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Everything posted by mc99218

  1. You sound new to the game and the replies so far will help you muddle thru...but...If I were you I would smooze around my district and make friends with 1...a known performer ( scoutmaster) and 2...a savvy commissoner (one who will camp with you and doesnt try to sell you on popcorn) ... You will soon pick up on how to motivate 11-17 year olds to do your bidding and make them think it was their idea...and thats the secret of a scoutmaster...making them think its their ideas.... The Chaos is normal but letting them eat their own consequences is normal too... MCCET PMTNPO OWL
  2. Your Scoutmaster. MCCET PMTNPO OWL
  3. Hold them more responsible for providing themselves with a more challnging program at the same time keeping the younger scouts up to speed on skills and leadership assessment. Then throttle back the adults who are siphoning off the "spirit of scouting" Its the adult gumming that kills off thge older scout every time. observatiuons over the years, may vary from troop to troop but not much MCCET PMTNPO OWL
  4. Eamon Time to take care of business/ there will be others following in your tracks and those who cannot or will not think beyond their own agendas will reap what they sow. besides a scout is helpful especially when summoned BHTMBO ) mccet pmtnpo owl
  5. Call your UC for counsel on all scouting matters and consider the DE just an executive secretary of the district. The rare exception is to report child abuse and I would recommend setting an appointment in confidence with your council scout executive to discuss such a serious matter.... MCCET PMTNPO OWL Commissioner of the old red coat school and dam proud of it.
  6. This small stuff....and its all small stuff Read BP's "Tempest in a Teapot" before acting on this matter. Also get friendly with some older savvy scoutmastersin your district or counsel and get yourself some 1940-to 60,s scoumater handbooks (amazon used or ebay cheap) MCCET PMTNPO
  7. Better to spoil the child than bend the rod??? Many times this exuberant boys need the true scouting meme and experience to learn enough to change for what we consider the better. We can bend them to our will with a tough disciplinary code and if that fails there is always bigger and better prisons. Many gatherings of youth in scouting is not scouting at all but rather socializing and facilitating socializing or outright charitable works. The founders of modern scouting , Baden Powell, Seton . Beard et al, were opposed to this type of camping club and preffered the batterings of nature to teach youth the ways of rocks and hard places.... Its our watch Whats it to be Robots or individuals of consequence? MCCET PMTNPO
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