bring on a more challenging (and more delicious) that will make the scouts jealous, and prepare a better menu next time.
  12. It's an interesting idea, but something about it strikes me as not quite right. Sorry that I can't be specific about its problems, but it is more a gut feeling than anything else. I guess, that if the scouts in the troop feel that they can't talk to the SPL/SM about problems with leadership, then time would be better spent strengthening those relationships.
  13. The question of if you should split, is a separate one from how to split them up. But I would say that if the SPL thinks it should be tried, go for it. As to how, I recommend having each scout write down the names of one or two people that they want to be a patrol in, and turning that piece of paper in to the SPL. Then sit down with the SPL and try to figure out how to make the most boys happy.
  14. They changed the rule in 2005. Now, page 23 of the guide to officers and advisors reads "Ordeals. Candidates for membership in the Order must complete the Ordeal and must be inducted into the Order by the lodge that serves the council in which the unit is chartered. Out-of-council Ordeals are not permitted except when religious custom and observance precludes attendance at the Ordeals of a Scouts home lodge (e.g., Sabbath-observant Jewish Scouts). In this special case, the region Order of the Arrow chairman may be petitioned for an exception to permit the Scout to be inducted by another lodge." (http://www.main.oa-bsa.org/resources/pubs/GOA-2006-Final.pdf)
  15. Actually, to take the ordeal through any lodge other than your home lodge, you must get an exemption from the Region, and they are only given in very specific circumstances (ie an observant Jew who needs a non Saturday ordeal).
  16. mdutch

    Contest medal

    Does anybody know what the "Contest medal" is for, and how you go about "earning" it, and who is allowed to where it? http://www.scouting.org/pubs/33066/06F.html
  17. Mind translating for us civilian folks what is meant by "at the Position of Parade Rest in front of the Garrison Sergeant Major".
  18. Gold Winger's got it right. You are able to stay a youth until either the crew re-charters after you turn 21, or you turn 22 (whichever comes first). You could be an advisor anytime after you turn 21 (by this could you be both a youth and an adult in the crew at the same time?)
  19. "The unit committee should review repetitive or serious incidents of misbehavior in consultation with the parents of the child to determine a course of corrective action including possible revocation of the youth's membership in the unit." This would indicate to me that it is the unit committees job to revoke youth memberships. However I would also recommend consulting with the COR (assuming they play any role in your program), or at the very least making sure they stay informed.
  20. Fully realizing that this was not the intent of your thread, I will answer your first question (from etymology online): "hoot c.1200, "to call or shout in disapproval or scorn," related to houten, huten "to shout, call out" (c.1225), probably imitative. First used of bird cries, especially that of the owl, c.1450. The noun meaning "a laugh, something funny" is first recorded 1942. Slang sense of "smallest amount or particle" (esp. in don't give a hoot) is from 1878."
  21. If i am not mistaken (and I very well may be), the rules for when local tour permits are required varies from council to council. So I would say if the Council wants you to file one, then you do, if they don't find it neccesary, then you don't.
  22. The link to the advancment policy is: http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/resources/32215/eligibility.html
  23. From the advancement procedures (on nationals website): Merit badges, badges of rank, and Eagle Palms are for boys who are registered Boy Scouts or Varsity Scouts. Any registered Boy Scout or Varsity Scout may earn these awards until his 18th birthday. Any Venturer who achieved the First Class rank as a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout in a troop may continue working for the Star, Life, and Eagle ranks and Eagle Palms while registered as a Venturer up to his 18th birthday. So my answer would be no, females (and males who are not first class or who are already eagle) cannot work on merit badges. Also, this would make me note that venturers would not be eligible for palms.
  24. Not sure what exactly you mean. Care to elaborate
  25. Our troop was having this problem at one point. So I decided to time how long we wasted at meetings waiting for people to be quiet. An announcement that I held my SS up for 22 minutes during a 90 minute scout meeting, certainly got lots of people's attention. I think the best way to approach it is to make sure all the adults and PLC members quiet down right away, and then the younger scouts will usually follow suit.
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