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Everything posted by MattR

  1. Let's identify the sub threads. My limited view: 1) ch 11, so money and court proceedings. 2) whatever Mutsy and Cynical are grappling with. Legal vs moral? 3) healing 4) charter orgs More, different? David makes a point but the usual response is identify the thread and pull it out.
  2. What I've learned is that when it comes to trauma like this, where someone that society says you should be loyal to and yet they traumatize you anyway, it's next to impossible for the victim to walk away. Whether it's parents abusing kids, spousal abuse, CSA, or even war, this seems to be the crux of the pain. My understanding is that parts of our brains, the older parts, are wired towards loyalty towards community. So that part of the brain is keeping the victim from leaving the situation. The newer parts of the brain, including the parts that control reason and speech, you might think would just say "hey, this is a bad situation, leave!" but the two parts don't really talk to each other very well. Consequently there's a huge tension, words and reasoning don't work, and the result is PTSD and all the things we've been told about by the victims on this forum. My impression is that a compassionate community is probably the biggest type of help for the victims. The trauma makes a lot of changes in the brain and, again, just my impression, but it takes a lot of effort to rewire the brain.
  3. @IWasAbusedinScouting, welcome to the forum. I hope your participation helps everyone, you as well.
  4. Okay everyone, while I appreciate the added pages, so we can get to 100 and find some new info about the court case, everyone keeps repeating the same thing. Gilwell is waiting, cynical doesn't believe it. So, give it a break. Its Friday and if you're living in an area without smoke, flooding or covid, go enjoy your weekend. For the other 95% of you, try meditation.
  5. Only 81 more pages till we find out something new about the bankruptcy. I'll have to talk to the other judges as to whether talking about the accuracy of our posters and how incredibly famous our forum now is (as opposed to the case) is cheating. Not a chance. Aren't you the one who said they tended towards verbose? Anyway, since we've been picked up by the AP and we still have lots of pages to go where is the discussion about victim's needs other than money? I recently heard a discussion about trauma, ptsd, shame and the neuro biology behind it. I understand a little better what people have been through and their comments here make sense. Maybe we can get a page out of it.
  6. Can we save the family scouting thread for something other than ch 11? Granted, we have to get to 100 pages before we find out what's next in this story, but still, arguing about family scouting just sounds like cheating
  7. It's optional in the scout program so I assume it's also optional in the cub program. Just because they sell it you don't have to buy it.
  8. I don't think you need the hat so it might be easier to just drop it all together. I like the idea of just one neckerchief. Why the books aren't combined into one or just made into a pdf is a mystery. Of course, we know the answer. They make money on sales.
  9. It sounds to me like you have 2 questions - one about the perpetrator and one about the victims. Before having read this thread I wouldn't have thought about how dealing with the first might impact the second. So I'd start with the victims to find out what might help them. As for the SoL, that only has to do with what can be done under the law. If there is credible evidence, why not send it to a local news source? I understand that the victims might be hesitant, but if not, maybe CSA needs it's own #metoo movement? How much of the pain comes from not being able to confront it? My guess is the shame and helplessness that victims of regular sexual abuse have would also apply to CSA? Isn't the shame and helplessness the source of power the men had over all the children they abused? Why not take that away from them? I apologize if I'm way off base.
  10. I vaguely remember something about that scout camp. Never stayed there. We just brought our gear, bikes and food, stayed at the campground on the edge of town, and did a lot of mtn biking. It was a cheap, simple and fun trip.
  11. We need a better title than "part 5 - more of the same". However, when someone says there has been a major change then, yes, roughly 100 pages is a good time to make a new thread.
  12. Okay. Enough. If you aren't talking about court proceedings then drop it. It would be a shame to lock this thread now.
  13. @docSquatch, welcome to the forum. It's up to you about joining a unit. But it's great that you want to be a counselor for more than a troop.
  14. You're right, we shouldn't treat others badly. But speaking of different opinions, I assume teasing is okay? At least if it's gentle? If not let me know and I'll remove all of my other posts in this thread. Oops, there I go again. In other words, looking for smoke shifters can be used as an opportunity to show scouts how to stop things before they go too far, how to be gentle and how to pay attention to how others respond to your actions. But you're right that, if not done right, it can get out of hand and people get hurt. But that's all the fun parts of scouting. It's a good thing we have the scout law to explain this to the scouts. There, I can end one post in this thread seriously. Doh!
  15. Enough. This is like arguing over where curly brackets go in C. This thread started in 2011 and was added to in '12 through '16 before being started again recently. And nothing has changed with regard to pinning mentor pins on uniforms. Some people care and some don't.
  16. I don't believe the KKK was ever considered a noble organization. It's less that "almost any institution" from the past can't "withstand the scrutiny of the present" so much as no institution can withstand scrutiny based on its own grandiose view of itself. It's where humility should come in.
  17. One way to speed up the validation would be to hold the lawyers that signed the claims accountable. My understanding is that they were supposed to vet the claims they signed. So, just take the lost money out of their earnings where they didn't do their job. They make 40% if they did their job but they lose 100% if they were sloppy. Call it a cost of doing business. I'm sure I could come up with more rules to reduce the bad voting as well.
  18. You didn't quote my entire post. In this case you should have. look closely at the small print way at the bottom. I was joking. Have a good day!
  19. In my neck of the woods it's not the knots you need to hide so much as your pulse.
  20. No, if they followed precedent they would have split cit world into world and universe.
  21. They combined all of the Cit MB's and the DEI MB into one. Apparently this is the first of many changes in the entire MB program. had you going there for a bit. Admit it.
  22. @lklawson, welcome to the forum, and good luck. It sounds like a fun hobby.
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