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  1. Check out the new Montana High Adventure Base www.montanahighadventurebase.com or on the Montana Council website, www.montanabas.org. It is a joint venture between the council and the Boone and Crockett Club of North America. It just opened this year.
  2. Check out the new Montana High Adventure Base www.montanahighadventurebase.com or on the Montana Council website, www.montanabas.org. It is a joint venture between the council and the Boone and Crockett Club of North America. It just opened this year.
  3. Contact Montana Council as they have a camp (Grizzly Base Camp) that was available for troops wanting to visit Glacier Park, Bob Marshal Wilderness, etc. They also have a camp on a 63 acre island (Melita Island) in Flathead Lake. It is filled most of the summer with summer camp. Maybe a summer camp plus another week out of "Griz Base" doing "The Bob" or white water rafting on the Flathead River bordering Glacier Park. Good luck with your trip.
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