Within a week of turning 9, my youngest was the first to realize that his brother, then age 10, had flipped his kayak. The older one was in 9-10 feet of water where the current would have taken him downstream. He was not the strongest of swimmers at the time. My youngest immediately recognized the potential danger of the situation, grabbed an oar, ran over to the edge of the dock, held it out and ordered his brother to grab hold of the oar. He held onto the oar until an adult could pull the older one out of the water. This all happened in an instant. My youngest accomplished all of this without any instruction. He had the oar in his hand and was shouting instructions to his brother before I even realized his brother had tipped the kayak. He had him holding onto the oar by the time I managed to get out of my kayak.
His den leader encouraged us to submit the action to Council and here we are.