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  1. The only problem with this is a lack of available sizes. Tigers have been wearing the blue uniform for a while now, and National Supply has yet to issue a smaller size shirt and pants. My son was a Tiger at 6 years old, and is an 8 year old Wolf now. He still swims in his shirt, and none of the current issue pants fit him. I ended up purchasing blue school uniform pants. Mat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JBLAKE47: It would be nice to see Cubs follow the expected practice of BSA with a full uniform. I have yet to see a Cub Scout in our Council properly uniformed, and with the exception of my troop and a few adults, no Boy Scouts either.
  2. I felt the same way about the flag. First off, I thought that wearing of the US flag on the uniform was optional. And yes the woven flag looks wrong with all the rest of the patches being stiched. I removed the woven flag from my Centennial shirt by heating it up with an iron. This soften the glue enough that I could peel it off. I then replaced it with a flag from the scout shop. Mat mds3d Posted: Tuesday, 3/9/2010: 1:19:02 PM Here is what brought me to this. I got a Centennial uniform (canvas). I really like the way it fits and feels. I had two problems. The pocket flap has changed size and my OA flap doesn't fit quite the same. I was unable to find a way to sew it on without the thread being obvious (you can't hide the thread in the border anymore). Second, the position patch was just annoying me. With the Badge magic, both problems were fixed easily.
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