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Everything posted by Matthew43

  1. In concerned_scout66 message about Brennan Hawkins being to young. That's NOT TRUE at all they have camp for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Some Boy Scouts start out at the age 11 (especially ones who graduate from Cub Scout to Boy scouts). I don't know where you got that info about Brennan being to young!! Brennan's age is actually ideal for being a Boy Scout. Now yes I do agree the buddy system rules were violated. But that wasn't Brennan's fault at all, it was his buddy's!! As he run off on Brennan before Brennan could even get out of his climbing harness!! Plus in Brennan's case where he had no partner to follow with it could happen to ANY SCOUT!! Its very easy to take a wrong turn especially if you didn't know the camp well!! Yes Brennan violated the STOP rule of being lost. But he's ONLY 11YR's old, who's never been trained in Wilderness Survival!! So he wouldn't know what to do when he was lost. Its just EXCELLENT to know that he was found, alive, and in good health, thats what REALLY COUNTS!! THANK GOD!! I pray that Brennan does stick with scouting even after this ordeal he had. I think personally he would like scouting!! (This message has been edited by Matthew43)
  2. Yes wind on a lake can be very dangerous. AS my Scoutmaster WILL NOT put any kid in our troop or any other troop on a lake that is windy!! No matter what there expereince is!! The difference between river canoeing and lake canoeing can be like night and day!! Plus yes I do belive PFD's should be MANDATORY EQUIPMENT!! Yes both leaders and boys should be REQUIRED to wear them NO MATTER THERE EXPERIENCE!! YES leaders should wear them because its sets a GOOD EXAMPLE for the boys. Thats one of the jobs of leaders, to set a GOOD EXAMPLE for the boys!! PFD's DO SAVE LIVES!! I have heard so many cases of drownings up here in the North Country. One thing that was in common with ALL of them was that was the person(s) that drowned WERE NOT wearing a PFD!! In most of the cases a PFD would have saved there lives!! I STRONGLY BELIEVE that a PFD should REQUIRED on trips involving water activities (canoeing, kayaking, row boating, whitewater, etc...)!! Except for in school pool swimming or activities where there are PLENTY lifeguards available at ALL times!! Which is 1 lifeguard for every 5 to 8 people!!
  3. Well planning a trip is easy... Basically you need to find a river, I would pre-run it then you will know where the problem area's are, and can set up saftey teams using experienced canoers if so needed. THIS IS FOR GOING GROUP style like we do every year. We ALWAYS pre-run the river 1 WEEK ahead of time to find the mean areas!! Then setup saftey teams at each area were we think a problem might occur. Everything from little rapids to portages. Everthing is well thought and plaaned!! Also we try to put in our group 1 hour ahead of the rest so the most experienced will be in the troble areas WAY BEFORE the main group!! We do this for a special reason. They make a GOOD saftey team is the main reason!! Most of our guys have been doing the canoe trip runs now for all 7 years. Our scoutmaster knows all our ablities, so is not very worried about us on the river. He has trained us over the years for any possible situation, and how to get around them!! We also have leaders with our guys anyways so everyone is pretty safe!! AS for equipment and money for equipment, I cannot help you out in those catergories. Try your local scout camp and local counsil to see if you can borrow camp equipment. Its what we do.
  4. Hi my name is Matthew reed ASM Troop 21 Gouverneur, NY. Our Scoutmaster Paul Lamson has been hosting canoe trips now for over 7 years!! Its a lot of fun!! One thing I may add for saftey equipment is a cell phone and 2 way walkie talkie radios!! Ones that are FRS.GMRS type!! We have never had any problems on the river before but you just never know. We have held canoe trips now for 7 years plus!! I have attended everyone!! We have had over 200 scouts attend our canoe trips!! 2 years ago we were feeding over 300 poeple including scouts and there famlies!! We have people come in a make big a HUGE BBQ dinner for everyone. So while we are canoeing we dont have to worry about returning to camp tired and having to worry about supper as its ready for us when we return to the campsite. We have always have a had great success on canoe trips. Just make sure you give your boys a little experience before before planning a bigger event!! Also prerunning a section of river before a bigger event could also save a lot of problems also!! HAVE FUN!!
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