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Everything posted by ManyHats

  1. ManyHats

    tax exempt

    Should we have a tax exempt number? Is that covered under the charter organization? Our state sales tax just went up. Most of the time I'm purchasing food so it doesn't matter. Every little bit helps...
  2. ManyHats

    new award

    We liked Scout Spirit, but thought it sounded like cheerleading. So we are going to turn it around to be Spirit of Scouting. That way it is open to be what ever is fitting that year. Thanks for the suggestions.
  3. ManyHats

    new award

    More than that... Always says please and thank you without being told by parents. In general the best scout in the bunch. When asked if he was helping so and so he responded "yes... isn't that what scouts are suppose to do?"
  4. ManyHats

    new award

    We are going give a new award this year. We hope the results are two-fold. This scout has always offered to help adults as well as other scouts. He comes from a broken family with lots of problems and we hope a little extra reinforcement will encourage him to continue to be a top notch scout. Also it might help the other scouts strive for this award next year. On to my question. What would you call the award? We would like to have a small plaque engraved.
  5. I need some help filling in the blank areas. We want to add some humor, but not offend anyone. CC - Lifesaver award - Lifesavors 2nd yr Webelos Leader - ?? late all the time, but might offend him - crossing over to BS 2nd yr Webelos Assist - Nuts about Scouting - has 1 in Cub and 1 in BS doesn't know if coming or going 1st yr Webelos Leader - extremely patient ?? Bear Leader - rope award - ties up loose ends and twirls hair when nervous Bear Assist/Sect - Brain award - misspelled Cubmaster's name Brian Wolf Leader - Hot Dog award - insisted hot dogs had to be grilled at Pinewood Derby, so he grilled all of them Wolf Assist - just signed up, so WELCOME on a 2x4 - Welcome aboard Tiger Leaders - HERO cookies for surviving the year with this energetic bunch
  6. "The cloths pin rank display that you are refereing to is seen in the How-To book." I'm not sure who in our Pack has our How-To book. Is there any pics or description online that anyone knows of?
  7. Sounds like you have your work cut out! It will be even more rewarding though.
  8. The den leader was out of town so the ADL and I ran the meeting. The ADL was told it would be an elective. We made a chart with all the electives and sent it home with the parents. We only have one meeting left before Blue & Gold. We're hoping each boy will get at least one arrow point, but without the parents help most boys will be pressed for that. We made placemats and decorations for Blue & Gold and the smoothies were the snack.
  9. I know we tend to read the electives loosely sometimes, but I didn't see anything that came close.
  10. If I understood correctly the Wolf den is going to make smoothies as an elective. What elective could that fall under?
  11. We stress at roundup and at the meetings that Tigers have to have an adult partner. We did have to make an exception this year. One of our Tigers is border line autistic. His dad normally brings him. When his mom stepped foot in the room he just kept saying you're not suppose to be here. As soon as she stepped out he calmed back down. Above Tigers we have several parents that like the hour or so to theirselves, but wonder why they don't know what's going on. It's a never ending battle.
  12. "the uniform insignia committee in the past had recommended that not more than 15 knots be worn" I thought it was less than that. I guess that was because the diagrams of placement usually go up to 9. I'm sure they figure you get the picture after 9.
  13. Thanks for all the comments. I think the underlining problem is insecurity. My husband is unsure of himself and feels that one of the leaders wants his position next year. This person has all the awards from when he was a kid but only the trained patch from his rescent time in scouts. Our son is in his den, so we have a good idea of how much time he puts into it. Not that he does a bad job, but questionable on keeping track of all 10 boys. We don't think he could handle everything we do as a team, since he is divorced with kids. My husband feels he's looked at differently, but that may be politics more than awards. I thought there was a limit to the number of knots you could put on your uniform. I don't remember where I might have read that though.
  14. We only have 2 lanes and do double elimination. I bought a large magnetic board and printed each scout on magnetic inkjet sheets and cut them out. Then I printed and put together the bracket and used magnets to hold it on the board. I didn't run the bracket but them seemed to like the ease of moving them along the bracket.
  15. Thanks for the tip on fun awards. I think that will make it fun. BTW - Here's a link I found. http://usscouts.org/profbvr/fun_awards/
  16. We have our Blue & Gold in April to award rank and have a cross over ceremony. Do you typically give the leaders and committee members anything?
  17. We both are trained for our positions and do have them on our uniforms.
  18. That was my opinion too. But I think he is still unsure about the job he is doing, due hearing so and so did this. We've got nothing but compliments as far as compared to last year because the cubmaster quit. I think he feels the parents think more decorated = more qualified.
  19. As I stated in another post this is my husband's first year as Cubmaster. He feels a little under decorated/under qualified. Several of the den leaders have a lodge patch and several square knots. My husband wasn't a cub scout or boy scout, so he basically has a plain uniform. Is there any awards he could earn?
  20. "punches" - boy you definitely make it sound like we had a successful derby. This is my husband's first year as Cubmaster and I'm Treasurer. (hence the ManyHats) So we run into so and so did it this way and we always do it this way, etc.
  21. Our registration was from 1-2. We had people show up at 12 to register. It was a long day for us.(setup to cleanup - 11:15 to 6:30) 4 hours of racing is a long time for people with little kids. Plus I heard talk of baseball tryouts, etc.
  22. We discussed maybe runing one round of scouts and then one of the open class to keep the scouts interest next year.
  23. We had our Pinewood Derby yesterday. We ran 33 scout cars and 28 in an open class. We had no major complaints, so we consider it a success. Between leaders we had conflicting opinions on how the order should run. We ran the scouts down to the 1st-4th position races. Then they switched to the open class and ran it all the way to the end. Then they went back and finished the scouts. I go back and forth on this. It was a long day. We started at 2 and ended around 6. The reason for not finishing the scouts was to keep people there until the end. But several people came just to watch the scouts not leaders, adults and tags. How do you run your derby and what's your opinion?
  24. jmwalston We have trouble with some of the parent involvement, so we try to cover the requirements in den meetings and electives are set aside for parents to work with the boys.(This message has been edited by ManyHats)
  25. Our Bear Leader just pulled this off with his group. He talked to each parent individually before putting it together. They were awarded the God and Me under a more generic Protestant. The only downfall is it took 6 meetings to complete and he has to have every minute of his remaining meetings to complete the other requirements.
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