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Posts posted by mamafox

  1. Rooster7: you are absolutely correct! I have a Boy Scout swastika coin piece! It's a gold colored coin that has the swastika on one side and on the other side are pictures representing BSA. I have it packed away right now (from a recent move) and can't quite remember the details of the coin.

  2. I thought that the unit can establish guidelines/policies as long as they do not contradict the established polices of the BSA.


    If a troop/pack wants to establish the no body piercing rule while on scout functions - they can - as long as the rule is approved by the committee and chartering organization.

  3. Sagerscout> *chuckles* yeah, south Texas is not a good area to line dry your clothes - unless you have a couple of days to wait for them! I lived in Houston for 12 years, so my entire scouting "life" was done there - no matter what I tried, the shorts still chaffed and stuck. I found some "almost" scout shorts at Wal-Mart too and would wear them when I could get away with it ;)


    On the unit names and location patches - I'm trying to remember what was once explained to me about that... something about BSA decided that they didn't want the units to be *too* individualized - they want to scouts to be represented as a whole and not as separate units. The unit number is all that they want on the uniforms (that identifies a specific unit) with special allowances for exceptional service i.e. service years


    I'm glad that they are not going to do the zip off legs... can you imagine what it would be like with 25 scouts at summer camp trying to find their "legs"? *laughs*

  4. I think the current uniforms look sharp when properly (neatly) worn.

    The cotton blend shirts are very resistent and even when found at the bottom of a duffle bag during summer camp, a little shaking out and usually within an hour it looks basically wrinkle free. Hung up and spritzed with a water bottle will also make them wrinkle free again.


    My complaint is the way the shorts fit. They are extremely binding when you sit down. They need to be made of a stretch fabric blend so that they give when you take ;) They are especially uncomfortable for us plus size people.


    The cost of these uniforms have always been a thorn in my side. The mark up on these items are a very high percentage (my children worked for a BSA store at one time). Unless you can scrounge around and hopefully find some used uniforms, it's an easy $75-$100 to do a complete Class A uniform. This is making the organization an elitist group. At one time, all 4 of us were involved in scouting and we each had more than one uniform. (husband troop committee, daughter in Sea Scouts, son in troop and myself in troop and district level)


    We are not a military organization, so we don't need to look any more like the military than we already do.


    I do feel as if we need to keep the Class A uniform as it currently is, though. Field dress is an opportunity to wear the polo or t-shirts. Class A isn't worn all *that* much, so it's not a problem to me.

  5. OOoO great advice given!! I can't really add anything except to reinforce what has been said.


    Since these boys are fresh out of Webelos, they are going to be more immature than the others and maybe they are frightened a bit by the new program and what is expected of them, so they stick together.


    Adults should not be in the boys' areas when it comes to meal time. Be "on call" and "supervise" from a distance, but do not stay in their cooking area. Adults should have their own cooking area. If the dad is persistent in assisting the patrol, then give him a cooking assignment of his own for the adult meals. It's a bit hard for him to cook the meal for the adults AND for the boys ;)


    Be cautious before telling a parent that he/she cannot attend a campout. As evmori found out - the results may not be the desired ones. I would be offended and ticked off if I had been told not to attend a campout.

    Instead, like I suggested earlier, redirect and occupy his time so that he can't spend so much time babying his son ;)


    I'm like cubsRgr8 - my first thought when I read about the large tent... ummmm.. NO! That is not allowed if the friend is staying in the same tent as the dad. It's simply not allowed and should never be tolerated.

    Scapegoat it to National if you need to... "The National BSA rules state that..." If he insists on doing it anyway because "national isn't looking" - remind him that Scouting doesn't teach our boys to only obey the rules if someone is watching.

    Use the ol' guilt trip of what scouting is all about and our goals and qualities that we are trying to instill into our boys ;) Works every time.. hehe


    I'm sure that maybe he's just having a hard time cutting the apron strings from his son (since they are young) and hopefully in time, he will relax and see that they are having a great time and that they are safe. He will also see that his son is capable of doing skills without his assistance. (have skill relays so that he can watch his son actually put up a tent, have a cooking contest between the patrols, etc.)


    I wish you all the best and enjoyment that Scouting has to offer! :)

  6. Sam Houston Area Council, Houston TX has held UofS for many years and it has had a variety of attendance levels - a lot seems to depend on the promotion it receives and what courses are available. It seems that once you've been around for a while and there are not new course offered - "been there, done that" attitude sets in.


    I've noticed that unique outdoor skills classes are heavily attended... as Scoutmaster253 mentioned, dutch oven cooking classes are popular. Merit Badge counselor classes are also popular and you're more apt to get those "not very active, but I'll be a merit badge counselor" type participants for these courses.

    Also, a popular class is one that deals with the behaviors of the boys and suggestions/helps/recommendations, etc. of how to work and deal with them.


    Pow-Wow and U of S is kept separate, though.


    I have recently moved to Missouri, so I'm not familiar with what the Ozark Council has to offer.(This message has been edited by mamafox)

  7. I've seen some excellent ideas and suggestions on how to handle a child with special needs at a troop meeting!


    ADHD is very difficult to handle in the setting of a troop meeting. It sure challenges the leadership to keep the meeting organized and moving quickly along.


    There is no ONE set way of handling this situation. It sometimes takes a lot of trials and errors before finding one that works for the boys with ADHD.


    One thing that I have found very useful is to present an Ethics In Action lesson on those with ADHD. This has helped the other boys understand what it's about, how to deal with their peers who are ADHD, and they become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

  8. Congrats and good luck on your Woodbadge adventure!


    Everyone here has already explained as much as they could without giving you a full-blown explanation. I've seen some great advice given too! :)


    Like several have said - it's not about "secrecy" in the sense of a secret organization, but it's about not wanting to give you any predisposed ideas of what is going to happen during your Woodbadge course. It is best to go in with a clean slate mind and be like a child the first day of kindergarten! ;)


    I have beads from both Cub Scout Trainer's Woodbadge and Boy Scout Woodbadge. (southern region and Sam Houston Area Council) I am double-foxed ;)

    I have not seen the syllabus nor do I know what the "new" combined Woodbadge course is about. I must say that unless they operated it close to what the CS Woodbadge course, it won't hold a candle to it.

    I was extremely disappointed in the BS Woodbadge course. It was nothing more than a 3 weekend SMF course. =\ Even the ticket requirements were whimpy compared to CS Woodbadge tickets. CS required a total of 15 tickets, 5 categories. (I think that's how many.. close if not accurate, though)

    We certainly would have never gotten away with a ticket being "put up a tent in my backyard". (I know of several who had that as a ticket item for BS Woodbadge). If you don't know how to put up a tent, you shouldn't be at Boy Scout Woodbadge ;)


    Ohmy, I've gotten off the track here... sorry!


    Anyway, best wishes on your course and I hope that you have many wonderful and lifelong memories ahead of you! :)

  9. I began with Webelos Leader Outdoor Training that also included Basic Training. Over the next several years, I have completed both Cub Scout and Boy Scout Woodbadge courses, Scoutmastership Fundamentals, Day Camp Training, was the Youth Protection Trainer for 2 years, District Training Chairman for 3 years, Commissioner Trainer, Council Training Team, Pow-Wow trainer in 2 different councils/states, Webelos Leader Outdoor Training Chairman, University of Scouting trainer and Trail to Eagle summer camp trainer. In my spare time ;) I was an ADC, key staff of several district events on both cub and boy scout sides, Program Director of Day Camp, District committee (secretary for a couple of years) and FOS and School Night for Scouting representative.

    The best way that I received continuous updating on my training and kept up with the new changes and policies was by being on the training team. I highly recommend that anyone who would even consider standing before a crowd and sharing your knowledge or reading from cue cards - volunteer for the training team in your district. Even if it's as a co-trainer and you have a small part to present - it's worth it! :)

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