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Margaret in CO

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Everything posted by Margaret in CO

  1. Yes, I meant the strip. It's still around as my ds has one. He earned his new Centennial one and we have two other boys that will be earning theirs, so am trying to track down where he should put it. Council doesn't really know, so for now, we're calling it a temp.
  2. Is the new Centennial recruiter patch a temporary patch or does it take the place of the old rectangular patch?
  3. I'm seeing a few negative posts about San Isabel, but they are from quite awhile ago. Has anyone used SI in the last few years? Our first choice, Camp Alexander, is already full, so we're camp hunting. Thanks.
  4. There's a GS program in AZ for girls with moms behind bars: http://www.mcso.org/include/modules/Inmate_Programs/adult_programs.php
  5. We live in a small town too. It can be hard. We've used neighbors, professors at the college, family members, guys that work with dh, church members, business people, people at the Park Service and at the hospital. I'm CC, so I've worked hard to find MBC. Try your local ambulance service to finish those FA requirements.
  6. I was typing in orienteering, not compass. Thanks! Alas, they are not available until later in the year.
  7. Thank you all--I'll pass this on to the fellow that was asking for help.
  8. At BALT this past spring, we did an activity with some orienteering cards. We started at a letter, did various compass headings and pacings and then saw if we ended up in the right place (we did). I'm trying to lay my hands on the set of cards--anyone know where I might get them for the troop? The set we used looked quite old. Thanks.
  9. Never mind. I foolishly thought I could get a simple answer to a simple question. I won't be so foolish again. Have a great day.
  10. His PLC would say,"Huh? Whatever... " Maybe I'll just have him ask himself. ;-)
  11. Question of you all--what do you do about a boy who is both PL and Den Chief? Can he put his DC patch where the Musician patch goes? He's a very small 12yo, with a short sleeved shirt...
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