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White Plains, NY
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BSA Suppliers: Nylon Jackets and Wool Jac-Shirts
Marty_Doyle replied to Rip Van Scouter's topic in Uniforms
Try this: http://www.ntier.org/index.html Go to documents and download the Trading Post Catalog for 2004. They offer a red 100% wool shirt-jac, made by a US manufacturer - Bemidji Woolen Mills, with BSA logo patch already sewn on pocket, two button-down pockets plus two hand-warmer pockets. Only $89.99 plus shipping. Much better deal than the one in the National catalog. Warm, extra pockets, looks just like the National one, sold by a BSA High Adventure Ccamp Trading Post, for almost half the price. My wife got it for my last Christmas, and everyone wanted to know where it came from at my Wood Badge course. (This message has been edited by Marty_Doyle) -
Non BSA Scouting Program in the US
Marty_Doyle replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I guess if you can order the following from your Scout Shop, it should satisfy you: # 57-491 Charter and Bylaws of the BSA # 57-492 Rule and Regulations of the BSA Though I do recall someone saying something to the effect that since these documents mainly apply to how Councils should be administered, and not how units should be administered, only Councils may be able to receive them. -
What patrol--------------
Marty_Doyle replied to troop_358_potlatch's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Finished the first weekend of NE-II-132 on the 11th, looking forward to the second weekend on the 30th. So, I'm still a Beaver, and a good old Beaver too. -
Because if you can't put "New" and "Improved" and "Updated" on the cover (even if it isn't), then it won't sell. Or so the prevailing Madison Avenue mentality goes.
Of course, Irish nationalists serving in both the Conferderate and Union armies realized Proud Eagle's last point and formed a Feinian army, made up of Civil War veterans. This army "invaded" Canada from US soil a number of times in 1866-1870, but was defeated each time. And didn't some US presidential candidate run under the slogan "54.40 or Fight", which would have meant "annexing" a huge slice of Canada? So the US, or it's citizens, have actually invaded Canada a number of times, and our politicians have occasionally called for the annexation of pieces of Canada. Oh yeah, and there was some brouhaha over the US Army War College developing plans regarding an invasion of Canada in the 1920's. Ain't history interestin'?
Why does bsalegal.org condone gross violations of the Scout Law?
Marty_Doyle replied to Deloe's topic in Issues & Politics
The Klan. -
"Teacher, is this going to be on the quiz?" While we do not really want to go down that road, there is a middle gound that we need to find. The Scouts need to learn the appropriate information to advance, and yet they need to get the appropriate real world info. Last night, I had the "privilege" of being a victim for a first aid demomnstration at my son's troop meeting. I had "a bleeding head wound, a profusely bleeding cut on my left arm and a broken right lower leg." The patrol treating me put a splint on my left leg. I told them that I had passed out from pain first when they moved the broken leg to spint the well leg and then again when they elevated the broken leg to help treat me for shock. The SPL came over to check, told them they did a good job with the splint, but had put it on the wrong leg. It would cost them points at the upcoming camporee, but in the real world, it would probably have been easier to figure out which leg to splint. (The PL then said "We put the splint on the leg that was on our left......" The SPL replied that that response would usually result in further deductions, but splinting the wrong leg was already at zero). I felt that the SPL handled the situation pretty well - you followed BSA here, and did okay, but, in the real world, think about this...which is what we are ultimately talking about. Transmitting appropriate advancement information, plus relevant real world info,in a way that the Scouts will remember.(This message has been edited by Marty_Doyle)
In what seems like decades ago (because it was), when I received by Webelos badge in a ceremony in the school auditorium, I walked to the other side of the auditorium, where the Scoutmaster of the Tropp associated with the school was waiting, with the Troop. Mr Sevenoaks (I still think that is a great name for a Scoutmaster) asked each of us a few questions, and then gave us the Scout(?) badge and welcomed us into the troop. My son crossed over last Friday, and when he and his three buddies walked over the bridge, the Scoutmaster gave each a Troop hat, Troop neckerchief, Boy Scout neckerchief slide and red loops (the Pack gave them the Handbook and a Scout Stave). At his first Troop meeting Tuesday, the whole troop welcomed all four boys, and then they started in on Tenderfoot physicial fitness training. Not every boy turned in the application or medical form or completed the pamphlet exercises, so the Scoutmaster may be waiting until one of the next Troop meetings to award the seven new Boy Scouts (three from another Pack) their Scout badge. I am probably one of the few "new" Boy Scout parents that knows about the Scout badge. I would guess that the other parents would characterize their sons as working on Tenderfoot, since that what their new PL told them they were working on - Tenderfoot fitness requirement 10a - quarter mile walk/run and long jump. An honest mistake.
Somehow, a thread about food in Issues and Politics inevitably leads OGE to a song....... isn't stream of consciousness posting great?
Council Money Management Concerns.....
Marty_Doyle replied to OXCOPS's topic in Open Discussion - Program
You're expecting way too much logic and business sense from a non-profit, FOG. That's why my council thinks it makes good economic, financial and strategic planning sense to sell a one of a kind piece of real estate (camp) to get funding that they say they will use to keep up the other real estate (camps) and also rent out facilities to replace the one they sold. Selling your house so you can rent an apartment.....financial planners always recommend that. OXCOPS, keep bringing it up. Ultimately, squeaky wheels get oiled.(This message has been edited by Marty_Doyle) -
I was actually thinking that OGE was really "with it" and "kewl" until he said "which as most any hipster knows". I'm pretty sure "hipster" was out of vogue before disco was "in". Another current favorite of the senior Webelos is "Sweet". Everything (except girls and food) seems to be "Sweet".
I can't define "cool", but it is a thing that as leaders we should be aware of, because it impacts recruiting and retention. If they are not here, they will get no benefit from the program. Being way older than the current crop of Cub and Boy Scouts, I asked the resident expert on "cool" in our house for help - my nine year old daughter. She said my son is "cool" because he is a fifth grader. Therefore, since he is the "big fish", being in Cub Scouts doesn't detract from that. And no one in elementary school comments on it very much. Cub Scouts isn't cool or uncool, it just is. Like band or chorus or being in a school play, all of which are fun, but may become "cool" or "uncool" in the next great phase. Middle school. In our town there are five public elementaty schools. So there are five sets of fifth graders, who are "cool" and looked up to, in spite of what activities they are involved in, because they are fifth graders. There are only two middle schools in town, and all of those "big fish" fifth graders become the "little minnow" sixth graders, in a much bigger pond. Fitting in becomes more important. Peer pressure is greater. Being different is not "cool". Boy Scouts are a minority which, coupled with the "goody-two-shoes" image, suddenly makes them "un-cool". But, her brother will still be "cool", even though he teases her too much, because in addition to being a Boy Scout, he is really smart, he will play baseball and soccer, be on the newspaper, probabaly be class president, go camping, be nice and kind and help people. (There were many "omigosh"es and "like"s in her explanation, which I editted out). I find it interesting that the purposes of Scouting - leadership, physical and mental fitness, good character - would be the things that my daughter would identify as outweighing the "uncoolness" of Scouting. My son is oblivious to all of this, and says it is just his sister's blatherings. But I think she is probably a little more in tune then he. Part of me thinks that we should be marketing it that way - Scouting is so beyond "cool" that it looks "uncool" to you. Sort of Elvis Costello cool.
An entirely new meaning to "a scout is thrifty"
Marty_Doyle replied to eisely's topic in Open Discussion - Program
According to the Council website, there are 22 thousand Scouts in the various programs in Greater Niagara Frontier, and only one Scout Shop. So the volume could be there to "glom" $40 K per annum. The problem is that it would have to be $40K in cash (unless Mrs. M was dealing with other criminals, who would cash checks made out to the Council for her). That's around $160 in cash per day, every day the Shop was open (assuming 250 business days a year). Tough not to notice, espcially when she was on vacation. Obviously, she was the person reviewing the register tapes, counting the recipts and making the bank deposits, as well as keeping the books. Supervision, timely reporting and separation of duties is usually the cure. Hope they are able to recoup it. -
A real movie about the Pinewood Derby
Marty_Doyle replied to fotoscout's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I don't think BSA owns the rights to "Pinewood Derby", so there probably will not be a lawsuit. Also, there is a lot of Scouting stuff in the movie - it is Cub Scouts, with uniforms, Packs et cetera. The producers must have cleared it with BSA. The Scouts appear to be mostly in correct Cub Scout uniform in the trailer, but from the wrong era. What's with the 1960's "beanies" on the Cub Scouts in the Derby crowd shots? (Is there a comeback in the works? It would be cheaper than than the current four baseball cap/neckerchief scheme - four because Tigers go to blue uniforms with orange neckerchief this year). Also, the uniform pants have yellow piping, and most of the Cubs wear yellow neckerchiefs, save the Webelos, who have the plaid. It was a short trailer.....(This message has been edited by Marty_Doyle) -
This was the first year of leadership for all but the Webelos II den leaders, so the new leaders were not ready at the start of the year to think too much about den outings. So, as a Pack, we decided to plan a number of events that all dens could participate in. Most events, excluding the few I listed, had around 15 Scouts attending - the Pack is currently at 28 boys, so I considered that a decent attendance rate. (Also, my first Pack calendar only had a few more events that the two previous Cubmaster's versions, so the Cubs kind of expect a full calendar - I have copies going back 10 years. I added a summertime event in August, 3 service projects, split out the Derby and B&G, and added 2 hikes). By January, the "fear" of den outings had changed. The Webelos I's went on a tour of Yankee Stadium (initially as a den), visited the mayor and town court, and attended a high school football game. The Wolves went to West Point, visited the police and firehouse, and did a den service project at a school for the deaf. The Tigers tagged along on a couple of the Wolf outings, coordinated by the leaders. (We currently have no Bears). The Webelos II's did a number of events with the three Scout troops in town. So far, we have not cancelled anything but the Columbus Day parade - which was the City, not us. I think next year there will be a growth in den outings, and Pack outings should be scaled back somewhat. Only so many weekends available. I am thinking of adding some kind of bike safety event with the local police when the county closes the Hutchinson Parkway to cars during the spring and summer. I went with the expedition hat. I was tempted to go with the DI hat, but the Mrs. felt that the expedition hat went best with the red shirt-jac she got me from Northern Tier for Christmas. Couldn't locate an adult generic CS hat. (This message has been edited by Marty_Doyle)(This message has been edited by Marty_Doyle)