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Everything posted by MasonDixon

  1. Thanks for all of the replies guys. I like the Riley Box and the Stanley. I'm not sure we need a bear resistent kitchen box from Kanz Outdoors, especially for $675. thanks Matt
  2. Mr. Turtle, we appear to live parallel lives, complete with wives who think alike.
  3. "Your troop should do what you like. My guys have figured out to take the backpacking stoves on backpacking trips; the two-burner camp stoves on front-country trips and neither when we do wilderness survival." Our Troop has the same SOP as yours. Our Scouts have worked hard at fund raising and now are reaping the rewards. New backpacking tents are also on the shopping list.
  4. It looked to be the size of the standard kitchen box, approx. 3'w x 3'h x 1.5'd Our Committee is on board with the cost in return for ease of sanitizing and longevity.
  5. I posted this in the New Member forum and figured I'd post it here also. I'm in search of a stainless steel or aluminum chuck box. Hello All, Im currently an ASM for a Troop in south central PA and a father of a 13 year old 1st class Scout (soon to be Star, hopefully if he can get through a final MB). Ive been involved with Scouting since the day my wife & walked into a Pack sign up night with no prior scouting experience and walked out a very apprehensive Tiger Cub den leader. And Ive been enjoying the Scouting Trail ever since. I hope you guys dont mind a question or two (or three), but Im in search of a new Troop kitchen box. The current wooden kitchen box we have is on its last leg (literally). I was at our last Council Camporee and I saw a stainless steel kitchen box that looked pretty cool, but I have yet to find any info on the internet as to where to track one down. Any help or links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks YIS Matt
  6. "We who also serve while avoiding being the Scoutmaster" Haha, is it that oblivious??? Its funny you should say that; currently I fear for my ASM union membership. Theres been a concerted effort (read- bribe, cajole, black mail) by current Troop/Committee leadership to convince me to become the new SM. I'll try to remain strong for my fellow ASM's hehehe We usually only use our kitchen box at Troop campouts so the cumbersome factor isnt that big of a concern. What my chief concern is being able to sanitize the box. Our current kitchen box is getting pretty old and rickety. Thanks for the help and links.
  7. Hello All, Im currently an ASM for a Troop in south central PA and a father of a 13 year old 1st class Scout (soon to be Star, hopefully if he can get through a final MB). Ive been involved with Scouting since the day my wife & walked into a Pack sign up night with no prior scouting experience and walked out a very apprehensive Tiger Cub den leader. And Ive been enjoying the Scouting Trail ever since. I hope you guys dont mind a question or two (or three), but Im in search of a new Troop kitchen box. The current wood kitchen box we have is on its last leg (literally). I was at our last Council Camporee and I saw a stainless steel kitchen box that looked pretty cool, but I have yet to find any info on the internet as to where to track one down. Any help or links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks YIS Matt
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