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  1. Here is a tabulated comparison of Canada, UK, and USA. Note that the sections cannot be compared directly, as they age ranges differ from country-to-country. Allan.
  2. The source of the numbers are from Scouts Canada. Like in the US, the impact will be felt more in specific parts of the country. The council in southern Alberta, for example, with 6,100 kids, has 2,000 of those in LDS groups. Allan.
  3. Overall, including Beavers (ages 5-7), ~6% of the kids in Scouts Canada are in LDS groups. The impact to the sections in which the LDS have groups is as follows: Allan.
  4. "program area staff will help Scouts with BSA requirements" I read that there was an area set aside for the "mile swim".
  5. Highly recommended. US troops visit frequently. I was there last summer, and a troop from Philadelphia was present; my kids hung out with them a lot. Have a look at http://1stmerrickville.ca/camping/hsr.htm for trip plans, notes, and recommendations from various troops. Allan.
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