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  1. Begging your pardon, Bobwhite, but can you tell me where you get your info that there must be 2 registered den leaders for a Tiger Den? Charter does not require it, nor do Quality Unit requirements. I was not told in training, nor is it anywhere in the Cub Scout Leader Book or the Tiger handbook. In fact, I don't even need two registered den leaders to go on a field trip. According to G2SS, I need 1 registered leader and 1 other adult over 21. Since I have a Tiger den and all the parents have to be there for everything, voila, I have plenty of adults over 21. However, don't get me started on the mess the pack leaders started when I told the parents that I wanted to meet in the afternoon and that a parent or guardian was required to be at all meetings. I was put on the spot, having not been told that I was going to make a presentation, so I hadn't really had time to think about meeting times. I was told that I was being "exclusionary" if I insisted on meeting in the afternoon and having parents there. I was also told that the Tiger Den leader 2 years ago had met in the afternoon with only rotating parent help. I was also told that they had called council and council had said that it was a "suggestion" that parents be there. I replied that I was sorry but I really wasn't interested in violating BSA rules (and quoted the appropriate passage from the Leader Book), but I would be happy to consider meeting at night. We got over it and our den is going just great. Week after next is the first time a parent will be leading the meeting, due to our late start I ran our 1 meeting in Oct. and 2 in Nov. Now to figure out the best way to approach them about the monthly raffles that have unfortunately become a featured attraction for Pack Meetings. "Gee, I was looking at the Money-Earning Application, and noticed that it said something about not allowing raffles..."
  2. I have read this whole thread with great interest, as I am about to conduct my first training session in 10 days (Cubmaster)...I am determined to do a good job at it, since that is the whole reason I decided to become a trainer. I attended 1 position-specific training where we were all in a room together the whole time regardless of position. I then attended a second training that was horrible. I have only been a Cubmaster for a little over a year, but as soon as I was done with TDC they were ready to have me conduct trainings. I have been busily working on writing the presentation highlights on index cards so I don't have to read it from the book, but can just glance at my cards. I have the powerpoint presentation, I have created the Parking Lot poster and I am working on the uniforming game materials. Every time I look through the materials I discover more I am supposed to do...I just noticed something about setting up a den doodle in the room as part of the room decorations...I guess now I have a reason to work on my Pack's den doodles. Wow, this is turning out to be quite the undertaking, but after this it will be easier. Anyway, I am hoping that if I teach the material in the syllabus, and answer all the questions in the parking lot and stay afterwards to answer any additional questions, that people can walk away feeling like it's been worth their while. Wish me luck.
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