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Maxwell's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Any one have the signaling requirements? Much obliged. Maxwell
  2. I'm a Communication Merit Badge counselor too. Our troop has a history of two scouts sharing the COH responsibility and I haven't changed things as this works well with two. I would not attempt it with more than two. As for the campfire--there is nothing in the requirement that states there must actually be a fire. I had one scout who needed to finish up this badge. It was mid-winter, rainy, and the next COH wasn't scheduled for 3 months. I had him talk with the SPL about holding a "campfire" at the end of a troop meeting. We had skits, songs, and everything except logs. It was great fun and he earned #8.
  3. I heard Bob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive, give a speech on Feb. 9. He said that BSA National is developing a social networking site to be launched this year. By the way, his "stump" speach is on the web. This man is awesome. Under his leadership, I think that for the first time we'll be hearing more about what's going on in national.
  4. I can't help with your "overstock" problem, but thought this would interest you-- Our troop has a chameleon patrol. The boys decided to use the blank patrol patch. Why? Their cheer says it all-- "You can't see us!"
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