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Everything posted by mdutch

  1. I am sorry to bring up and OLD topic, but I really needed to respond to this last post. I just finished being Scribe in my troop for the past year, and did everything I could think of doing (yeah I should probably get a life outside of BS), and at the same time, I was patrol leader. At no point did I feel I was needed to do both. Does anyone have any ideas on a situation where this would occur? Eric [edit: I reread the message, and it came off with a mean tone to it. That was not intended. Sorry](This message has been edited by meamemg)
  2. At every board of review I talk to Scouts about what their friends think of Scouts. For the most part, I've observed that the Scouts whose friends are involved in other activities are "cool" (if that word is still used) with Scouting. They may not want to do it but they are okay with a friend being a Scout. It is the guys whose friends do little more than complain about having nothing to do who are the ones who get the greatest level of grief from their peers. I think, at least in the 2 troops in my area, that if you were to ask this question, the answer would be, "my friends don't know I am in scouting". There are still some of my friends who are in scouting, that I don't know that about them. Eric
  3. Are councils allowed to decide to not allow patrols to do this?
  4. He said that he was told this by the council, but wasn't sure who made the decision
  5. I was informed by my Scoutmaster that we are no longer allowed to have patrol campouts without adult supervision. Does anyone know if this is a National decision, or one made by my council? Thanks, Eric Twin Rivers Council
  6. I have a situation in my troop, that I would like to get advise on. You have a scout who, on almost every camping trip, refuses to do his share of the jobs (cooking, cleaning, getting wood for the fire ect.) What can I, as the ASPL, or even the committee besides preventing the scout from attending trips? Eric
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