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Everything posted by ManyHats

  1. Last year we did the following May - Luau (hawaiian dress, limbo, hula hoop contest and ate) June - campout July - cave trip Aug - minor league baseball game This year we have planned... May - Bike Rodeo June - campout July - minor league baseball
  2. We upgraded our track this year to have 4 lanes. We are still running double elimination. We decided to run 2 cubs and 2 from the open class to keep the double elimination brackets easy to follow.
  3. For double elimination do you set up your bracket where the winner of the losers bracket could possibly win overall? Last year we had it set up where the winner of the winners bracket won, since that car had no loses. Then everyone left with 1 lose raced for 2nd and 3rd.
  4. We give out 3 trophies for the overall winners in both the cub class and open class. We also give trophies for best paint job, most patriotic, scout theme, most unusual and a pack favorite that the boys vote on. Last year we gave small medallions that were on a red, white and blue ribbon. The ribbon was long enough for them to wear around their neck.
  5. ManyHats

    Derby Skit

    We're in need of a new skit for Pinewood Derby. Last year CM brought out a small wood car with bottle rocket strapped to it and said he should get a prize. Audience said no. Then he brought out a remote controled Gravedigger and asked if he got a prize. Next was the Shriner Bigfoot car. Again he asked for his prize. Finally he got a pie in the face as his prize. Kids loved it. Obviously hard to top. Any suggestions?
  6. Thanks for the info. We kept track of mileage part of the year. This year we'll do better at keeping receipts too.
  7. Last year I discussed doing something for Scout Sun. with the minister of my church. That lead to me being volunteered to do the children's message and recognize the scouts. Unfortunately we only had 3 scouts and 2 other kids in church that day. This year we will be attending church at CO. Several Webelos will be receiving their God and Family awards. The previous minister was an Eagle Scout, so he had a very special service. This year they have a different minister, but CC has discussed with the new minister what has been done in the past.
  8. ManyHats

    Rain Out

    Tiger - Bear... so just the Bear's would be old enough. We are planning chili, burgers and hot chocolate. I think the parents of the younger kids will mind more than the kids.
  9. ManyHats

    Rain Out

    We have a hike planned for tomorrow. We're afraid we will get rained out. We're looking for a backup plan. We have a cabin we can use. What kind of activities do you normally have for backup? Maybe crafts and games...
  10. Overs the last few years I've designed our family Christmas card. Friends and family have come to expect a family picture with a little humor. This year since the whole family is so involved in scouts, I thought I would get a picture with all of us in official scout uniforms. Where I need some help is the saying inside. Here's some of examples of past cards. Outside - picture in full camo Inside - Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year or else. Outside - picture holding bows at full draw Inside - Hope you're on target for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Outside - portrait hanging crooked in deer antlers Inside - Don't get to caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  11. At the Halloween Party... pick one - I covered several areas that day. We received lots of thanks and no major complaints, so it was well worth it.
  12. How many of you had or are having a Halloween Party? We camped in a campground last weekend that goes overboard decorating. 3 families got together and bought a hurst. You have to reserve a spot a year in advance (except the youth tent area). Who's dressing up? I'm Cat in the Hat this year.
  13. It was the last event after a long day and CM was responsible for getting several boys home. CM discussed all that took place with CC. CM was nervous about taking it up with the council, since he only has 3 years experience and RO has 50. Who do you think council will side with... someone on the board or CM from small town. Also a week went by due to needing to get stories from everyone who saw the event. CC was more concerned about the incident with the scout. CM did not see/hear all that took place with the scout.
  14. The bigger issue IMO is the Range Officier jumping on one single scout and basically calling him a liar. RO - Why did you do that? Scout - I didn't. RO - Yes you did I saw you. He either saw another scout and confused them or assumed he did it since the piece was off the bow. We were the last group to go through that day, so you can't assume anything.
  15. CC has now taken it up with the District Commiss
  16. Range officer was not loud enough for the entire group to hear. When part of the group had not tucked their shirts in and rolled their sleeves he jumped on the group for not listening. CM explained nicely that the group was not able to hear the instructions. Range officer found a rubber stop from the cable slide. He went to the line and the first bow he saw without it he yelled at the kid for grabbing the bow by the strings. The kid that he yelled at had carried the bow by the limb and not the strings. Then he saw 2-3 other bows that were missing that same piece. Then he jerked on a bow to show what not to do and pulled the cable slide off. If he had yelled at any kid for safety we would back him 100%.
  17. Yeah - At our council a formal complaint would be filling out a form about a problem that took place at a council run event. We had a range official that yelled at our pack then our CM when he stepped in. He also yelled at an individual scout. The official is CM for a Pack that was also at this event. It was bad enough parents from the official's Pack apologized for the official's behavior.
  18. filed a formal complaint on a volunteer at a council run event? If so why and what was the outcome?
  19. ManyHats

    Cigar Boxes

    "Recycling" doesn't mean you condone what it was before. We gladly accept beer cans in our aluminum can drive.
  20. ManyHats

    Field Day

    ideas for cheers, etc.?
  21. ManyHats

    Field Day

    We have Field Day coming up this weekend. It's about 5 hours with about 10 stations. They will be giving a spirt stick to 1 Pack at the end. Typically the largest Pack has been receiving it. Last year one that said Thank You at every station was second. We plan to make a bigger point of that this year. Any other suggestions? March in a orderly fashion?
  22. ManyHats


    This person is easily embarrassed and doesn't like his name in public, but I don't think that doesn't mean a small token of appreciation that's not public wouldn't be a nice gesture. Last Christmas I etched glass mugs with the fleur de lis for every leader and committee member. The mugs were less than $3 at Walmart. I think they were very well received. I know this person has collected patches for quite some time. Finding some neat ones and giving them as "I thought of you when I saw this", instead of "for your donation" might be nice.
  23. ManyHats


    True. Maybe something like the DL coin. You could show it off and no one would know it was more for the donations than service as DL.
  24. ManyHats


    Plaques are nice, but I guess I was thinking something he could use or might not buy himself. Of course the cost needs to be little or it would go against the donation. I think the CC or CM should give it on the side, since he doesn't want any recognition.
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