Having just completed Tigers with my son allow me to say it was an opportunity to build and develop friendships. Although I must admitt the program it's self was little more than an "arts and crafts". My son and I antisipated a lot more than we got. It has been 30years are so since I was a cub, I somewhat remember it being a little more of an "adventure", although time does change the memories of our past. If I did not hold in my heart that scouting is important for the development of my son, and I as a parent, to be involved in scouting, we would not be returning.
Today more than ever boys need the opportuntiy to be boys. They need time to play in the mud, catch frogs, and a little rough housing. Our tiger den, would "scrap book" or do string art. This being a parents and sons first exposure to scouting it there should be just a litle more adventure and little less classroom enviroment. Many of tour Tiger parents were single mothers hoping to expose there sons to oppotunties they may not have felt comfortable in providing. Only my observations, for what they may be worth.